Friday, October 14, 2016

"There Are Things That You Do Not Yet Know"
There Are Things That You Do Not Yet Know.
Profess To know them!  but thou knowest them not.
Life and art and poetry are not in vain, and
Poetry never ends.  it is a song that echoes across the sky
and resounds into heaven like the tinkling of silver bells
thou knowest these things not.  here.  now.  in this, this my home.
In this my home, thou knowest not.  thou may profess to know,
but yet knowest not, my voice, the voice in me that rings true
the voice in me that goes on and on and on thee shalt never
never Silence Me.  I am like the wind you hear it blow but
know not whithersoever it cometh or goeth.  I write,
therefore i live!  My voice in poetry is the sacred thing.
everyone has a unique voice.  thee shalt not silence ours,
that thine may be heard.  it is unfair.  it is evil.  Say NO to Silence.
Speak your heart and have courage. only by putting one foot
in front of another can we each one of us, begin and accomplish
our individual destinies, which are left for us to choose and accomplish
How, then shall we write? "We Shall Write With Courage and With Heart!"
Back, Silencers.  Thee art the children of the devil, the spawn of satan.
and silence shall never win.  There is always hope.  Hope in every living thing.
In Jesus' Name,

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