Saturday, November 19, 2016

"My Makeup Desk"
I have a desk in the corner of my living room,
overlooking a balcony garden through the window door,
and before my face I placed the loveliest mirror to see my reflection
I can gaze and gaze into my mirror and never tire of gazing lovingly at my face
I never ever tire of it, my face makes me dream, my desk is covered in makeup
and black eye crayons to paint my eyes in eyeliner, black like a tiger's eyes are rimmed
and the beautiful blue iris of my eyes gazes back and in it i see my heart, waiting, waiting
in my eyes my heart is always breaking and waiting for theodore in my eyes i see the world
As I Wait for theodore I braid my hair and brush my hair with a hairbrush
my long black hair is a beautiful cascade of something soft like water, it goes to my belly
my frail waist and ribcage struggling to hold up my two large breasts that make my back slump
my soft belly, my porcelain skin, white as goose down or snow or a cameo, pale as white porcelain
a little too pale.  My face pleases me so much.  especially when i am wearing makeup
i love to go barefaced every day I wear loose, flowing nightgowns with little sequins and fabric roses
I love to relax relaxing is so soothing--- i am always tired.
And there is something else I do at my makeup desk, I write poetry daily
I've written thousands of poems over the last seven years, all at my makeup desk
On my wonderful quaint little laptop.  I just listen to the sweetest music on youtube and
I just while all my cares away all the livelong day, basking in the sun
and when I get an idea, like now, I write poetry
Life is soft/
In Jesus' Name/

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