Saturday, October 29, 2016

Sometimes I realize maybe my life isn't so hard, that
maybe all the sweet things in life make up for the pain...
there are so many things in life that are so very sweet and tender
precious moments you can never get back once they're gone
time is infallible and you cannot get back the ones you love, the memories
the sweetness of life is enough to carry on but as for me, i hope
i hope there is an afterlife, that we don't just go into the ground and rot
that there is some kind of semblance of reward or hope for a life well-lived
for the ones we've lost and cannot ever get back, so we can see them again
so all the things that made us cry all these years until we couldn't cry anymore,
so that the pain will have mattered.  That it will have been worth it.
But either way, I honestly don't know what the afterlife holds, if anything.
If there is one, I'm going to get alot of good karma.  If not, life's sweetness
even through the tears, was worth it!  Life is worth living!  Don't Give Up!
Keep On Praying To God.  Never Give Up On God.  He Never Gave Up On You.
In Jesus' Name,

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