Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Pain I Cannot Capture
The Emotion of Pure Pain
Its a sick, morose thud like
a lead weight strangling one's
heart you could call it heartbreak
but its more like a thousand knives
suddenly revealing themselves from within
a teddybear, the softest teddybear
and coming for you its a heavy b urden
to bear in knowing that noone loves you
but your family and your family won't
let you fly so you feel ridiculous
all the time, so absurd, these breasts
an irony of a wrathful cruel Godhead.
So Beautiful, so fair, so Hopeless
and yet i never give up hope
every day i get older but i never
give up hope that we can have
a life and money and home
and a baby
i never give up
i've never given up on other dreams
even when they laughed me in the face
and i didn't feel anything but sadness
i pity the one one who laughs at an unstealable
dream.  i have dreams
That nobody can steal
And A Fire In My Heart
That Godhead Cannot Extinguish.
We Struggle On
In JEsus' Name,

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