Tuesday, April 21, 2015

"Life Is Good"
Blue Powder Glitter Dust
Sands of Time All is Lost
Golden Glitter Gloss Shines on
Snakeskin boots and purse
cell phone ringing on the counter
a little lonely, in the kitchen
a sunny day sun slides carelessly
across the ceiling and slants the shadows
of the soft blue-tinted room
paper flowers sewn together
and littered on plastic stems
make the room so beautiful
paper roses, white roses, spring flowers
blue crystal vases and blue glass gems like tears
a day at the beach's worth of seashells
scattered into a silver bowl golden earrings
and feathers streamers for long hair hawk feathers
and golden hair combs rimmed with pearls
they shine like stars in my black hair
like little miracles are the pearls that drape
my lonf soft gentle black hair to my waist
a little stringy at the ends but never to be cut
it just lingers and by and by it grows longer and
longer, and a ship in a bottle and a pirate ship outside
a bottle and some porcelain dolls long treasured packed
away in cardboard moving boxes making me cry
for i miss them for a dollar you can buy recipe cards
with little muffins and bumblebees or miniature journals
at the craft store and you can write a story and dream a
dream and thank God for Dreams and Thank God for
Those Who Dream Them, and thank God For Recipe Cards
and empty blank journals makes me dream as long as they
are real people go on dreaming.  there is nothing pointless about
stationery or pens of gold that write well nor bookmarks
and if you can even dream enough, then lose yourself in a book
and a thousand books i try to lose myself into them every day
at least one that is not my own and each day i listen to the bible
on audiotape and each day i write a new poem and you know what,
it isn't in vain at all!  It is hope for the human race wheter anyone reads
them i read them.  I read them, Lord.  When i die they will be my spirit
living on, for I've published them with my favorite bookseller and none
other, which but the best.  And dreams are all in all and all in all are dreams.
Dreamer I dream on While my baby slumbers underneath the moon and stars
In Jesus' Name,

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