Monday, January 16, 2017

Friendships are each a Gift from God
Treasure each friendship, the part in you
that loves another person, that sees their pain
and connects with it and they love you back
maybe, something you have in common, or
just generally love one another, friendships
bring out the best in us.  When Children
are little, growing up, they are going to remember
the grownups who were their parents friends, and that
is important. Children need healthy homes.
all the chil of starlight and eternity cannot compare to
the warmth of a hearth, a warm fire, a computer, a comfort
the comforts of the warm family home, and our friends!
You don't need friends, but if if you have one or two people
that you really connect with and love, then that is enough.
we can only share so much energy with others before exhaustion
so spend quality time with the ones you value and love!
Friendships are a gift from God.  Nurture them daily with little
unimportant acts of kindness that become a legacy of
trust, communion, companionship, memories, and Love.

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