Friday, January 20, 2017

"I am A Kite on The Wind"
There's something magical in me, something divine
it's a miracle how free my heart is like a kite on the wind
like a kite i ride the wind all day, never running out of wind
there's something hellbent and cool and free in me.  Charisma?
Determination?  See, I know exactly who I am, and that is beautiful
I know exactly who I am, and I never let anyone else interfere.
I even let them try to change me, because I'm brave but there's magic in me
I have some divine aspect to my personality that makes me cool
that doesn't give a fuck, the part in me that know when to quit
there's something exceptional, something rare in me a miraculous personality
there's something in me that will never change kite on the wind
i don't die. i just shake off the old ways and move on. they can't kill me
hell, they can't even change me!  i know who i am and that is really cool to everybody.
nobody will ever to ask me who i am, i will be happy to tell them myself.
I'm real i'm down to earth i'm sincere i'm cool I'm a nice person wow
this anger flash mob rage has got to be tranquilized, blitz my mind doc
i can't fly off the handle, that's my fatal flaw i can't make! I'm Responsible, that's up to me
Nobody can change me, but they can tranquilize my temper.  drug me.
I need to be sedated
In JEsus' Name,

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