Saturday, June 27, 2015

"The Span Of Evil Is Infinite"
The Span Of Evil Is Infinite
One Life May Die, and it
makes a difference
in the world.  We may die trying, but
at least we Will Have Tried.
There are forces bigger than us
this world is more important than you or me or
any single one of us.  people die for it.
it's God.  It's Goodness.  People die for it.
I am willing to die for it.  I want to give my life
dedicated to fighting it
the evil in the world
One Life
We may fail, but there are so
many others coming behind us. this is
a cosmic war.  light fighting darkness.  if you
know which side you're on, then you're a source
of light
or darkness.  our lives every moment makes up
the molecules
of eternity.  and determines our character and soul.
our deeds matter.  our thoughts matter.  prayers matter
love matters.  you can sit all alone in a room and take on
all the evil in the universe.
One life.
I know what side i am on, and i pray my poetry
that my poems, that they
Help You.  That they help others
to Shine A Light.  Even if noone reads them,
They Exist.  Which is a proof of the Goodness
The Goodness of God.
One Person.
Start with yourself next time one wants
to fix the world.  if we all started with ourselves,
it would be a world with more light.
In Jesus' Name,
God I am tired/////////////////

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