"Some Basic Christian Principles"
Clothe The Naked, Feed The Hungry
Clothe The Naked, Lest They Become Cold or Ashamed.
Feed The Hungry, For Believers HAve The Bread of Everlasting Life.
Have Compassion for Everyone, including criminals, even mercy unto murderers.
Be Merciful in all the things that you do, always, in every way
Let not your feet walk in unclean or evil things, keep the straight narrow path.
Judge Noone But Thyself, For In Judging Thyself will thou inherit heaven,
Yet If Thou Dare Judge Another PErson In Any Situation,
Each Time Thou Shalt Be Judged for thy own sins, even unto hellfire.
Give Drink To The Thirsty. We Are All Thirtsy, and so all shall always thirst
so do not hesitate to give good things like something to drink, for goodness's sake
That they may satisfy their thirst. And Be Not Self-righteous, or thou art a Hypocrite!
Rather than be hypocrites, be humble and lowly in stature, meek and gentle, like lambs.
Drink The Water Of Eternal Life, By Believing In Christ, For By Thy Gentle Faith in Christ
Thou Shalt Never See Death, but awaken as from a dream at the end of life, into eternal life.
Life is difficult and long, hard and for the weak and meek it is hard to survive without God's Grace
Those That do not survive are taken into heaven, and God Himself has a Greater Plan than any one
Yet-- seek to save lives, and mourn the dead! Seek to heal, never to harm.
Do not Evil and confess every sin. If thy faith waneth like the moon, listen to the Gospel of Christ.
Avoid bad people and cruel people, and do not paint your face. Pray for your daily bread daily
For he that asketh recieveth, so pray to God to give thee Thy Daily Bread. Thee needst not labor.
Do not wear gaudy clothing, be kind to everyone, be humble as possible
do not make assumptions that thou knowest not to be true. Of what is true, Judge ye nothing of it.
Do not seek to be attractive, but rather to be kind and merciful unto others even unto poverty.
Do not paint thy face. Him that hath two coats, let him give one to someone in need.
And Thee only needest one coat, one pair of shoes. Riches are of heaven, which is after death
If thee have a million coats, then ye are blessed, because thee must give each millionth coat away.
Give your money to those around you. Be Kind and avoid Evil. Believe in Christ.
If Ye Refuse To Have Mercy in Your HEart For The Meek Lamb Jesus The Christ
If thee turn even a man as Jesus away, thee havest little mercy, and cannot have faith.
Recieve Christ with a human and decent respect, and thus ye shall see truth.
For the truth is that Jesus's Words are The Purest Truth, and we can only emulate.
If thee have too little faith, ye shalt be tempted to sin.
Sin Not. PRay Always, and be thyself of a prayerful personality in character, praying always
So that if thee art of an attitude of constant prayer, then ye shall go to heaven, and do great good.
Strengthen your faith where it weakens, and do not commit adultery under any situation.
Let not the devil tempt ye with the flesh which returneth to the dust, even returneth to hell itself.
Carnal things are not the Desire of God, But Rather Good Will and Kindness among all People.
Love One Another, above all things!
In JEsus' Name,
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