Tuesday, January 13, 2015

“How The Blue Knight Married LadyFair”
“Theedore! Wake up!  Theedore!”
The sun was rising and a
Buttery light came in through
The Bedroom window
Of The Inn window.  The fire had
Burnt itself into embers and ash.
Ladyfair was tickling
His ears
with her wings, trying
to wake up The Blue Knight.
The Blue Knight Finally Yawned
And stretched.
“How Long have you been awake?”
He asked the little blue
Fairy who was his wife.
He rolled over and
Smiled a sad smile.  He could
Tell she had been up all
Night.  For His part, He was exhausted.
He was nearly seeing double, he
Was so tired.
He rose and dressed.  Ladyfair
Sat in the window and sang the
Most beautiful song about a wizard
In a forest who turned people into
The Blue Knight Poured Water
On the fire and gathered his
Things and paid the innkeeper
“Ah Yes,” He thought to himself,
“We were going to investigate
Time Travel Today….” So HE
Got on his horse Persephone
And she led him.
The blue knight was very
Gentle, and Very Kind.  So Kind,
In fact, that he tried very hard not to
Alter fate.  For this reason he
Let his White Horse, Persephone,
Lead them wherever they went----
Horse, Boy, and fairy. Persephone
Led Them  While
 he slept on her back.
She went off the path.
She Wandered into a Wood.
There Was a Dim Path in The
Forest, and when she
Wanted to wake Theedore up
She snorted loudly and he woke
“Ah, Persephone, You’ve led us
To the middle of nowhere,”
He Pointed out.  Persephone had,
In fact, led them to a Fairy
Vale and they were at
This point hopelessly
lost in the forest.
But the Blue Knight, being
A Gentle Friend of the Fairies,
Was not afraid.
Dim  Streaks of sunlight fell
Upon them there in that
Enchanted forest, full of
Ancient trees Whose Leafy Foliage
Made a Canopy above them
That blocked out the light,
The Forest was deep and dark and
In the Very Distance seemed
The Trickling of a Spring,
There were mushrooms in the
Undergrowth, of every color, shape
And size.  There were cool blue
Ferns and forest herbs, medicines
And unknown roots and
Growing things like lichens
All around. 
The Forest was rich and abundant
In composted fallen leaves,
Which over thousands of years
Had nourished and enriched
The trees and undergrowth
Underneath these decaying
Leaves, was fungi, mushrooms,
And lichens.  The Primary Population
Of the forest were bugs,
Spiders of all sorts,
Great and Small.
Millipedes as large as your hand
The creeper-spiders who
Had tiny bodies but horrifyingly
Long, needle-thin black legs
Which Rather  resembled
Twigs.  The forest was writhing
And crawling, creeping and pulsing
And throbbing with insect Life.
---But, you may wonder, is there
Not more to a forest than
Leaves and insects?
Fairies are There.
They are theForest-Dwellers
That dance in their fairy-glades
And fairy rings
And in the morning after
Rise designs of mushrooms.
Most middle-ages peasants
Feared to go into the woods,
For fear of Witches or Black
Fairy Magic.  But our Blue
Knight was no ordinary Knight
And the Blue Fairy could
Call the fairies, and they would
Come out of hiding.
Part II  “To Start a fire in a Wood”
To Start A Fire In A Wood is a
Dangerous thing to do. It alarms
The trees, the entire forest
Wakes up.  Yet nonetheless, The
Blue Knight searched for
dead, dry twigs and dry, dead
wood for his fire.  To Start
his fire, he built a tiny teepee
of little sticks around some
dry pine needles.  Then
he used a match
to light the fire, blowing ever
so slightly on the little flame,
for Oxygen makes Fire Grow.
Then he added small, dry sticks
And slowly larger and larger
Sticks.  When The Fire was a
Healthy size, he gently placed
A log of dry Pine Knot on the
Fire, and Settled down.
It was growing dark.
He took Out a tin
And a pot and
Made some coffee
Sir William had sent him off
With, strong
Black Coffee.  Then he ate some of
His rations.  The blue Fairy
Sang to him the entire time.
That night she crawled
Up into the nape of his neck
And made a nest in his hair
 and she sang  fairy songs until
They Were Both Asleep.
When The Blue Knight Awoke
The Next Knight, He Was Turned
Into a Blue Fairy!  He was Three inches
Tall and had blue wings!  He Joined the
Other fairy folk of that Fairy Vale
And of course he married his wife
LadyFair the blue fairy.  The Wedding
Was Beautiful.
And they lived Happily Ever After.


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