The Concept of Freedom Temporarily Suspended
That Anyone Should Discover, here in this quiet little brick structure,
a desire for "Freedom", and how as to attain it...In getting well,. every single patient,
one at a time, and meanwhile, together,,, as a whole...
I remember around 5am, awaiting my first day at the hospital, looking out across
dewy Cream White Dogwood Blossoms spattering against a woodscape of pines and mimosasas
All pretty in the twilight...In The distance seemed the suggestion of flowing water, as of a river,,,
although closer inspection would reveal this muddy "river" to be a wooded avenue, along which was gathered , A pleasing assortiment of various wildlife. I remember the streetlamps lighting up the night in milky lamplight,:Arcs of white light cascading from poles forming dim pathways in darkness across which one might envdeavor to tread, to travel, as appaling as the concept may be of "Escaping"...To "Escape" The Sanitarium seemed incredibly good deal more daunting than to just "Get Well and be released"...In the shady area, darkness and gloom fed the imagination with fleeting glimpses of " escape to the Other Side" about as wild as the fondest imagination could dare attempt..
What "Is' Freedom, in its most essential? And does the concept of freedom not become crystal clear in the shades of light and darkness on the muddy flowing avanue? When frredom is so blind that one fantasizes about running away from white-clad youths with injection shots to tranquilize overexcited patienets
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