Thursday, August 10, 2017

For A Time I Held The World In The Palm Of My Hand
Like A Top Spinning On Its Axis
I Let It Go
Free Things Are So Much More Beautiful
It May Be The Greatest Thing I've Ever Done
On Cold Nights I Think Back
On The Time That The World Was All Mine
It Broke My Heart And I Let It Go
Like A Fish Swimming Free In Fresh Water
It Warms My Heart Deep Inside
To Know That I Let It Go
It Warms My Heart Deep Inside
I Smile and feel Like I Saved The World!
In Jesus' Name,
"Violet In The Snow"
Have You Ever Seen A Violet In The Snow
It Is The Most Beautiful Little Sacred Thing
When Darkness Falls All Around, Hope Lives On
Even Still Hope Lifts Its Pretty Head In a Flower
A Violet Sleeping Gently In The Snow Is Hope
Hope undiminishable and Unvanquished
Hope is Powerful Sometimes It Is The Only Thing Left
On This Night I Feel Like A Little Violet In The Snow
Sometime In Late January, Sleeping Under A Great Fig Tree
You Just Pray That Is All You Can Do
A Violet In The Snow Means The World Is Not Broken
It Means The Beautiful Thing We Call Life Is Rising Again
Reaching Its arms and Wings For The Sky
That's All You Can Ever Do!
In Jesus' Name,

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Heaven Is So Very Real
Like A Work Of Art You Just Know It's Real
You Believe in it, you look to it, you know it's there
Heaven is a place you can see in your heart
It's somewhere we Go When We Die
It is the paradise of eternity we find after existence
It's just something you Know Exists
As Life Goes On and You Get Closer To It
You Can Just Sense It, You Know It's There
And You Can Look Forward To It
You Can Rest One Day From All Your Sufferings
When One Is Weary And Tired, Let There Be Rest
Let There Be Peace And An End To All Our Suffering
Exhaustion is Cured By Sleep and when we are very old we die
It's just natural and as one gets older you can feel yourself getting closer
you pray and sometimes i think that's what aging is
just getting closer to the finish line
the other side is so much better
I feel it in my heart i just know its there
and when we get there we will be so much better off
it is not the world of dreams it isn't a sleep
it is not sleep it is hope it is something to look forward to
It is Heaven
In Jesus' Name,

Sunday, August 6, 2017

It is a still calm night inside my house
I smile to wish I had a little house
If The Boy Is Frightened Then Lord Send Him Here
These Memories Oh So Precious and Dear
Thee Hast A Loving Brother Here
Thee Hast A Quiet Mother Here
The World is terrible and lonely and sad
So plaese come in and Eat, You Silly Lad
I think of Boys Our There and I Close My Eyes and Pray
That the darkness must shed light to bring the day!
How long lasts night and wind and storm
How Much in me is being slowly reborn
i'd tell you all the finest story
I'd tell you in it how much I'm sorry
I'd tell the future about the War
When I was a Poet And You Were A Whore
I Pray the world pass softly by
I Need the time to weep and cry
I wish that all would end without [ain
and you, i wish that I could See You Again!
There is a man he sleeps inside my warm bed
and here i hold him and he rests his head
but if thee feel that thee art alone
my dear dear friend, oh you Will Always Have This Home!
You can come home any time of night
Anytime that you surely like
I couldn't leave you in this weather
and Praying to God You'll feel better!
In Jesus' Name,
"Night Cries"
Some Nights I feel lost and wanting to cry
Some nights I say goodnight and Yet Fear to die
Some times are so tender I can't help but cry
and smile at my love for You, and Asking you Why?
Why did you leave me to die in my grief
Why sobbing beating and cries for relief
why do we sob terrified at the devils lonely roar
when the night falls so cold that you can't leave the door
Why is the call of the night so sobering and lonely
When the devil pierces the cries of night and shatters the stillness
and the devil's armies go breezing through the streets of town
"I do no fear them, I never Will" you cry as you soul pants hard and still
When Evil is all around looming in for the sheer kill
when your heart clutches hard at its own tender breath
when the devil tells all the town of that terror we call death
riding about through our proud little town
with soundless sirens blaring those soundless sounds
they are much more wicked and terrible than the wind
than the treest or the stars, you think, "This must be the end!"
I pray hard at this Unholiest Hour
I Pray That the sound is some broken lawnmower
When rushing rishing through the streets
the crime of the night watchman is made complete
In Jesus' Name,
"How Much I Love You"
If I Wrote You a sad Song You Would Smile Deep Inside
If I told you my heart you would smile and yell at me
If my heart had winge it would rise up and fly away not too far
just a little further on, and land in a lighter, sunnier spot
quietly nursing away its sorrows in its cavernoues tears of its heart
If I love you as much as I Fear I Do, then all the world may Yet Be At War
And I am drowning in madness And You are a Whore
And as the world crashes all around us
i seem to recall the sound of Thunder
And If I loved you any more at this moment than after that
I would probably die of happiness
Have you ever been happy just wanted to fly
did you ever feel certain that you would never die
encompassed within the debris of a howling storm
the heart is the warmest muffler that could keep the warm hand warm!
Happiness is something we come to the earth to find
deep in our hearts it can be sought and one is always seeking it
happiness can come in a book by the fire or in moment spent quietly alone
happiness occurs when all you ever really want is a home
and when you find your home, you find your happiness
the heart is the most fragile and delicate instrument
easily broken like the most fragile porcelain rose
We can on smile to ourselves and pray things will be okay
that someone will be there to help us out and someone will save the day
everyone just wants to somehow feel safe that's all we need
just to shelter the needy and the frightened, to feed
to help and care is all we have to give
it is like pouring the heart from the finest sieve!
And If You get the chance I hope that you live
I Hope That You Live and Love and Heal and forgive
I hopse somehow you may learn to feel better
after all, in our home we have the dreariest weather!

Friday, July 28, 2017

"Love Is Madness Itself"
Well How Dare They Try To Understand The Heart
That Which They Call Madness Is Just The Aspect of Having A Heart
Madness Is not a disease but an aspect of the heart
and the heartbroken are often accused of being the sickest
often the "sickest" madmen are really the kindest and gentlest and humblest
Psychiatry is a Sadistic Nonsense that seeks to Dissect The Concept of Love Itself
Sometimes I Believe It Is The Cruelest and most Direst Form Of Evil There Is
How Dare They Map And Study The Human Heart and the Ability to Love
How Dare They Call Kindness and Love Madness and Say Truth is Insanity
The Only Cause For This Sadism is Heartlessness, a lack of ability to Love
Psychiatry is the Lack Of Love In The Human Heart and Little Else
The Psychiatrist and the Poet are eternally Pitted Against One Another
The Poet Inherits Heaven, The Psychiatrist Inherits Hell
The Poet Studies Love With The Heart And Looks To Love All Things
The Phsychiatrist Simply Breaks The Hearts Of Poets and Tears Down Their Dreams
The Most Fond Of Dreams Become Destroyed By Those Who Envy Them
But It Does Not Matter To The Dreamers That Dream These Dreams
Because Dreams Are forever and they belong to eternity
Dreams can only be seen by the human heart and through Loving Hearts
How Dare They Try To Understand The Human Heart
Those That Tear Down The DReams Of Others Are Surely Going To Hell
But The Dreamers BElong To A Paradise Beyond The Concept of Invention
Even Invention Itself!  Love and Dreams Are Deeper Than Creativity
Love Is Madness Itself!
In Jesus' Name,
"The Soul"
The Soul Cannot Be Intruded Upon
And It Cannot Be Altered Nor Broken Nor Stolen
The Soul Is What It Is And Nobody Can Take It Away From Anyone
The Man That Infringes Upon The Soul
Has Trespassed Upon The Welcome Mat Of Hell Itself
There Is Something Sacred that Cannot Be Decoded nor Stolen
The Reason We Die is that eternity In ourselves that gets so tired of all the pain
The Eternity Within Us Is The Soul
I don't care what they say I Don't care what they do I will never die
There is something in me that will never ever give up
No matter how lost I may seem I am just slowly coming home
I am slowly yet surely making my way back home to heaven
and /the Peace Therin Is Something Holy That Cannot Be Trodden Upon
How Dare The Mad Scientists Invade The Very Soul!
In Hell they will lift up their abandoned hearts and cry for redemtion
But By Then It Will Have Been Too Late
Better Repent!  Because Hell Is The deepest remorse in sadness
and being Completely alone and utterly unloved and lonely
is not nearly as bad as being in hell for being cruel and making the wotld a sadder place
there are those of us who build up the world and those of us who tear it down
when we are able to choose which part we will play in life
to do good to the world is the surest path to heaven
to do evil in the world is the surest path to hell
I say a prayer and try not to cry when i see scientists
I Pray For Them and I keep on walking!
In JEsus' Name,
"Little Steps"
You Tell Yourself You're Going To Do A Little Bit More Every Day
Like Today You're Going To Eat Ice Cream Alone Without Crying
And Tomorrow You're Going To Walk To The Laundromat By Yourself
Little Things Prove Courage To The Faint Of Heart
By Little Steps Repeated we can get through things that would seem so impossible
as though noone could survive the situation, just keep pushing forward
You'll stay alive and get stronger all the time if you forge bravely ahead
Little Steps
"Being Alone"
He Loved Me And Used Me And He Threw Me Away
Cast Out Into The Howling Storm I Felt Alone For The First Time
For The First Time Since I Belonged To Him I Found Myself Alone
Alone For The First Time In One's Life Is Pretty Terrifying
The Days Go By That I Just Wait For His Footfall On The Front Door
I Thought To Kill Myself But I Didn't Have The Heart To Do It
I realized with a sudden awareness that I am at this point incredibly alone
unnerving for the first time all i ever wanted was to belong
and I did belong in his arms when he loved me he was home
then flew startled like a frightened bird leaving the nest
I thought i could never find a way out of this dark tomb
like my life would end exactly where it had suddenly begun
as though forced awake for the first time i was utterly unloved
and for the first time i actually didn't feel a need to belong anywhere anymore
i had a thought to wander the world aimlessly and enjoy my life as random as it seems
sometimes when we belong in someone's arms we never get to look outside our front door
you take a timid step and then another and the days go by you feel stronger
being alone can be the most beautiful feeling
In Jesus' Name,
Freedom is the most beautiful feeling in the world
Just To Go Out Along A Dream Wherever Your Heart Can Lead
They May Think You're Lost But Somehow You Know Where You Are
Sometimes When One Appears Lost One Knows Precisely Where One Is
Have You Ever Felt So Lost and Found that the world seems blurringly to  pass you by
Like Wherever you go, there you are
Sometimes people kill themselves because they panic because they are afraid to be free
i think the reason most people commit suicide is because they discover freedom for the first time
and that freedom is so beautiful and overwhelming that they are terrified and end their lives
we run and run towards the exit but when one gets there, so many people commit suicide
then, upon reaching freedom, they just want to hide freedom is terrifying for so many
it takes great courage to live unchained to the material and tangible obligations of the world
so many of our elders say that those of us who are free are "No Good" or "Worthless"
But being free isn't worthless it's a beautiful virtue there is nothing more beautifully free
than the leaves blowing about the sidewalk or the homeless people asking for spare change
when i see someone sleeping on the street I jump with excitement in my heart and say a prayer
I pray that somehow i could someday be so effortlessly free
Our heroes Wander Around Until The Adventures Find Them It's Easy
There seems always something driving us mad with fear and desparation
I went looking for freedom today and I found It amidst the concept of being Lost
It isn't "No Good" To Be Free And Bound To Noone The Old People Can Wag Their Heads
Because Freedom isn't a situation and it isn't a fact--it's a state of mind
Freedom is something you feel when you are brave and full of hope
and noone can take that away from you running and running we are free forever
to be free is the greatest thing you can learn
not to be happy and not to be loved... just to be free
If you are brave enough to be free you will find happiness
and being loved isn't as important as loving those around you
if you have a big heart you can love the whole world itself and be complete
not having to worry about whether anyone loves you in return
When You do not care if you are loved you can never be lonely

He Breaks My Heart And I Coast Along
I Ignore Him Until It Doesn't Quite Hurt As Much
Things seem to be getting better somehow
Days go by
There are nights I fall on my knees and Pray for Help
Some Days I wonder if anyone Even Cares Anymore
Deep In My heart I know they don't But I still Pray For Help
When It seems that there is nothing left I just keep going
No matter what, I look for another way out and another
Never giving up hope finding myself crawling through dark corridors of time
When You think you can't go on, you can, you can go on, noone's stopping you
Don't ever give up and don't ever stop looking for a way to escape
You'll find, as I have found, that you can open secret doors out of nowhere
You can find meaning in things that seemed before to hold no meaning
Alot of people are spoiled and they don't enjoy some of life's simple pleasures
like the sunlight dying in the evening or the rustle of the wind or having a home
or watching time pass by and being okay or getting through life without dying
or your health or being free with time to yourself freedom is essential
there is nothing worse than being tied down to obligations that you don't want
life is alot happier when one stops caring about other people and lets go of all the rules
there are less rules than there appear to be and sometimes being lost isn't such a bad thing
sometimes being lost is a way of getting wherever it is you dream of going
wandering is God's Way of directing our paths have you ever wandered
To Choose this way or that and idly head off in that direction
there is no lack of hope in wandering and there is everything to gain

"Happily Ever After"
I Dream of living Happily Ever After
And Every Day I wake up and Work Towards That Goal
I try to keep that in mind when I make Decisions
And Sometimes I Pray I have already possibly arrived there
I'll never know if I've actually gotten there
Maybe the destination isn't the point
But in somehow heading in that direction
I slowly but surely Find My Way

How Long Has It Been
Since You Saw The Light Shift In The Night
Driving Down The Interstate Hours Before Dawn
In The Time Between Dark And Light In Between Somehow
One Cannot Help But Wish For A Safe Place To Go Then
Especially In The Middle Of The Night On The Road

Saturday, July 22, 2017

He Slides His Arms Around Me And I Forget Everything
Everything It doesn't matter where we are what we are doing
at his touch I forget what I am doing and I feel so happy
What Is it in that Boy's eyes that makes me want to run away with him
I look in his eyes and I'm home and nothing matters
He Gently takes my purpose weightlessly from my hands and heals me
Without a single word it wouldnt matter if we were homeless
a bit of cardboard scrap on the street is fine and a perfumed bed is fine too
I lose all sight of meaning in his tender arms It's just Happiness
In Jesus' Name,

Friday, July 21, 2017

Many Years Ago I Spoke To A Shining Star
A Bright Star Twinkling In The Sky
Was The Message
The Star Was Singing In The Night
With A Flickering Of Its Holy Light
And I Wrote The Words Down In My Heart
I've Never Given Up Hope
I Do Not Think I Ever Will
Don't Ever Give Up Hope!
The Message From Heaven Many Years Ago Was This
And I still haven't Given Up Hope!
I Probably Never Will
I Can Look Up At The Night Sky And Smile
Because I've Never Given Up Hope
I Just Keep On Going
No Matter What
I Don't Give Up
The Important Thing Is To Keep Going
When The Odds Are Against You Stay Alive
They Can't Bend You
They Can't Break You
OutLive It
Hope Is A Beautiful Thing
A Star Twinkling In The Night
In Jesus' Name,
The Poems On The Power Of Love Are All True
The Poems On The Goodness Of God Are All True
The Poems About Being In Love Are All True
The Poems About How Hard Life Is Are All True
The Poems About Hope Are All True
The Poems Are All True
Every Word Is True

"Every Word"
The Truth Is, The Poems  I Write Are All True
I Believe Every Poem I've Written Is Completely True
Every Word
I Read Them And I Realize They Are all True
I live my Life By Them
They Are Completely True
Every Word
And No, I'm Not Afraid
Not Afraid In This Life
Would rather Die Than Live A Lie
Would Never Change
Don't Fear The Judgement Day
I Live For These Words
I Believe In Them
Every Word
In JEsus' Name,
"Don't Ever Give Up"
If There Is A Heaven, I'll Be There
Sometimes I have to Wonder If There Is At All
But I have faith and Pull Through
Courage Is A Golden Twine
One Carries Through The Labyrinth of Life
Courage Is One Of The Only Ways To Get Home
When Everything seems Hopeless
You Just Have To Push On
Keep Going and Don't Give Up
If I Can Do It You Can Do It
Stay Alive
It's Important.  And When I Get There
I'll Be Happy
Everything Will Finally Be Okay
I've Never Seen Such A Sad Town Before
Stay Alive
Through The Sleet and Pouring Rain
Don't Ever Give Up
I Still Haven't Given Up
Truth Is, I took all my Poems Literally
I really Think The Things I Say Are True
And I can smile knowing that In my life,
I'm Kind of Proving my Poems To Be True
All Of Them Especially The Ones On Love and Hope
Hope Is Such a Precious Quantity
Nothing Can Really Destroy It
I've Stayed Alive
When People Begged My To Kill Myself I've Ignored Them
And I seem to be alive
Don't Ever Give Up
Anything You Think You Can Do, You Can Do It
I Didn't Think I Could Write All These Poems
But I Did
I Just Set My Mind To Work and Never Gave Up
I Wrote Every Poem One By One and I Write Every Day
I Never Give Up Hope
And You Know What, I'm Going to be OK!
In Jesus' Name,
"Going To Heaven"
I really believe I am going Go To Heaven Someday
If Anyone Deserves To Go To Heaven, I do
I've been through things I never wanted to go through
And I've Never Hurt Anyone In My Entire Life
My Dreams At Night Are So Sweet
I don't want to wake up from them anymore
I really Believe I Will Go To Heaven
I am willing to bet money on it
I have never hurt anyone I've never been cruel
I am not a criminal and I am Schizophrenic
I have been committed to insane asylums over 15 times
I went to college for eight years
I am a Great Poet, I write about Love
And I've done alot of random and Kind Things
In This Life I've Helped More Than I've Harmed
If There is a Heaven I Hope I Get There
Heaven Is The Reason I Live My Live so Chastely
It's the Hope I Put Aside after a hard life
and sometimes it seems to be the only good thing left
I Believe I Am Going To Heaven!
In Jesus' Name,
I was tired and it showed
Sad little smile back at you
You know that I've been crying
I have the most fragile smile now
like i don't know whether to hit you
or kiss you and then start crying
Life slips by.  I miss You; there is
nothing at all left, to do!  Rumors
are going around but voices don't count
They say I should get better I try
not to cry nobody understands me
I was tired and it showed

"Bad Day"
Wooden Elephant
Makeup Smeared from tears
Everything is dirty
There is no way out
Wooden Sailing Ship
Black Cotton Sails
float across the room
There is nothing to do
All life seems passed by
like dreams or memories
sadness is like green wallpaper
or a vase of white daisies
a little tired looking
 the afternoon light is melancholy
The Time never passes
Some sadnesx lingering
Things were never so bad
Tea Pot White Porcelain
Cold Rooms and Hot Summer
Warm food rice and chicken
Life seems passed over
Seriously I consider Ending it all
But Not for certain
It's just a bad day
In JEsus' Name,

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

In My Dreams I Wait For My Husband
He is always just about to arrive
I fear a little and yet hope a little that if he ever came
If He Kissed Me There, Then I Would Be Too Happy
To Ever Wake Up Again
If He Ever Kisses Me In Heaven
Then I Could Stay There For The Rest Of All Time
I wouldn't need this painful world
I could go home
Unfortunately I keep waking Up
Just Before He Gets There
It Is Perhaps My Version Of Hell
To Be Without Him In A Strange City Alone
Perhaps Heaven Is Waking Up In His Arms
I Awaken In The Morning all cuddled safely in His Bed
And That Is Enough To Bring Me Home From Any Fate
In Jesus' Name,

The People I Knew As A Girl Like To Tell Me,
As They Shake Their Heads, "You are So Poor"
But They Would Probably Stop Yelling at Me and pray
If I told them that I was actually Happy For Once
That In all my life I'd never been quite so free
That to wait for my Theodore like a bride on a groom
Was a fairer prospect than all middle class mediocrity
that to sleep to the melody of a softly sweet dream
is the only true paradise, a paradise in which You are coming
That I am truly happy for the first time
That I pray for them too, that I like my life
that the circumstances of poverty don't really frighten me
That The Gates of hell seem to really be in greed and riches
That Heaven Is A Walk Through Cold and Lonely Rain
On a street that Hasn't got a name in a Spring beyond time
Lost and dim is the world when I am dreaming and I wouldn't trade
my dreams are still and real and deep
If We are poor our Treasure is in Heaven!
I don't feel poor at all!
In Jesus' Name,
Still Calm Cold Wintery Night
The Snow Is Falling Hard And Fast
You Are In A Fur Coat Bundled Warm
You Pace By A Stone Wall And Pray
Pressing Your Hands To its Cold Concrete Blocks
A Door Opens From The Inside With The Sweetness of Prayer
 And Whisks You In shaking off your umbrella
An Old Library Full of people eating and drinking
You Come Inside and see people you know
Everyone is happy to see you there is no one lost
You are hungry and there is always plenty of money
You wait in line for a huge slice of pizza
People are reading books on tables all around
Everyone is busy with their work
This is surely the Kingdom of heaven
My Sweetest Love, Sweeter Than The Flowers
Sweeter than the Morning Dew Oh Little One
How Many Nights Finds Me Journeying Towards You
In The Ebb of all my suffering I meet your Eyes
Or Your gentle touch and it to me restores all hope
There is nothing I would not do for you
If I do one thing right for the rest of my life
Let Me Live On To Love You and Protect You
Life is so Very Hard and Sometimes Seems so dark
I fear we shall never escape these crazy mines
How Much I love you has no reason and no rhyme
all madness balks at sight of thee and flees
far over the hills and into the valleys far beyond
no loss for me my heart full of love for thee
In love I'm Living In Pain I'm Dying
and On love I wait for thee my gentlest lover
To Hold me is to Heal Me from wounds that scar
And Noone Knows if I shall ever be better
The Pain of loss is so intense I cannot live on
Oh Hold Me In  Your Arms Lest I Go Insane
The Madness Is When You Are Ripped Ajar from me
and Every Night Returned to me oh Blessed Reunion
There is no crueler place than to be away from thee
I cry and pray at the very thought
my heart goes still as though Ice were being driven into it
when I try to imagine my life lived alone
Oh cruel world and vain mockery that I should suffer
to be driven and dredged from the face of One I Call My Home!
In Jesus' Name,
"The Chill"
Oh Chill Oh Chill Of Night And Storm
In Thee Am I Forever Reborn
How Hard At Night I Softly Pray
For Brooding Night To Bring The Day
My Heart is Sad And I Can Cry
That Grateful that I did not Die
My Heart all sad and wearily spent
I Pray Thee Learn To Repent
For Scorn I Could have easily died
A Million tears Love's falsest Pride
And When I collapse On God's Shores
I pray to suffer no more no more
Oh Chill of night and dark and Bones
Forever will I seek my Home
In Jesus Name,
Weary In Heart And Mind And Soul
I Lay Me Down Asleep At Last
The Wounds Forsaken Cannot Control
And In My Heart Unraveling Fast
The Weary Pain Of The Sad Delirious
Makes Me Pray to God and Feign Impervious
How Dare Mankind Spoil my poor life
and anarchy reign and all end in strife
How dare the life outlive the pain
How dare they speak to me again
How Dare The Tears Fall Hard and Fast
The Pain In Me My Heart Shall Outlast
And Though I Hide my self in walls
On Fate of Man Dare See Man Fall
Dare See Man Fall And Gather Dust
How Weary I am and Pale with Frost
How tired I am and bitter too
And Honestly I pray for you
How Hard My little wounded heart
How Dare The Arrow How Dare The Dart
In Where I Lie In So Much Fear
The Devil Has Trespassed Here!

"The Fall Of Man"
I Have Lived To See The Fall Of Man
Strangely I never thought I would see it
The Cruelty of the twisted Human Heart
Freezes To Icicles The Kindest Meanings
Cruelty Shall Surely Be Mankind's Decline
It Is The Most Terrifying Of Weapons and Deceitful
By Cruelty The World Is Sold As A Slave
And In Cruelty Shall Mankind Fall from grace
into pits of shame and sadness, for I am sad
when people are cruel to me I can smile
because I have endured blows no one could withstand
People have beaten and maimed me and tortured me
They have left me for dead and I survived
They Have been so cruel an animal couldn't have endured
and I pray for them all one by one
so much evil has been dealt my way I walk alone
and in this solitude find inner peace
thank God they can no longer hurt me
because they will never get the chance to, again!
Sadly I look down on those I once Loved
Their cruelty fills me with horrible shame
I will no longer let my enemies into my heart
because I will never let anybody into my heart at all
I will endure a long and lonely road alone
and death can take me when I fall Down
As For Life, I am Not Yet Done With It
But As For Others, I've Had My Share
Enough is enough for me
enough heartbreak to survive any blow
enough wicked speech to overcome all woe
enough blows to wince and wither the soul
and I've had it all enough by now
enough toil to weary any heart
 the mind is a prison to the pure of heart
Entangled in the snares of God
We Find Our Fellow Man So Very Odd
And Stifled By Brash Cruelty
We Cease And Fail Their Hearts To See
We Cease To Burden Their Remorse
And Seek the less divergent course
that running swiftly to the sea
our course, once run shall gentle be!
In Jesus' Name,

Sunday, July 16, 2017

In The Dead Of Night
When You Can't Sleep
And Sadness is Heavy
And The Pain Is So Deep
Though You Can Try To Stay Alive
And All there is is to survive
though noone loves you anymore
though the world has passed you by
In The darkest hours of night
when everything seems so hopeless
you just want to give up
you just want to go to heaven
when life is just too hard
all there is is to cry

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

"The Dream"
Dream I:
 I was laying in my bedroom that I had when I was a Little Girl and looking out of the window...As I did, a butterfly materialized in front of the window.   It was flapping its wings and flying in one place but it was transparent...and as I watched, the color came to its wings and it was an orange butterfly.  I started crying and called out to the butterfly and outstretched my hand...and i think i prayed to God...Suddenly it flew over to me and landed on my finger
I held it and I was happy but its wings suddenly fell off
and it became a fuzzy black caterpiller with a blood trail.  I found it and carried it into another room.  Then I spent a long time with the caterpillar.  I fed it and we both ate.  It had a cat that was our pet.  The caterpillar crawled into my hand and nuzzled me for a long time.  I was loving this caterpillar and suddenly I was awake In My Bed.

Dream II: A Baby Duckling with broken feet...I have this yellow duckling with a black beak and he has broken feet.  There is a whole litter of ducklings in my dreams, but this one Is the one I really love, he has broken feet...I carry him through the dream world.  He is the sweetest duckling by far.  I hold him night after night...different dreams.
In Jesus' Name,

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

"To My Husband Theodore"
O, What Is It That Makes a Man A Man?
The Gods Will Never Tell
It Is The Spider Web That Separates
The Heavens From All Hell
Oh What Is It That Makes A Man A Man?
Tis Something Pure and True-
A Heart Of Gold Is All It Takes
 And That Is What I See In You!
To Be A Man Is In The Heart
And To Be A Woman Is Too
There is no Heavens the earth can tear asunder
that would rip apart the cloth of night, than to
take the man from the woman
or the woman from the man
There is nothing left to do in life
Love is the reason we were all born
It is the gift of the Gods and the end-all and Be-all
It is the reason we are even alive
there is no greater rhyme nor reason
and to be a man is to love a woman
and to be a woman is to love a man
and if we love one another that love is true
and noone can steal that truth away from you
To be a man is to be in love
and to be a woman is to love a man
and when a man and woman love each other,
it is a sacred union called a Marriage
And marriages are forever!
In Jesus' Name,
"O Humble"
To Theodore Christopher Land
O Humble Little Meek One
O Humble One of Mine
Noone shall ever abuse thee
No stormcloud to trouble thee
all for you a sweet dream
O Humble Little Child
O Baby In A Manger
You Are My Once and Future King
Hallelujah to the High King of Glory and Grace
Time Is Short so To Hell With Time
May You Reign On and On ForeverMore!
In JEsus' Name,
"Poem To Theodore Chris Land"
You Are A Man and More Than A Man To Me Theodore
You are all that ever mattered anymore
You are the reason we all cry and die for what we believe in
You are the reason we all Cry your battle Cry As We Rush Into Battle
You are the Reason anything matters in the first place
And if you fall we will all lay ourselves down and die with thee!
You are quite simply our king.
In JEsus Name,
"If I could Be King"
To Theodore Christopher Land, My Husband:
If I Could Be King I Would Give The World To You
Tied Up In A Ribbon and A Bow In The most wonderful box
No one could ever take that from me or you, God will reign
If I could be King I would make you the King in My Place
I would Make you the King of the World as You are the King Of My Heart!
If I could be King I would give you all that I could
and you would never be in want
If I Could Be King I would Give The World To You
Like A Soft Trinket To Wear about your neck, a Jewel of God!
If I Could Be King I Would Give You The World As A Necklace
You Could Wear It Over Your Heart Where It Belongs
Then Nothing bad would ever happen to anyone again
If I could be King naturally you would be the Boss of everything
and all devils would hold sway and bow down low to you
because you deserve to be bowed down to
And there is no other man I could Bow Down To But You
You Are The King Of My Heart
And I Will Give You everything and I will rest on your hand
And You Can Keep the World over your heart where it belongs
and when the sea and the sky are moving in and out there will be you
you to silence the storm you to calm the heavens
There is no greater love nor never could be
If I Could be King you would be King
And noone would rule in our place
and noone would ever take that away from us
we would reign on and on forever
and mercy and peace and pity and love would be our anthem
compassion would reign and we would be safe and happy and free
If I were King you would never hurt again
in fact noone would ever hurt again
There would be no more wars, only peace
noone would have the heart to ever go to war again
because love would reign supreme and all would be well with the world
a time of peace and love
and You would be the Boss forever My Theodore Christopher Land
You are the greatest Man The World has ever seen!
And I am so proud of You!
In JEsus' Name,
"Love Poem IV"
I love you with the purity of heart that a Child Has
I Love You As much as the small Gentle Hands of the Rain
No Trespass To Annoy Thee No Harm to befall Thee
No Storm Cloud to Trouble Thee Never A Bad Dream
In My Arms Safe and sound you are and may you always Be
No one understands the reason for being and I don't care anymore
Noone knows what I know in my heart, is that I Love You
and no love nor hate could ever tear that love asunder
If God troubles this love he creates a rip in time and space
a rip that will forever grow and grow into eternity
No Love could break my heart because my love is ever true
purity of heart and goodness of soul coming into you
i have stood off a million armies and climbed a million mountains
Yeah but even though I rule the world, I shall drop it to run into your arms!
You are all that ever mattered to me and if the world wants to break apart,
let them rip my husband from my arms for that is what keeps the world afloat
among the seas of stars the gravity keeping the world glued together
is the tenderness of this embrace me holding you deeply into my arms
my heart dies when I think of you and I pray for them with all I have
If i die today or tomorrow I will be reborn to fall into your arms!
In JEsus' Name,
"Love Poem III"
I love you more than the world has time to live
I love you further than the imagination has the heart to dream
I love you more than the purity of the little birds in the trees
I love you rarer than the lilies blooming in the meadows of Summer
I love you more than my life is willing to live without you
I love you more than God could ever love me unless God Is You
I Love you more than i love Anything
I Love You!
In JEsus' Name,
"Love Poem II"
I Love You More Than Rhyme Has Reason
I Love You More Than I could ever explain
Life Lost its meaning when I saw you cry
And when I saw you crying in the night,
all meaning of life flew out the window and died
there will never be a greater meaning than you
all there ever is or was is you and all i will ever be
there is no greater reason and there is no greater rhyme
if I go on singing for eternity, then let me sing of you
my heart is dying when you are not in my arms
i am waiting to hold you in my arms where we can be safe
and my only home is in your arms and it is all i ever have
i gave up my world for you and you gave up your life for me
we will marry in the cool of evening where we discovered,
that we are the same soul and no one can tear us apart!
In Jesus' Name,
"Love Poem To My Husband"
If I told you my Love, It Would Begin at Infinity and End at Eternity, Because my love for you never ends!
If I tried to explain my love for you, It would begin with The Creation when God Created Light and Saw That It Was Very Good.  And It Would End Long After the Seas had all dried up and the forests had withered away, and the last clocks finished ticking and time wound down to the end of life itself and all meaning.
And My Love for you would continue forever, long, loing after the world came to an end.  It Would be Made Up Of Eternity, and Live on Forever.  It would Go On and On Without a beginning and without an ending- a timeless, uncreated, eternal thing.  The seas might dry up, and time right run down into nothing, but my love for you goes on and on like the meaning of life.  For me, it Is the beginning and the End, the meaning to all life, the creation.  It is the reason God created the world
and it is the reason we were born.
When I kiss you, there is nothing else that matters.  there is no greater meaning to life, for me.  My heaven is in your arms.  The more you fall into my arms with your elegant desperation, the more helplessly I adore you.  If if were possible to love you more and more every minute of every day, then I always do.  You have never disappointed me and you never will.  You never fail to rescue me and save my life from danger.  You are the reason We Have Faith.  You are the Beginning and the Ending.
I love You!
"True Love"
There was Once a Peasant Woman, living in a little house, and she knew what it was to be poor.
She Had a Husband who could turn into the most beautiful animals.  OR at least he seemed like a husband, because he was the ethereal spirit among the trees or seeweed like the mist on the dark of night that treads without a sound.  He always turns into the most extraordinary creatures.  Now he is the most beautiful man, and the next minute he becomes the sweetest little child, innocent and naiive deep in his heart.  Noone could ever take that away from Them.  The woman and the man loved one another with a powerful love that defines time and space and explains why they both exist in the first place.  He could become a lion with eagles' wings, and run home and jump into her arms.  Every day she waited for him to get home from working in the fields...he would come to her in the form of a hawk and fly on the wings of the wind, lifting for the light.  He would become the wind and cradle her soft hair in his breath.  He could be the spirit of the water, and comfort her when he was away at work, working in the fields.  She never felt alone, because He came to her in spirit, he was her constant companion and she was never alone.  She could pray to him and He would give her the saddest smile.  But it was so sad there was light and hope in that smile, and she would feel as though she could conquer armies and command the world with her heart.  She felt strong.  He strengthened her heart.  She strengthened him.  What was he?  He was the spirit of Being- the softness of Wind, the Coolness of water.  He could be anything and anyone.  Had he died, he would have been reborn in this life or the next.
The woman was content to be a peasant woman, baking bread in the house kitchen and tending the herb garden.  She was full deep within her heart because she was in love with her husband.  He completed her.  And she completed him.  Life was simple.  And life was beautiful.  Had they died, they would have been reborn together, onlly to fall in love over and over again for eternity.
  This is the meaning of Love And Be Loved.  To love someone who loves you back.  To be just happy in your life because your life is complete.  This is the greatest happiness it seems.  There is no greater happiness than to love someone who loves you, to be in love.  This is the greatest Gift of God.  There is no greater joy.  Destiny and space and time had created them for one another and noone nor nothing could or would ever tear them apart.
In Jesus' Name,

Friday, July 7, 2017

I fell gasping into the sands of time
as though there were no tomorrow
all lost and never to return
all drowning in my sorrow
in me the pain has found a friend
my heart my hope shall never end
I pray and cry and all my tears
are lost within my lonely fears
tomorrow will not ever come

Friday, July 7, 2017

Love's Blindness
and It's courage too
No matter what the ending
I Love and that Is All I have
And Life Has Lost its meaning
As though a Star to a Wandering Ship
On A Cold and Thankless Sea
Love's heart the One I Love So Much
Forever Comes To Me
I feel a love so dearly sweet
It's aching in my heart
My love so tender and profound
all hope is in my heart
there is no greater love than this
nor sadder time of pain
all life all love and God above
to See My Theodore Again!
I hold thee in my grateful arms
and weary on thy shores
the heart can only love you child
my love's my ruin perforce

"An Angel"
An Angel In My Heart
Thy Love's Sake Ever Enduring
This Life Too Long With Me
For Thee Forever Yearning
When I Walk On The Sand Of Time
When I am Sore Afraid
I Dream About The One I Love
And On My Love I Pray
There is no heart that loved so much
Nor Face that were held so dear
That In my arms I've Loved You so
So kind, so sweet, so dear!
In JEsus' Name,
Where Does One Go In Times of Darkness
When Shadows are Growing All Around
When All Despair Weighs Heavy Upon You
And You Struggle Just To Make A Sound
When Hope Seems Like a Memory
And Your Heart Is Fading Away
What Light Will Find Us In Our Pain
What Hope Will Find The Way
When All The World Has Been Forsaken
Is It Yet Too Late
To Do The Thing Our Heart Is Dreaming
Where Is God Tonight
When All My life Before me fading
And Tears Have Stained my eyes
When Prayers come like little meanings
Where all my sadness lies
I pray to rest With my sweet Husband
I pray when Life is Done
To sleep with him in pale eternity
My heaven when day is done
To Let my dreams pass by like memories
And Let my heart be still
my life, my life, my darted arrow
I'll find you I will
In darkness I will lift mine eyes up
and Cast my cares on God
when time is vanquished, loves eternal
and I am weary and sad
I'd rather die for thee alone
than live without thy love
if all that's real is in thine eyes
my peace is with the Lord Above
I pray for you when I am crying
I pray when I am not
I love you more than fear of dying
I love you more than God!
In JEsus' Name,
"Love Poem"
I Love Him With a Fiery Madness
I love Him Without Limits
I Love Him so much my heart aches all day
I love him like there is nothing left for me in life
I love him more than i have ever loved anyone else
I love him tragically
I don't care about the details
I want to get lost in the world with him
I don't care if we both forget who we are
I don't care if we lose everything we ever had
If I live my life I will be buried by his side someday
I am terrifed of having to live without my Theodore
I don't even think that I could live without him
I pray and I hope and I stay alive
This little task of survival awards me my Theodore
If I can stay alive I can love him
There is nothing left for me to do
In life, that I love Theodore, it is clear
When I Hold him in my arms I am truly happy
I feel as though my whole life were answered
Like my prayers had all come true
The only thing I could ever want from Heaven
Id the time I have to be with Theodore!
I will love him all the days of my life
and I'll likely love him even better in death
There is nothing I would rather be than his wife
there is nothing I would rather do
There is nothing left to care about
life seems to havel ost its meaning
I go weak at his touch
that is enough for me!
In JEsus' Name,

Saturday, July 1, 2017

"The Most BEautiful Garden"
The most beautiful garden
A meadow of lavender, white daisies and roses and sunflowers
a forest of azaeleas and dogwoods trees and roses
little containers of herbs and mosses all over the ground
sleeping puddles of little swimming creatures
vegetables, pumkins squash watermelons and cucumbers
tomatoes, carrots, bellpeppers and corn
i would cover the world with the most beautiful garden
the devil would lose his power to the growing things all around
and i would plant all variety of fruits and vegetables, flowers and herbs
the most beautiful garden!

Saturday, June 24, 2017

"A Dreamer's Paradise"
Poverty Is A Dreamer's Paradise
I Don't Regret anything and I don't know why
But I love to dream to the stars up in the sky
They ring out the most beautiful music
Heaven can hardly bear the beauty of the stars
And The little weeds growing among the grass are holy
they are perfect and scattered about like prayers to Jesus
Prayer is easy and it is sweet and possessions are held dear
Sleep comes easy and life rolls by softly like a caressing summer wave
soft and gentle is time and kind and merciful is God
and heartbreaks evaporate with the morning dew
I am truly perfectly happy in my life
sadness is divine and sublime and so deep
I don't believe anyone could ever take it away from me!
Poverty is a Dreamer's Paradise
In Jesus' Name,
"Being Happy"
To Be Happy is perhaps the Greatest Freedom
Just To Sit, Alone or wherever you are and
The Gift of happiness is priceless
 antidepressants cannot replicate it
painkillers cannot dull it
 and tranquilizers cannot dim it
True Happiness is to sit alone in a room and be Happy
For No Real ReasonAt All
Inner PEace and Serenity
Joy and Well-Being
Sense that All is Well, Somehow
No Matter How Messed Up Everything Gets
Somehow Just Being Happy is Priceless
Wherever You are
Whatever You are doing
Whether You are large or small
in the Grand Scheme of things
Simply being happy is a wonderful gift from God
In JEsus Name,
When I Was A Child I Would Imagine God
Maybe You feel like God is Cruel
Like he Hurts You Without a good reason
but you are wrong there is always a reason for pain
pain makes us stronger and one learns and grows from pain
our Pain in life creates who we become and transforms us into better hearts
it make us who we are as time goes by do not blame God he knows what he is doing
and all pain and suffering has a reason and a purpose
the pain i feel now, like the coldness of winter, will someday thaw into spring flowers
So God is really not being cruel and He loves us all
his Purposes are divine and unfathomable so don't ever give up on your life
you will be stronger when you overcome pain and one day grateful for your wisdom
Pain makes us Become Who We Are!
In JEsus' Name,
"Why I Believe in Jesus"
I'm Glad I Believe in Jesus After All these years
Because loneliness is the heaviest load to bear on the heart
and nobody deserves to bear it alone
so jesus comforts me in my soliytude unending
may this pain give birth to poetry that soothes others and myself
may the children of pain be Hope and New Beginnings
I dream of starting over I long for what I've lost
and as i bring forth to labor at self expression like tears
streaming down my wet cheeks and dripping into the bathtub
i will never die!
Yes i believe in jesus and it isn't so much because i have proof
i just love jesus as a person he completes me deep inside
and the things i love about my husband are the things that jesus taught
and the way i live my life is based essentially on the way jesus ttaught
and i am glad i believe in jesus after all these years
he is a ghost to my fondest memory and a best friend and companion
sometimes i think the voices i hear are the manifestation of the Holy and Divine
The Holy Spirit sprining forth from my heart like an unsourced well
Bursting forth from my heart with unknown strength like bleeding
i'm glad I believe in Jesus after all these years!
In Jesus' Name,
Schizophrenia is the Curse of Solitude and Sadness
When One is Alone One's Thoughts Become Loud
So You Write them down, it doesnt really help
the depth of the soul is like an ocean at night, fathomless
and noone has the courage to penetrate its solitude
sadness is a voice in my heart and my unhearing inner ear
as though from death and nonexistence rises forth a Jubilant Spring
Pouring forth the inaudible blood of my aching soul that is my pain
and my heart is bleeding words that stab my heart again and again
my unheard cries of agony echo against my ponderous mind
like a world or a vaccuum that is infinite and unending it never stops
these voices in my head are the music of my soul and the colors of my heartbreak
self expression is become void in this meandering pain
In JEsus' Name,
There Are Comforts That Soothe The Soul
Sometimes A Cup of Hot Coffee Is The Kindest Gift You Can Give
Sometimes a lamp emits a light in the dark rainy afternoon room
A light that warms the heart and fulfills longing for just a moment
i hope you can sigh when you are sad because sadness is deep and eternal
For some of us it never goes away sadness is dense like trees or rosebushes
something about sadness that makes me cry something i cannot explain
and hope to see the loved one again
"Local Bookstore"
It is a Second Home, The Local bookstore
Something of yellowed pages and umbrellas shaking off rain
something about cities and grime and timelessness and hot coffee
something Safe, you feel safe and at home
one feels like nothing could hurt you inside the local bookstore
Safe and sound in its walls a blessed sanctuary like a church
filled with books and you gave your life to books
Some impenetrable safety of bookisshness and peace
you want to withdraw from the city and lose yourself in a book
and the coffee reassures you that things are somehow going to be O.K.
Safety in the City and Solace in Solitude A Quiet Place To Rest
A Sanctuary and a home and a place to pray
,The Local Bookstore!

And Now I Will Wirte of Loneliness
Loneliness is Deadly and it dan be described as an Ache
"Dolerse" To Hurt, Deeply in the heart
This is Loneliness.  A Bit Hopeless and hard to shake
just the feeling that one is actually completely alone in life
and that there is nothing anyone or anything can do to help you
as though no matter how busy or full one's life is
yet still One Will always be alone it is painful
it comes when the one you loves is ripped away from you
or there is noone to love
it hurts the Best of Us at the Worst of times
Loneliness is the Solitary emotion it creeps in
like an unwanted guest or a bad omen
you pray that this unwanted feelinf is not who you are
yet feel like an outcast all the same and hopelessness
when you are lonely the deepest feeling resides in your heart
the things that make you feel deeper than others really are deep
and you prefer being alone in solitude to anything else
it is the sense of being alone that is divine and [pleasing to the soul
to stand apart from the world and watch all life and eart pass you by
there is peace in being perfectly still
There is Peace in letting the world pass you by
like bright fluffy clouds on a slanting summer sky
and loneliness is the loss of someone you love
and loneliness is also the lack thereof
and loneliness is my companion in my solitude
and i am loath to leave such gentle company!
And loneliness never ends and you long and long
the loss in your heart that won't be denied
when someone you love has left you or died
you look for their love yet find an empty hole
a place in your heart that is lacking part of your soul
there are no few tears to absolve this greif
our lives have proven to us that Time is a thief!
In Jesus' Name,
"Poem To Uncle Bill"
When My Uncle Died Nobody Cared
Nobody Cared, not even at all.  They didn't care
When He died Nobody even knew he was dead
But I did because I prayed and He Spoke To Me
The Days Went By, We Walked A Lonely Road
Together, He and I, He Was My Companion
In Life, In My HEart, and I Was Not Alone Then
When My Uncle Went To HEaven There Was Blood on the wall
A Bloody HAndprint on my berdroom wall, my own
The time i almost cut my toe off on a piece of sharp glass
It makes me so sad I remember his Vioce In my heart like Bubbles
Bubbles rising Up and Up in my heart like Joyful Champagne
We Walked A Long and lonely road that may yet never end
I have become his companion in a long and sadness filled story
pain is all around always and he Cries
it is the first time i have ever heard a man cry
he Cries in my heart and i try to get better
When My Uncle Died Nobody Cared
Some days i go walking along the seaside in my heart
there is no sea in this city but pavement and slabs of concrete
Cars come and go but not for me, i am imprisoned in this tomb
there is no escape for me and no hope left at all
In my heart i go walking by the ocean waves as they lap in and out
against the humid shores of my Being, like my uncle;s Voice
Coming and going like breathing in and out like panting or my heartbeat
I feel alone in this solitude there is noone there to comfort me
except my uncle's inaudible voice bubbling up into my heart
I pray all day increasingly more and more, until it is become qWho I Am
Loneliness seems the gentle ghost to my memory and I pray
I pray with all my heart and all my soul
I am terrified of dying i dont know whar happens to us when we die
Perhaps that is why i am so Sad Why I Cry and Pray All Day every Day
When My Uncle Died Nobody Cared
I Guess It Broke My Heart!
In Jesus' Name,
I Write, Because--
--Because, There is Something That Needs To Be Told.
There are Great Truths about Our Jesus Christ
Truths That The World Deserves To Know
Yet Does Not Yet Know
There Are Things That Need To Be Said
Things About God
About Jesus Christ
About Why We Are All Alive
What The Life is Reallt All About
To Me.  Wisdom Comes Slowly and Softly
like the hands of the Warm Summer Rain
On Afternoons Slipping Past Gently, Softly like Dreams
Cool To The Touch, Sweet To the Taste
You Could Stay HEre In These Moments Forever
In JEsus Name,

Friday, June 23, 2017

"All The Same"
Life Is Hard And Yet, I am still alive
I don't know how I have survived and I Give Thanks to God
Thanks to God My Father Just Working hard to Keep My Fool self Alive!
Hallelujah Lord!  Why would God care about someone as sinful as me?  I don't know
and Yet, I know and Believe, deep in my heart, that God Loves Me All The Same
All The Same
He Loves Me
 All The Same!
In Jesus' Name,
"Hymn No 1"
The Lord Comes To Me In Day and In Night,
The Lord Is With Me In All Forms of True Sight.
Hallelujah To The Holy Lord, May He Be Lifted High,
For Resting On The Cross is The Hope of You and I
Let Us Praise Him With Cymbals And Harps and With Drums
Hallelujah on High Most For God's Kingdom To Come!
In Jesus' Name, Amen!
"The Lord JEsus"
The Little Lord Jesus, Asleep In The Straw!
How Holy a blessed night, that the Grace of God should come to me!
The Greatest Thing anyone can do in this Life, is to take care of one another
there are countless acts of kindness one can do at any point in time, to be kind!
Kindness is perhaps the reason we are sent to earth in the first place
life is short but eternity is forever
may we each do the kindest little things, and inherit the kingdom of God!
In Jesus' Name,

Friday, May 12, 2017

'Is there any One?"
Is There any One God Scorns? Surely not.
Is there anyone Unloveable in the Eyes of God? Surely Not.
Is there anyone God could not Love? Surely Not.
Is Any Lamb Too High a Sacrifice To Pay?  Surely Not.
Is Any Hope hopeless in the eyes of God?  Surely not.
Is there anything too small for God To Love?  Surely Not.
Is There Any Prayer Too Unimportant For God To Listen To? Surely Not.
Is There Any HEartbreak God Doesn't undetstand?  Surely Not.
Is there any time we should not take hope in Our God?  Surely Not.
Will God Ever Be To Busy For You And Me?  Surely Not.
Will he Ever ignore our prayers? Surely Not.
Are We Foolish to take This Hope in God? Surely Not
Will God Ever Forsake us? Surely Not.
It is in God's tenderest mercies that he is the closest to us,
and In the pain of betrayal and harm do we realize, that
In reality God has never left any of us in the first place!
In Jesus' Name,
"How Dim Were My Hopes"
How Dim Were My Hopes As I Wandered Among The Roses!
Among the Blossoms and thorns, How little seemed my Cries for Help.
How Hopeless The Night Will Seem Before the Day Of Doom Arrives
But What is that Doom, But A Great Hope Hidden In Suprise
Show Me Doom, and Darkness, and I'll show you light of hope
How dim were my hopes that I would ever be loved, before i lived my life with thee!
How dim were my hopes that God could ever love me, until I Was Found?
How Dim were my hopes before things got so much better again
How Dim Were My Hopes when everyone was full of despair and wept
How Dim Were My Hopes on a lonely Stretch of Highway
How Dim Were My Hopes on the Third Day of Ressurection
Did anyone have hope, after those hellish days of crucifixion?
How Could we?  How could anyone, having seen the light?
How could anyone have hoped to be comforted, in that hour of despair!
Oh , that God Could have been merciful, when he saw Us All Lying There!
In JEsus' Name,
"What Was Faith"
What Was Faith To Every Man When We Chose To Believe in Thee?
In Our Faith, Can You See How Afraid We Are, How We Turn Helplessly to God?
There is nothing for anyone to reason, beyond to cast his cares on God Almighty
What Was Faith, But A tiny Mustard seed, in david's heart when he slew Goliath?
What Was Faith but a sparkle in the shadows, When God said, "Let There Be light?"
What Was Faith when Moses overthrew Egyptian slavery?
What was faith when we wandered in the desert four hundred years?
What was faith, when the Devil Tempted Jesus in the Wilderness?
What was faith in these times, but a dim and seemingly hopeless faith?
What was faith, but a light in the night like a dim but persistent star?
What was faith when Death Passed Upon The First Born In Egypt?
What Was Faith When The Walls of Jericho Came Crashing Down?
What Was Faith When Saul Fell Trembling To His Knees?
What Was Faith in all those moments, but a dim light, a hope shining in darkness?
No matter how hopeless and little our Faith may seem, at the time,
Sometimes it is the little awareness of  One's individual faith that protects us all
Sometimes the littlest bits of faith are the most essential
Sometimes the dealbreaker comes down to the One With The Most Faith
Sometimes God answers us in powerful ways we cann't explain
Sometimes God Seems Far Away, But Other Times He seems So Very Near!
Sometimes God seems to wait for us to discover and Find God, in the Ruins of a city
What Was Faith When they said we were too small?  Or too few? Or too weak? Or Unimportant?
God has always admired our strength to  Have Faith in God Throughout even the Hardest of trials!
It is one of God's unique ways of showing us he cares, throughout the bible!
In JEsus' Name,
"Surely Not"
If One Feels Incredibly lost and Impossible To be Found
If One Doubts that God Could Care Enough to love them at all
When We feel most outcast and Forsaken, like a lamppost alone in the snow
Surely Jesus Must Care Enough To Love Every One Of Us!
Surely there is nothing too dark to be penetrated by the Living God
Although the world around you may seem difficult to stay alive and survive,
No matter how impossible and daunting the odds may be set against oneself
No Matter how great the darkness may threaten the faintest light
No matter how hopeless or useless One May Feel
Abandonment by God, it isn't real.  In Our Darkest moments, I believe
That is God's way of calling us home, of drawing us near to his heart
When Any of us feel most forsaken or hopeless to be saved
These are the times when God is Drawing us tightly around his heart!
God Has A Close Personal relationship with every single living soul on earth
Is there anyone so unloveable that God Could Cast Them Out of Heaven?
Surely not, Oh God Unfathobale!  Surely not!
I believe that, at times when each of us feels the most brokenhearted of all,
Then in those moments, in fact, That God is all the closer to us within our hearts
God is Closer To The Brokenhearted, When You feel Alone he is nearer to You
God Love us Most When Our Faith is Tested Or Tried, He is drawing us near
And It takes my faith unseeing to make this truly clear
If We Walk By Faith and Not By Sight. Then Where is God, but near?
Surely he is nearer to our hearts when we repent, surely God Will not Forsake us!
Surely not, Oh Lord, Surely Not!
In JEsus' Name,
"In The Darkest Of Night"
In The Darkest Hours of Night, Who is there?
Who Can Comfort our clammy Brows in hours of sorest need?
Who Can Reach into the darkness and unearth the truth beneath?
Who Can Penetrate The Hours Between Midnight and Dawn, But He?
Who But Jesus, Can Break through to that dawn in our hours of need?
Who can see the light everlasting far beyond, who leads us home?
What lonely Watchkeeper will One Find in the Darkest of Night?
Who Will answer that call, But Jesus Christ?  When One is lost and Forsaken,
The Lord Jesus Calms That Sea, He Outstretches his hand and Calms the storm.
When We Feel most Forsaken and lost in our troubles...who can answer us?
Who Will find us in all our squalor and pain?  Relinquishing the light of day who answers us?
To Whom Can I Cry When I feel lost in the blue abyss like i'm drowning?
At my most hopeless, whose face is it that I should pray to comfort me?
Who, in my time of need?  Who is most present by our sides in hours of darkness?
Would he abandon us, oh would he forsake any of us? surely not one of us is forsaken
Surely the devil sets his snares and traps for humanity in Vain.
Surely there is a companion, a keeper, a friend, a protector, to keep vigil when we sleep!
Surely God Must let Our Jesus Comfort Us All In Hours of Need!
Surely, Jesus must never forsake me nor you!  No matter how formidable the weather may be,
Surely JEsus penetrates with loving Peace and Hope, The Darjest moments of our lives!
From the loneliest memories of our lives we are all smothered in turmoil.
In Our Hours of Darkness, when we can't reach for god
When our faith rests in the power of God, When the prayers have been said.
Who lord, Whill answer our calls, But Jesus The Christ, The Lamb of God?
Who, Lord, But The Lord Jesus, To answer our prayers?
In JEsus' Name,

Thursday, May 11, 2017

"A PRayer For Our Future"
I Can Pray For Every One I know,
That WE all get to go home to our Loved Ones
The BEloved Spouses and families of ours
we told one another long sweet stories about when we were sick
All of our loved Ones, I Simply Pray that
We Get TO All Live Happily Ever After, With
Our Loved Ones!  To Live, Lord!  May We All Get To Live,
Happily Ever After, With The Ones We Know We Love,
The Beloved husbands and wives, familes and children of ours
Each person tells a unique story yet in every scene on vision is forever true
These are our homes, the ones we love, Home sweet home is priceless
To Know Who We Are and Where We Belong, To Be Loved-
To Be Loved- That Is My Gift To Every One In The Hospital
I Wish all People could be o blessed.  We were very sick, Lord!
In JEsus' Name,

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Herb Garden:
Blossoms: White Flowers

Steep the blossoms in boiling water; tied in coffee filter for 5 minutes, Add Mint Leaves.
  add sugar and cream if desired

Roses and HErbs frozen in ice cubes:

Freeze roses and herbs into ice for beautiful table decorations

Fresh Parsley Lemon-butter: Microwave 2 parts butter, one part parsley or dill,
and one part lemon juice until flavors are combined; serve this sauce over fresh fish filets.

Lavender Sachets: Clippings of lavender into pillowcases and fabric.

Mint/Sugar pea soup

 With Peas, Mix fresh Onion, fresh peas, and Mint Leaves boiled into a soup in chicken broth.  Add salt and pepper as needed.  Sweet Peas and Mint/ Chicken Broth and Onions make a yummy soup!

Friday, May 5, 2017

"Rockabye Baby"
Rockabye Baby, asleep in the straw
Mother would cry tears of joy if she saw
Morning's softest sunbean all swaddled in hay
Asleep on the lttle room wherein ye lay
No One Dare my sweet baby to annoy
At no price for his slumber to destroy!
Rockabye Baby, asleep in the straw
Mother would cry tears of joy if she saw
her little boy sleeping in safe from the dark
she'd have wept to find you homeless in the park
as i did eight years ago, and how the time has flown
from shy child into eager man you've surely grown!
And what the strength, and o'ver what brow,
But God Did Stoop To Kiss Thee Here, Now!
I'll rock thee to sleep till the time passes hence
till the moon is asleep and the hills become dense!
I'll rock the to sleep till the nights are all over,
In thee is my purpose my sewwtest lover!
In JEsus' name,
"MY Little Boy Sleeping"
Among The Most Soothing emotions is that Safety of predawn darkness
in which laying in our little warm bed, is my little Boy Sleeping
His hungry little breathe pants in and out like a seacoast laden with waves
making me feel old.  When a man is homeless- this is the worst nightnare of
a mother!  PErhaps my greatest contribution was ever my kindness...not that
it matters, anymore....yet when see him lying on his back like a heavenly angel,
in his little coccoon all nuzzled warm and dry, safe from the cold of night
aa little sigh of happiness and ectsasy escape s my lips!  A job well done!
Thus is My Little Boy Sleeping.
In jesus' Name,