Tuesday, May 31, 2016

"We've Been Through Too Much Together"
My Husband and I Won't Ever Part Ways, Because
We Love Each Other, and We Been Through Seven Years
Together, and We've Been Through Hell Together
My Only Home In his Arms If I Lose Him, I Lose My hope
My Life, My Everything, My only home.  How many years
would it take to heal from a love like ours, i don't know if
i would ever heal.  I would be alost soul without his love
life would go on.  but it wouldn't be beautiful anymore
i wouldn't feel joy, only pain, and i would wait for the end
In JEsus' Name,

Monday, May 30, 2016

The Universe Is One Big Cemetery.
And No Star Gets Out Alive.
In Jesus' Name,

Saturday, May 28, 2016

I Have Known in my heart that i would become a writer since the second grade, when i was given a pencil and asked to write an essay for the first time.  Other kids were struggling, but i realized in my first essays that a was going to be a writer when i grew up.  This certainty persisted thoughout my childhood education, and i wrote in much of my spare time, for fun.  I always wanted to be famous one day.  Then i went to college and studied English and recieved a B.A. in english.  I started writing poetry when i got out of college, and also painting,  Then i started freelancing for jobs online, and after i had worked a few jobs and recieved a few meagre paychecks, i got an offer to publish my poetry, and i did.  What started out as one volume of poetry soon became twenty five volumes of poetry...and i am still writing.
I used to want to be famous.  naturally, i still feel that desire... but then i joined workshops and poetry classes and groups.  In these workshops i met hundreds and thousands of aspiring poets who all wanted to be famous, and they were all very talented!  I am not the "best" of all writers.  Everybody's work is unique and wonderful.  when you read other people's works and critique, you realize that:
-Writing isn't about being famous.
-everybody has unique points of view
-you can make great friendships writing in groups
-there is no such thing as "a bad poem"
-every poet is talented.
so i no longer write to be "famous" someday.  I just write because i love to write, and to share my work with others.  And i have lots of online friends who feel the same way! www.allpoetry.com is my favorite place to connect with other poets and share my poems with others.
"Give Pizza And Pepsi To The Homeless!"
Hand out pizzas and pepsis to people who are hungry
especially homeless people.  Who doesn't like a Pizza?
In Jesus' Name I Pray,
"He Must NOT Suffer Any More Pain"
If The Softest, Kindest Angel Came
And Held Him In Her Arms,
Would The Little Drummer Boy
Be Able To Play His Drum Again?//
God, Send Him an Angel, Loving And Good
God I Need You To Send The Boy An Angel
Send Him Someone as Kind As Me
Because When Your Hand Has Been Crushed
And Your Kidneys are bleeding
And you ave Iron Rods In Your Spine, new
And a dozen or two more surgeries to endure
Just to stay alive, Saviour Jesus, is it, is it right, that
that The Boy Who Fell Off The Waterfall, Should Now,
After Surviving all that pain, that he should face
Homelessness?  He Has No Home To Go To.
He Cannot Work,  He is disabled.
Lord, then Let Him Move In With Theodore and I!
Theodore said it was a great idea, he would like a friend
He's lonely...and I could take care of him.
Lord, If I Send My Dove Out To Your Stormy Sea,
Will It Please Bring Back an Olive Branch To Me?
Jesus, this Boy Can Not Suffer Any More Pain.
Jesus, Give Him To Theodore and I, If You Do Not
Have Any Other Future For Him.  We Will Give Him
Our Bedroom For His Own Home.  It opens onto a balcony
with trees and a garden, and it opens into a fine bathroom, and
it Opens into the hallway, Where He Can Access The Kitchen and home
I think Theodore and I are Very Willing to sleep in the living room
from now on.  Please, Jesus, Answer My Prayer For The Boy,
Who Fell Off A Horrible Waterfall!  Thy Will Be Done....
In Jesus' Name,
"Put On The Armour of Faith"
Faith is a traceless, weightless, existential garment
it is the most beautiful indescribeable, invisible gown
if you believe, you can have on the garment of faith
pure and simple faith
and it will protect you like the strongest impenetrable armour
Faith is a beautiful weightless invisible armour
How Light The Burden, How Softly it Falls about the shoulders!
Put On The Armour of Faith.
In Jesus' Name,
“The Reason We, The American People, Must Eventually Declare War Against The Oppressive Government Regime”
Written Legally and Rightfully By Reason of Freedom of Speech and Freedom to Assemble,

"Anyone Would Respond That Way"
Yeah/well…Anybody- you, me,
the people next door, terrorists, friends,
random people, children, doctors--Anybody
Would Rationally Respond In a Self-defensive Way if
 They were somehow Disrespected
By a Person Like The Police,
Or Anyone who is  an arrogant person
with absolutely no regard
for human rights.
Somebody who can't respect human rights---
I respect human rights.
But the Police, the government, the army,
the the officials, the doctors, the judges---
all those people who presume, wrongly,
They, as People
As Humans
As Individuals, have any,
(Not An Iota)
disrespect human rights
in general
to the point
Of Civil War.
That is why the people are dying in the streets
being shot and arrested by the Inhuman, arrogant, crazy,
presumptious, Crueler-than-satan, evil Police
The Police are Evil.
This Country is on the brink of guerilla war
with these arrogant people.
we're all Americans, are not allowed to have guns or rights
They Work For The Government.  And so, we're looking
at living the rest of our lifetimes in dead hell center of
the Actual reality of a Star Wars Movie “Death Star”
Or the Third Reich (Nazis)
The Police are Stormtroopers.
When i see people shot by police in dozens every day reported on the daily news,
I looking at a guerilla War against the Government.
If The People Don't 

Stand Up For Ourselves and Fight The Government,
Then Our Children Face Perpetual Enslavement
To The "Death Star" trigger-happy Government
and if they want to kill me too, that's fine
because Give me Basic Human Rights or Give Me Death.
We Need To Organize, Citizens.  Yeah, The Government
Will Probably Censor this
and kill me while they’re at it
I'm willing to die for my people.
We are America.  If
We The People
Rise Up
To Fight Inhumane Ethical Treatment by Government "Officials" towards
the entire Population Of The United States of America,
As Long as some people
have the right to kill
and other humans don’t
Have the right to kill them back,
well, "A Well-Regulated Militia being neccessary to
the preservation of A Free State, The Rights
Of The American People, among them, specifically,
The Right To Assemble And Bear Arms,
is neccessary to Preservation of a Free State,
The Rights of We The People Must Stop Being Infringed Upon.
I Plead Freedom of Speech.
I Plead Reform.  Major Government Reform.
No Gun Control.
The Whole literal constitution must be maintained
in order for this to still Be
The United States Of America.
I am willing to suffer and die for my people
who are being shot in masses in the streets
Don't Disrespect The People.
I hope this paper leaks to the American public
and the whole world,

"Don't Disrespect Me"
The Only Person on Earth
That I haven Given The Existential Right
To Be Treated badly by, is
Theodore Christopher Land, my husband
and soulmate.  Chris---sure he can, for example,
 "smack me on the rear"
and he he is the only person on earth allowed to
do that.  I have My Dignity.  Don't Disrespect me.
If a single other individual
ever, ever, ever tried
to smack me on the rear,
I would fight them back in self defense.
and I, personally...well, i would plead
Not Guilty for reasons of
severe and inhuman Disrespect.
I pray, lord Jesus, never let a man
smack me on the rear! that would be the day
i fought to defend myself.  Sexual Harrassment. Rape.
and i cannot help that about myself
this is not a joke....it's a fact
that i want people to know
because disrespect causes me
to become defensive.  So don't
It would not end well, for any one.
Literally…If I responded naturally to being treated
as a sub human being, especially by being
smacked on the rear,
by a proud man.  Noone But Theodore.
Oh Theodore, How Much Do I Love You,
Baby!!!!!! You are my only hope in life
my only reason left for living
for staying alive.  and i have a temper....
i wouldn't attempt anything if I were you.
Likewise./// I could be violent, if I so chose to be.
But i choose not to Be violent.
That's my right, to choose
whether to act on my human heart's
emotions. i turn the other cheek.  Always.
i pray to jesus so hard all day.  i pray
that i dont get pissed off and go crazy
because disrespect and humiliation
can turn Pride, Self Respect, and Dignity,
self-worth, honor, justice, and righteousness ethically
into furious vengeance, or wanting to.////i'm not going to act
on any of these impulses, but i am a christian, and i get pissed
when i see cruelty to myself, or
to anyone else.  I have my Pride.
Kindly Respect my dignity, and I'll
kindly respect Yours.  Personhood
for human rights
for ethics
for sanity
for the war against Evil
for humanity
for goodness' sake
for jesus
for the sake of the soul
in each of us, i would.
that would be why i would defend myself however I needed to.
It's not Madness,
It is War.
We are Looking At Civil War
If the people Assemble,  It isn’t crime, it is War.
It’s War Against The Police State.
Thank you very much for your time and consideration of my opinion.
Which I Do Have a Constitutional right to
Have this opinion.  Freedom of Speech.
  Yours Completely Honestly,
Caroline Elizabeth Sullivan Land

Friday, May 27, 2016

Hope is a Little Bird singing on my balcony
Hope is my Hamster Eating Treats Hungrily
Hope is watching the garden grow
Hope is waking up morning after morning
Hope is somehow overcoming overwhelming pain
Hope is when Chris Gets Home
Hope is a call on the Phone
Hope is an evening gown
Hope endures in the meanest places
Hope Is Writing a daily poem
Hope springing up from the break-cracks of my loving heart
Hope leaking from my heart, unable to be smothered
Hope is Hoping to survive and live.
In Jesus' Name,
"Solitude is Delicious"
Solitude is so very delicious
Cultivate the inner heart and soul
Learn Compassion and Kindness, and you
will not ever be alone, no matter how alone you seem.
They call it "The Holy Spirit"...Yes, you could call
"Goodness of Heart" also "The presence of the Holy Spirit"
Or you Could Say, "Jesus Lives Within my Heart"
Or you could say, "I never feel alone somehow"
and, "No matter how alone i appear, i always feel safe"
and "Safety goes without question, i never fear for my life"
and "The kindgom of heaven grows within the individual heart!"
I know, because it is alive inside of my heart, and i
i never need to take any more than i just need,
to feel full.  Learn to be Gentle.
In Jesus' Name,
Most People are Generally Heartless
They See Someone Suffering alone, and
do nothing.  they don't give to the poor.
They don't wake up saying "Great! What Good
Can I Do For My Fellow Man Today?"
I do.  I really do...finding the opportunity to
do good deeds is rare and far between, making
life lonely, lack of need is why i am so damn lonely
they are all heartless!  If i could volunteer i would
24/7. if i could take someone in or help someone in need
if i could offer a cup of cold water to a needy person
or plant or animal, i would!  and i do!  This morning
i watered my garden and fed my hamster, and although
that doesn't seem important, it is, as little as it is, when
when i get to heaven, my plants and hamster will be there
with me, to say that we lived through this heartless life
together, that my hamster and i held up a little home,
in a time when nobody cared even a little bit,
about either of us...that we held up a little world
and for years, the three of us, Theodore and hamster and I,
were actually happy, that he was our baby, that the people
who kill animals are heartless, that heartlessness is common,
that thank God our little house wasn't heartless, because the baby
he got fed, day after day!  The plants got watered!  Do What You Can,
Where You Are.  God Put You There For A Reason,  And If
You don't help the little ones, your husband--- then who will?  Nobody.
Every life is important.
In Jesus' Name,
"Nobody can know me but me"
Maybe I need time, maybe a lifetime
time to go searching for myself
i don't have to go anywhere
i just wander silent, alone, among
the chasms of my cool, dark, cavelike heart
that twists and turns thence and thus
you'll never find me there
maybe i just find depth within...
impenetrable depth in introspection
because nobody can know me but me!
In JEsus' Name,
"Love Poem To Theodore"
Theodore, Your HEart is A Little Mandarin Orange
That I Am Forever Unpeeling, Anticipating
The Aromatic Deliciousness of your kiss, and
reaching it, pressing you to my lips with a kiss,
then fall backwards into a sea of bedsheets and solitude
and i get lost in my dreams of you theodore,
your little complex heart, i cannot fathom its deepness
i cannot fathom you, yet i can try
and in this is life in trying do i enjoy you
my little mandarin orange.
How I Love to unpeel you
and eat you, slice by delicious slice!
This is a mandarin orange that never ends
i am forever keeping it in my soul
the knowledge of thee is overwhelming Theodore
knowing that you actually, somehow, miraculously, exist!
It keeps me alive to know you are out there and you are alive
that you come back home to me every night
and lay inside my arms, that there is your light
in all this overwhelming darkness called life!
Knowing there is you
and knowing that you love me madly
is enough to bring me back from any fate,
to save me from any wrong roads, to bring me back
home to you Theodore, my love, my life, my delight!
In Jesus' Name,
"Drowning in Your Ocean, Theodore"
My Heart is Faraway and Sad
It May Have Come Down For Awhile but no,
I am back where i belong
I, I am in a place where you people will never get to me
You can never penetrate the safety of a heart that is a home in itself
this heart is my home, no matter where i go, i have my heart
all around me look around all i see is heartlessness and apathy,
i want to say, quietly, and loudly, "....You people Don't Know
A Single Thing about me!" I want to say, "You know what? You
People don't know me at all!  You never will!  You'll never know me!"
and laugh and walk away into my future where i can be alone and safe
where i do not have to face cruelty and heartlessness, know-it-alls and doctors
they don't know me at all.  I Just Want To Be Alone.
I love my companion Theodore Christopher Land.
He is alone with me.  Together we are alone together,
together we can hold hands and be alone together.
The one you can marry is the one you want to be alone with,
the other one with a faraway heart never to be found,
in a sea of emotions the depths of which i can never fathom thine,
theodore, i will love you all my life, your heart is infinite and endless
i'll drown in understanding you, i just want more and more
to drown in your heart.  you make me feel
like solitude can be shared!
I love you Theodore.
In JEsus' Name,
"Faraway Heart"
I had to look away
To Keep From Crying When I
Realized How Sad it was, that you can't
See the pain in my heart, and i
felt so sad and faraway, i realized
i am alone in this life, alone completely,
and no lack or gain in understanding
could change the fact that i've found myself
entirely alone in life, no one to understand me
no one who cares, no one who could love me
Yet i looked into my own heart and wondered
how the rest of you can be so heartless, i don't know
how you can see through someone like clear glass and not feel
 anything but cruelty.  you all make me want to cry.
if you could read my mind you might see the reason that
i dont want to be like any of you, the sadness in me
the things that make me exceptional are the things
that must inevitably make me lonely
i am alone in this life and i am aware
there is no one that cares, that really see through to me
my heart isn't a plastic exhibit, it's more like an ocean
if you think you can see through me, that's where you're wrong.
Sometimes looking at a soul brings blindness
and i,
 I have to look away
To keep from crying when i
realized how sad it is, that you can't
see the pain in my heart, and i
felt so sad and faraway, ir realizeed
i am alone in this life, alone completely,
and no lack of gain in understanding
could change the fact...I am alone in life.
And that is the way i want it to stay.
You each make me sad.
In Jesus' Name,

Monday, May 23, 2016

Theodore and I were overcome with awe and Wonder.
We realized our efforts werent in vain, that God was Good
and Heaven Was Real, and We Believed!  All these years
we've been struggling to get by, we couldn't have children
and our eyes are huge with Wonder, Taking It All In,
We Wander together through a palace of promises to the meek
and trodden upon, promises of an afterlife, promises of angels
promises of goodness, promises that we aren't alone, promises
that we are both heroes, promises of our treasures in heaven!
I saw promises to give me courage to keep going and not fear death.
In Jesus' Name,
"Suffering Is Good"
Suffering is Never In Vain
Blessed Are Those That
Suffer Pain In Mortal Life
For all the greater is
 Their Treasure In Heaven
Going To Be!  If  I Die,
Don't Weep For Me, Because
I Will have Gone To
A Better Place, Heaven!
And The Pain We All Suffer
In This Our Mortal Journey
Will Purchase Us Eternal Life
A Bit of Faith, and You're Saved!
Pain is all recompensed in heaven!
The Suffering Go To Higher Place!
In suffering, Have Joy and Hope
For In Heaven We'll all Be Set Free

"The Message of the Treasures Was Salvation"
The message, Salvation, was sent Through the Gold and Jewels,
The message was not The Gold And JEwels Themselves!
The Message is The Good NEws Of Salvation
That, in seeing There Beautiful Treasures, That
We May Have Faith In Christ and See The Truth
Which is that We Can All Be Saved, Salvation
is for us all, Every Single One!
The message, Salvation, was sent Through the Gold and Jewels
The message was not The Gold and Jewels Themselves!
Recieve the message, behold it, and come into God's Kingdom!
Tell Everyone About It So That We Can All Sing and Rejoice
When We all see The Light and are Eventually Carried into Heaven!
In Heaven we'll Sing and Dance Together, We'll all be set Free
So Send Your Loved Ones To Behold The Gold And Jewels, Treasures,
So That, In seeing These Treasures, Through The Treasures' Glory
Be The Shocking Realization of Salvation Given To Every Child of God!
"We Are Children of The Light"
I am A Child Of The Light
I May Not Be A Seraphim, Yet
I am a Messenger and Servant of God
Just Like an Angel Is.  I Reject Sin
I Embrace Goodness I Will Enjoy Life
Goodness and Hope Blooming So Bright
Exploding in its Beauty Like A Beautiful Star
I love the Sunshine and I Rejoice In Music
And I Believe So Much In Angels and Jesus
I've Seen The Light God Has Been Guiding Me All Along
All Along, God Has Been Guiding Me Towards Heaven
The Goodness of my heart makes me a Child Of The Light
I Live Because Life Is Sweet and PRecious, and To Serve God
To Do The Work Of God In All His Wonder's, to spread the Truth
and The Light and The Way.  I am a Child Of The Light
And You Are A Child Of The Light Too!  One Day
We Will All Be Released from sin and Brought Into Heaven
But While We are on This Earth, We Will Yet love, Live,
and Above All, We Will Do The Work Of God!
We Will Love One another, to love my fellow man as myself
and Minister to the Sick, Poor and everyone, to minister
to minister to the needy and give to the poor and sick and needy
To smile and praise God of Wonders for this Glory of Life
And To Look Forward To Inheriting The Kingdom of Heaven!
That's Why We Worship Jesus Christ--You See, He Gave Us Eternal Life
By His Death We are Released from the Devil's Curse of Mortal Suffering
and Death is not a bad thing, but rather, a miracle for Christ!
The message of Salvation came to me, and to describe
the things that Praise and Glorify God, are unimmportant!
We are all the Children of The Wonderful God!
In Jesus' Name,

People, There is a Heaven
All Those People Are in Heaven
I Feel It In My Inmost Soul
There is no sadness at the Cemetery
These people have been liberated by Christ
They Are Free Of Mortal Bondage's Chains
They Are Worshipping the father in Heaven
Angels are Real As You Can Imagine, they are!
And Being a Good Person is EVERYTHING
Being Good and Kind is all that matters in life
the love you so freely give, the love that you recieve
the love is the reason we are here
to love one another and take communion in this life
to eat and walk and see and rejoice and pray
to form a more perfect relationship with the Almighty God
With Every Passing Day, to Draw Closer To The Lord
With Every Passing Day, to Do our best to do good
And To Look Forward to the Kingdom of Heaven
After This Life, There is a heaven and Salvation
and faith are everything.  Hallelujah!  I want everyone
to see the Glory of God's Kingdom just as I did Today.
A blessing of salvation God Made For Every Person!
Come to the Water, You Who Thirst!  You Shall Be Filled!
Hallelujah! Praise The Lord, Father of Heaven and Earth!
Saved, By The Grace of God and God Alone! His Grace!
Your Grace, Oh Lord, Your Grace, I beyond the darkness so far
Evil is only a figment of the Great I AM, Our God who loves us
God Made us a place in heaven and sent Jesus Christ to die on the Cross
So That, By His Wounds, We Would All Be Able To Enter Heaven
And Receive Everlasting Life When We Die, Awaken to Eternal Life
Death Is But The Blink Of The Eye, a Speck In The Distance not to be feared
For in Death are We Set Free From These Mortal Chains, In Death Alone
Can We Be Reunited With The Father In Heaven!  We live but once
So Be Good as possible in This Mortal Life, Pray, Worship, Give, Love,
And Look Forward To Inheriting Heaven Someday!
Jesus Has Broken These Chains of Mortality set By Adam and Eve's
He has saved us all from perishind, Jesus has defeated Death and all its sting
and we awaken to an everlasting life!  Build Up Treasures In Heaven!
In Jesus' Name,

Friday, May 20, 2016

"Bleeding Hearts, not pink ribbons"
Bleeding hearts bleed their pains in words
people cry and shake and feel so much pain
pink ribbons, buttons and seashells may sell, but
all the material possessions in the world isnt
as important as a bleeding heart, a broken heart.
Bleeding hearts are nore vital than pink ribbons
you ask me to add images, i see pain and aching
emotions and images combined would be so lovely,
and yet, if you ask me, it's the heartfelt poems
the ones that are raw and crying out for help, that
really make the difference in the world.  that's just me.
the heart is greater than the world
bleeding hearts not pink ribbons=
heartfelt emotions not pretty imagery!
"My heart, faraway"
My heart is in a faraway place
It's hidden so high in heaven that
Even I cannot fathom it its like a star
distant and afraid, lost in the void
yet always at home, somehow grounded
my heart is a faraway heart with ice and fire
warm, yet cold, it used to rage and burn
now i find myself feeling more sadness and pain
i would give it away but it belongs to my husband
he is in the same faraway galaxy as me
alone, we cry without showing emotion
if theodore left me my spirit would ascend to heaven
theodore, my husband, is my anchor, keeping me alive
our hearts are in a faraway place
together, even when apart, theodore, and I.
In jesus' name,
They Cannot Dissect The Soul
Animals Go To Heaven Too
They Cannot Break Me
And Even If They Do, Hell
Hell's gaping jaws await them
So why does it matter
he that kills the moth or butterfly
shall suffer eternal torment in hell
my soul is a free thing
i can't find anyone else human
so i stay alone keep to myself
the only human is my husband
i dont expect anyone to understand me
i dont really hope for anyone to hear me
my cries are to God, I've found Jesus
and there is peace in my Jesus Christ
there is peace in my soul, deep peace
of a life lived gently and without causing harm
I am looking forward to the afterlife
Jesus tells me i have great treasures there
at least, according to his teachings, i do
so i honestly look forward to it, heaven
i've lived a good life and i am at peace
death, oh death, woudlst thee pass me by!
This world is yet still beautiful and worthwhile
Life is still worth living
They Cannot Dissect The Soul!
In Jesus' Name,

Thursday, May 19, 2016

"Hope For A Child"
I Also Want Theodore To Bring Zachary Matthew Land, age 10,
To The Museum Next Time He Gets Him, so that
Zachary will have hope for the future and hopefully
 go there for college.  I hope they go again and again in the future.
  I want my stepson to grow In The Holy Spirit and Thrive.
In Jesus' Name I Pray,
"Our Upcoming Pilgrimage"
Theodore, I Shall Bring God Into Thy Meek Soul
I Know A Place Where Holy Spirits Live and Watch On
They Keep The Gates To Heaven and are Harmless As Doves
Only Benevolent, These Spirits Will Come To You in Holy Spirit
Even As JEsus Christ Found Me Myself In The Vatican, So Here
In This Sacred place, I Will Have The Holy Spirit behold thy glory Theodore,
And Follow thee home and find thee in thy inmost chambers of thy heart
and My Prayer Is That These Visions Fill Thee With God's Light,
Salvation, Hope, Energy, Wisdom, Strength of Mind and Soul and Heart
I Want To Hold My Husband's Hands When He Is Coming into seeing God
It is my gift to him, For All His Kindness To Me, I Present Him, Unaware,
Before the Gods, This Sunday at The Museum Of Sacred Art!
In JEsus' Name,
"Reflecting On God's Light"
Reflecting on the Presence of Jesus, I say,
He was with me when I fell into their clutches
I found Christ and God In Those Places
Even as God Was Stifled, So Did the Spirit Live In Me
An Angel In Disguise, I am not what i appear
I know this and choose not to reveal myself
I write, and in writing am I made Free
I live, in living, Grow Old
Jesus Found Me When I Cried Out For Help
Jesus Was My Only Comforter and My Only Anwerer
I can Prove That He Exists, For In my Heart, Mind and Soul
Jesus Thrives in Unquenched Goodness, Virtue and Perfect Love
Jesus Holds Me When I am afraid or sick or sleeping
Jesus bears my crosses for me when I am bearing them
Jesus is with me in the darkest of Nightmares
Jesus Is With Me In The Loneliest Asylum Cell
When I Feel Most Forsaken By Life, My Own Jesus
Has Always Been The Centrifocal Force of Gravity To My Soul,
Cradled Me and Keeping Me Safe Inside Of My Heart
He Speaks Yet No Longer Need To Speak To Me
Yet He Speaks To Me In Words At Most All Times
He is a Heartbeat's Prayer away from me
Jesus lives inside of My Spirit!
That Is The Miracle and The Proof Of God's Light!
In JEsus' Name,
My Body Is My Prison
My Mind Is My Freedom
My Body Weighs Me Down
My Mind Is Freer Than An Eagle
Rising On The Tide or fish in the sea
Funny, that is the thing they say is "Sick"
"Crazy", "Mentally Ill" "Nuts" but I know I'm brilliant
That, where my body has failed me
In that my mind does thrive and heart does burn
Sitting alone in a chair inside of a room, I can
Dream Wilder Dreams Than I could have Imagined Before
When My Body Was Young It didn't know
That It was going to Grow Old
But Time Has Only Made My Mind Better
And More Beautiful,  No Ropes Or Chains
No Mind Control Nor Rape Of Soul Can Dissuade
My Mind Takes Me to all of the incredible places
That My Body Cannot Take me, and Has Forsaken me
I live inside of my own physical prison
I am personally a spirit more beautiful than its body
The bodily form is a disguise that I am grateful for
Because It Leaves My Mind And Heart The Time
And Freedom To Write, Think, Pray, Feel, and Dream!
In Jesus' Name,
When You Were A Child You Were So Young and Free
Bridled and enslaved and measured for thy mind, they
brought you here when you were young.  the water remembers
your laughter and the strength of your body as you rode the waves
But they Broke Your Spirit that was so wild and free
They Put You Into an Eternal Cage and Told You Jesus was Enough
And Jesus was your only comforter so much of those long years
and your beauty faded and you grew weary, tired and hopeless and sad
reflecting on yourself as a girl you say, you were a sinner then
and that you have learned so much, so much from the pain and suffering
you say that jesus loves the sick and poor and less fortunate
you say he was bringing you into His Glorious reign by breaking your spirit
you sing hallelujah as your legs and body fail you, as gravity and age take their way
but still i see you in Anderson county and i see you at once a child and also a broken soul
When you Were a Child You Were So Young And Free
I Pray the Waters Still Remember Me
In Jesus Name,
They say that
One Person With A Dream Can
Topple Empires and Raise Temples
If there is a Power in a dream, I have One
A Dream, That Is.  I'm Fighting For It.
Call it Art.  Call It Jesus.  Call what you will
I'm building a stairway to heaven
....Would You Like To Come With Us????
You Never Know What You Might Find
Some Destiny unforetold, some divine future
Never Know
You Just Never Know
A Person with a Dream can
Topple Empires and Raise Temples
You Could say, that
I'm working on raising a temple to God
It's a dream!!!!!!
In JEsus' Name,

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

"My Prayer"
I live to see Theodore's eyes light up
With Wonder and Joy
When He Eats A Delicious Food
Or Expensive Dessert
When I find money for him to spend
When i play the bible for him
he gets so quiet
hours pass he listens and listens
i believe he likes it as much as i do
i am so excited to take him to the art museum
i hope his eyes light up with awe and wonder
i pray he brings his son when they can
i pray he wanders like a little child
like i wandered when my dad took me
to europe as a teenager i wandered
it was a heaven the art museums
i cannot affor to take theodore to europe, yet
the best thing about europe is the art
so i want to take him to a european art museum
just a short drive away
i've always dreamed of taking him there
i'm so excited
a best friend took me there several years ago
it blew my mind
i was unable to tour mor than a quarter
of the museum because i fell on my knees and prayed
maybe, this time, we can get a little further....!!!!

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

"Poetry Flows, Like A River"
Thoughts and dreams flow on time regular
Thought flows, like a river
don't dam it dont pollute it don't exhaust it
it just flows it's a gift takes time
every day you add a little more
It comes from the heart
cannot be written in a day
takes a lifetime to accumulate
Poetry Flows, Like a River!
In Jesus' Name,
"She Sells Dreams"
I Sell Dreams
Dreams of True Love
Dreams of overcoming trials
Dreams of healing
Dreams of a better world
Dreams of ethics
Dreams of starry skies
Dreams of tiny things like buttons or feathers
Dreams of fond memories
I Sell Dreams
They are mine, i share them with you
They Come directly from my heart and soul
My Memories keep me warm
The future lies ahead safely and confident
Time passing is sweetness
Looking out to do kind things for others
Saying Prayers
In Jesus' Name,
"Fashion Advice"
Fringe and Lace Trimming
 can Be Sewn on Skirts, the hems
for decadent decoration
white lace can transform the collar, ruffle and cuffs
of a simple white button-up blouse
Tassels make good earrings and necklaces or hairpieces
headwreaths can be made of wire and
woven in fresh flowers for an occaision
or beads or paper flowers for everyday
fake flowers look beautiful in hair
never cut hair, the longer the better
aftershave and deodorant: Old Spice "Pure Sport" is
What My Husband  Has Worn Every Day For Ten Years
A freshly shaven face is always the answer to better grooming
women, hair down with decorations, or
up with combs in a loose pile of hair
as poufy as possible
elegance as one grows older
revealing one's best assets in fashion
hiding the less perfect ones cleverly
How to tie a tie
Plaid button up shirts for men
Maxi Dresses for women
clip on earring backings,
sold in dozens at craft stores, can be
clasped quite perfectly to any pierced earring.
if one doesn't have pierced ears

"What To Wear, When"
Dinner Dates. wear an evening gown or little black dress
Grocery Runs, wear a blouse and maxi skirt
Fun Shopping, wear a fun blouse and maxi skirt or maxi dress
Doctor's Appointments, wear something loose and simple
Visiting Friends/Family, wear a knee length dress and sweater or short jacket
At Home, Wear a soft nightgown, warm robe and pair of soft slippers
"Various Bulbs"
To Be Planted after Frost
In Eastern United States
Or Similar Climate
To Bloom In The Spring:
Grape Hyacinth
Narcissus (Paperwhites)
Dahlias (a Tuber)
Elephant Ear

"What I Cook With Various Herbs"
Thyme on Pork Chops
Dill and Olive Oil on Salmon
Basil in Marinara Sauce
Sage stuffed into Chicken
Parsley in lemon butter
cilantro in soup
Cinnamon in Hot Tea
Cloves in Gingerbread Muffins
Oregano on Pizza
Pepper on Salads
Chamomile steeped with milk
Nutmeg on Oatmeal
Fennel in Lasagna
Rosemary in breads

Gingerbread Muffins
Carrot Soup
Reading the Bible aloud
Pepsi on Ice
Bejeweled Toss Pillows
Birthday Cake
Swimming Pools in June

Low-lit evenings
slow-burning candles at night
Sitting in warm lamplight at night

Saturday, May 14, 2016

"Have Faith in times of fear"
Have Faith in God In Times of Fear
If You Reach Something Overwhelming
And Fear You Cannot Survive This Trial,
Pray to God unceasingly and have faith
What father refuses his child?  Likewise,
so will your heavenly father fulfill those prayers
we believe in in spite of discouraging things
that happen or are said or done, even when
God Himself Seems to be forcing you down
a path that you would take if you could but
you simply can't take it, and you tell that to God
and pray that he will understand.  "Lord, this is
too much for me to handle, Theodore's not-loving me...
I Pray thee, take this burden from my hands..."
"Lord, I know you answer prayers if we don't give up"
And you just put one foot in front of the other, no matter
how wrong or silly or stupid those steps may seem at
the time-- they are probably among the most important steps
you will be taking in your life, because of your fear.
Have Courage and Endure.  God Answers Prayers.
He Has His Eye On The Sparrow....
In Jesus' Name,
"When One Can't Do Something"
I think, I cannot Do This...
and I pray.  I pray
I pray and i pray and i try to
get through to another day.
another day comes,
the obstacles remain the same, so i
pray and i pray and i try to
get through to another day.
Humility and gentleness are virtues
i have sought them until now as
golden flax to the Gods, yet
now my humility and gentleness is
being tried...it is a challenge to
survive.  Theodore breaks my heart
and i am madly in love with him
i feel like such a fool
i do not know what to do
just want to sit and dream of him all day
even while he's hitting me or yelling,
i just want him to go to work so i can dream
about how much i love him!
sometimes he isn't as nice as he really is
in jesus' name,

Friday, May 13, 2016

I believe there is a paradise after this life
I believe i am going there when i die
I believe in a heaven after this life
When God Wipes Away Every Tear
From our eyes and recompenses all pain
and suffering is repaid and all sadness remembered
all pain is paid back to us with heaven for eternity
the price of birth is pain, and when i die
i'll go to a heaven where i have great treasure!

Thursday, May 12, 2016

If we don't take obstacles as challenges
one is never going to win
the only way to persevere is
to recognize challenges, and come at them
with courage, with your very best attempt
it may not be the best of all time,
and it may not even be that good
but the attempt
and the next attempt
and you keep fighting, and you get somewhere
that is what i mean when i say that
i am a fighter.  i persevere in spite
of the devil.  he was a liar and a murderer
from the start.  Amen.////
"Through To The Other Side"
I held your hand so damnedly close
as together we climbed up this mountain
I bit my lips until they bleeds
I cry for you and gnash my teeth
Fighting Theodore's Demons
I think you know i would die for you
so while you circling the globe
in your little blue sportscar
i gnaw the insides of my cheeks
and try to keep my love locked down
waiting game don't freak out, i think
it's just a big waiting game
i beheld the devil as fires from heaven
it struck me dumb for a couple of days
so what, there was no words, just horror
i had nothing to say, just held on to you
i'll let you know when we make it through
to the other side
In Jesus' Name,
"Until you come home to me"
Until you come home to me, i wait
time has no consaquence as i wait for you
pain grows and goes and then grows and goes
sleep takes the pain of days away
i do not want to find a new relationship
i do not want to move on i can't
would rather die than live to love another
so i guess ill just be alone
i'd rather be alone than with others
i've fulfilled my dream
the man who loves me is working these days
it isnt that he doesn't love me
he's just always got to work
i dont want to move on i cannot
my heart clutches at this our love
i would honestly rather die
and actually rather live alone
living alone is not that bad
i do not want to move on
i cannot.
"again tomorrow then"
When self confidence fails you
you stumble for the door
when it hits you that you don't
know if you're even talented or not
the fear of not having anything good enough
becomes overwhelmed by the need to write
i've wanted to be a writer all of my life
i'm just having a hard time
thinking of anything
to say.
again tomorrow then....
Woke up alone again 
it was getting dark
fell in love with my computer
and cell phone, because
they love me, i find i'd rather
spend time with them than anyone else
when you're alone you're happy
there is no pain in loneliness but freedom
I seem almost always alone
i feel well these days, rarely cry
i love theodore he's in that time of life
when work is more important than 
anything else, even me...he comes home
in the middle of the night
and leaves early every morning
i wake up alone, go to sleep 
alone.  i don't mind.  my love
my love for him is real and burning bright
true love waits, they say
well my love mnustt be true
days meld into sleepy nights as i
am waiting day after day for you
to come home to me, again!
i know he loves me
im not going to break theodore's heart
he is just working a lot
woke up alone again
it was getting dark...