Monday, February 27, 2017

"So many of us never get the Chance to succeed!"
So many of us never get the encouragement to follow their dreams
It's really sad.  Just a little challenge you discover can be so inspiring
Your precious treasured possession, your intellect... knowing, learning,
That due to having schizophrenia, i'm incurring huge amounts
of brain damage over a lifetime, both from the disease, and the drugs!
So if my candle is going to burn lower the old i get, i'm inspired.
Inspired, to take on my passion, which is writing, and show schizophrenia
a thing or two before I go to heaven!  You see, I don't quite "fear" death--
I mean, I DO, but I....Tempt death, I look for danger...I tend to be a hero
I'm brave I love a good challenge!  Knowing that, by the time I get old,
I may barely be able to think intellectually at ALL, due to brain damage...
makes me want to write the hell of this sucker!  Life is brief.  I want to write.
I want to write all the important winsdom and beauty i have to share
with others while i still HAVE my brain, while I am still young.  I'm going
to assume i'll be about braindead by old age, But I'll have the victory
Because I am actually, umm... brilliant, and I have so much more to say!
I'd better take advantage of the time I have and write as fast as possible!
I already lost my ability to paint....brain damage...I loved painting
I miss painting It's sad....but I'm going to show the devil a thing or two
in poetry, in words, because baby I've got the Spirit, the heart, and the ability,
right now!
In Jesus' Name,

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