Friday, January 23, 2015

"Love Is The Answer and the Cure To Pain"
I Could Have Told You HOw
My Heart Kept on a breaking
like a baby tossed in a gale, thrown
from his nest yes i could have told you
how the darkness closed in and closes in still
all around every single day deeper and thicker
in the air like smoke in a fire they call it the future
i call it the end of the world but i am old and i could have
told you how lonely each of us was and how alone
and how hard it is to be alone for a year
or five years or ten, and how a call to your mother
can make spirng flowers bloom in the ugliest sidewalk cracks
and your sister is trying to be a grownup and all you want to tell her
is "slow down", and your father is all absorbed in coffins of money
that he will never even be able to enjoy, for in gaining his riches
he's lost some goodness of his heart, i fear...not entirely but in part
and my mother is fighting windmills alone in the middle of nowwhere
and i am fighting different windmills feels all alone in a crowded city
building where strangers pass one another on the crooked
streets, and the darkness and the loneliness could only be
defeated by a phone call to one another.  in times of fear
i could have told you, but i couldnt all the same, for i didnt
understand the cause of my pain, all i knew was that that i did feel pain
but i didn't know the source of it, and now i know the cure of it too
is Love-- to Love One Another, to Reach Out To One Another
In Our Many Solitudes, To Genuinely Look Beyond Our individual
Suffering and Perceive With Wisdom that is called Love, that
everyone we love is having just as hard off a time and eels just as
alone, that Love Will Hold Families And Friendships And Relationships
Together That Love and Looking Outside Of One's Own Self-Pity,
Is the Key To Solving Loneliness.  We all have heavy burdens,
Why not Carry One Anothers, Or laugh about the burdens themselves?
Yes Lord, Let there be Time Aplenty in this life to Love
One Another.  To Love One Another.  That is the hope and the Cure.
In Jesus' Name,

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