Wednesday, October 5, 2016

"To Charleston, Before Hurricane Matthew Hits"
HEre's To My Home City,
The City That Gave Me Its Heart And Soul
MY Islands and bridges, my camelias and window shutters,
my island home and dolphins chasing my car as i drove to work
Here's to Char;eston, the City that Made Love To Me Again and Again,
Charleston that never expected me to be a grownup, that considered me sane
Charleston that held me when I cried, Charleston Where My Heart Lives On,
To My Little Apartment on James Island five minutes from the beach
and five minutes from Downtown...Here's to my little bed in my little living room
and my first time out on my own, where i lived almost six months alone,
To my boyfriend Zed, to my job at Island Realty On Isle Of Palms,
To All The Beach Houses I Scheduled Vacations For People To Rent as a job
To My Beautiful ancient city, to my cobblestone streets to the battery
to where i ran on that lonesome night when i ran away from mock trial and ran on
until i got to the Open Sea and embraced it and Wept there,
To the beaches, to Folly Beach where I would go running into the Winter and Spring Surf,
running into the sea, gazing at the moon, laughing and crying,
talking to myself at the edge of the sea as the breakers broke against my skirts and sweaters,
barefoot, i would run to the edges of the ocean, folley beach, and i would cry, and laugh
looking up to heaven, i like the seashore better at night when the moon shimmers on the waves
my heart is there my city made love to me maybe it was the only city that was ever kind enough
to offer me a chance, to get me hird at four or five jobs and counting, you could go anywhere.
That city was like my momeea, it gave me her heart and soul, breathed life into my lonely heart
it was my home when i needed sanctuary from God Almighty.  Therefore, in the coming Hurricane,
As Hurricane Matthew is a maelstrom careening up my beautiful coast, I Pray
I PRay That God Grant My Charleston A Sanctuary From the Storm.  Lord, Charleston was my home
it was my sanctuary and kept me alive in hours of sorest need, the ocean rocked me
like a tiny sleeping child.  Oh island mine, Oh my home, may Charleston be kept Safe
Safe, Lord God, Keep My City Safe From The Oncoming Storm, even as Charlestion
kept Me Safe From all the storms of my life because i sought sanctuary on James Island,
Let My City Go Unharmed Lord God!  God, With your very fingers you can stir up the Atlantic
Thus for me I pray, if thee love me, protect the city I love That Once Protected Me.
Protect My Home, Lord.  Save My City, Still Thy Waves, I Beg Thee, Almighty God!
For Charleston was my safe sanctuary in time of greatest danger.
 I would thee protect it now,
Now even as Charleston protected me.  It Will Always Be My Sanctuary.
  In Jesus Name I Pray,
Caroline Elizabeth Sullivan Land

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