Sunday, October 30, 2016

"Have You Ever"
Have You Ever Stumbled Upon A Secret World
That You Could Spend The Rest Of Your Life
Trying To Understand it?  I have one.  It is a forest
There are more than artifacts in a forest there are trees
and spiders and lizards and snakes and frogs there are rivers
and little meandering creeks that lead uphill to follow your way home
you could never get lost in the forest of your childhood home
Have you ever realized there is one untainted place kept safe by you
and your family, that you can visit anytime you want, life a church
or a sacred art museum?  The forest is a little world within itself
i am not qualified to describe it but i may grow in my knowing it better
over time.  Future walks in the woods untainted wilderness i don't want
anyone to find out about my secret world, my forest, so i won't tell anyone.
Like Bob Jones Museum, it is an incredible testimony to the majesty of my God
And It's a place i can go to Pray, it will hold me when I am sore afraid
I know the paths subconsciously from my childhood.  You could go anywhere!
But i don't want anyone to find out about my little world
 so I'm not going to show it to anyone the places i go to pray.
Sometimes self-kept secrets speak into eternity away from time,
whispers of secrets "I-Was-Here" and "Who-are-You", my place to pray
bob jones and the forest are full of spirits eternal and divine. they are
my two homes away from home.  God Gave them to me.  I go there
To Pray, when i am scared, or sad, or need to pray.  I go there to be with
kindred spirits that know what it is like to be me, kindred spirits
that make me feel less alone than in this hostile apartment city complex.
I'll never tell anyone what i see in those sacred places
Something like "God Loves Me".
In Jesus' Name,

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