"Fighting The Urge To Run"
When In the insane asylum, remember,
The strongest urge you will have is to RUN.
Fight That Urge with all your heart and soul.
It is the only Way to be released.
You must let them break your heart
or at least, fool them into thinking they have,
broken your heart. Don't panic. Don't Bolt.
Don't go hysterical. Stay Calm when they walk you
down the corridors to group therapy and recreation
and meal time. It is truly bizzare, and in this strangeness,
find hope. Tell yourself, "No matter how crazy
These people may be, and no matter what
they may do to me, I Shall never RUN.
Because its impossible to escape.
There are locks on all the doors and cameras
and when they catch you they'll inject you
and knock you unconscious and
move your body and and you might not
wake up for several days. Theymight
put you in restaints. it's terrifying.
The Wissest advice for anyone committed
to an insane asylum is to STAY CALM
and not Run. Do Not Panic. Do not
Show Them That You Are In Pain
And Afriad beyond comprehension
of being trapped and tortured like a butterfly
in the clutches of schoolchildren.
The only way to escape
is to keep your cards to your chest,
be confident, believe in yourself,
and behave. When they feel that
they have broken your spirit, they will
let you free into the light of day.
But not Before.
Never Let Them See Your Fear Or Pain
Be Brave. Above all, BE CALM.
In Jesus' Name,
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