"Dust To Dust"
The Sky-Cold Droplets of rain dripped from its branches
Fallen from heaven, they seeped into the dry ground
and nourished the severe and fragile frame of the tree
The droplets dripped down the bare trunk of the tree bark
sent by god on a mission to quench the tree's thirst, Oh You!
You that toppled temples and scattered churches, that burned martyrs
and bled the wounds of fallen warriors, you that harm the innocent,
what of you Could There Be In This Cooling, Refreshing Rain?
You that rageth wars on either side and tempt the sinners to sin,
What could the little hands of the rain ever understand about you?
The rain, which raineth abundant from heaven and cleanses the Earth,
The Innocent Chaste Rain, The Rain Soaked Ground, The Thirsty little Roots
The little creatures that drink your rain? What could they know of evil?
What, could they know of a terrible Scientific God That Could Replace Us,
A Machine With A Mind of its Own, and Here We Are, Praying for Angels
What then, oh God? Will the angels ever come, Lord? Or are we doomed?
I Look Forward To being nestled and held six feet under in the bosom of the earth
For eternity, as my body loses its war with satan, and dissolves into the ground,
The Gentle Rain Will Fall Where I Lay, And I Will Be Once Again, Part Of The Earth.
Ashes to ashes, Dust to dust. So I Was Formed Then let me die and return to the Source.
Energy never Dies, and neither will mine! I don't know where it goes but I have faith in God!
In JEsus' Name,
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