Saturday, December 24, 2016

"Conceit is evil, Humility is Goodness"
Conceit is the emotion that makes some some people Cruel.
Conceited people are cruel people, basically by their nature.
Conceited people think that they are somehow better than the other people
This may be a Conceit of Physical Beauty or Coolness, like mean kids at school
But It can also be a conceit of intelligence or class, like doctors and rich people.
Humility is the opposite of conceit, it is a main root of kindness.
Humility is being unassumining about oneself, to assume a lowly meekness
Jesus was the author of Humility.  The Ones Who Crucified Chrsit were Conceited Pharisees.
They were conceited about knowing who and what is God.  They told him
That Jesus couldn't be God.  That was conceited of them.  Pure Conceit.
People who think they are more beautiful than one another are simply concieted
Everybody has two eyes, a unique nose, a mouth and a skin tone.
Conceited people think their physical qualities are superior to others.
But Humble people, we do not make such cruel assumptions.
Humility is the root of goodness, and what makes the meek and lowly.
the scorned and mistreated ones, the ones cast out and persecuted, the patients
Humility is a root of Goodness.
Conceit Is a Root of Pure Evil.
Be Humble!

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