Friday, February 27, 2015

I must needs procure
a kaleidoscope
for my beloved husband
sothat he will know
that there is Hope
inevery single
every tiny
infinittely secret
infinitely beautiful
infinitely small
infinitely full of hope.
I also pray
that my poetry continue
as a kaleidoscope is infinite--
the rearranging of the same shapes
and colors into an eternity
that is a World---AWorld
Of My Dreams.
A World Of Dreams,

all my own

each one different

each poem unique
and exquisite, and
every poem infinite--
 yet made up of the same
meagre bits of glass and paper,
Forming aneternity
in the palm of your hand
for your own eye
to be forgotten a snowflake

infinityely small
and in itsmeaning,
Of every single shifting star---
the meaning, be
"LEtter of Wisdom To Humankind"

Troubles must needs be passing

i am a master of my craft because i will it

just because you Can Do Something, Doesn't Mean

You Should Do That Something.

Instead of asking "what is possible for mankind to do",

askinstead, "What is Ethical for mankind to do?"

Good people will be good

and evil will do evil

there is a measure of human nature

to which evil is really confined

but what about good?

Is Mankind

a blight on the earth

or a blessing

/Idont thinkthat

intelligence is going to be

what saves the world

i think its going to be ethics---Goodness

Mercy,Pity,Peace,Love, Compassion,Grace

Kindness,Humility, integrity,honor, self control

the choices we are all making

in every passing hour

are determinining the fate

of mankind.WeDo Not Know

TheNature of Mother Nature

Because We AreHuman

I suspect the fall from eden

that droveus out from our eden, earth

and madeus sinners every one but....

don't underestimate Mother Nature

Don't Take The Natural Earth For Granted

Humans try to possess-toown, a place


own any thing

or place except

in so far

as you love it

and understand it

to understand is to love

and to love is to understand

evil is a human stupidity

but it goes deeper

into the spiritual realm there is


in the universe

there is karma

and God

everything living

or nonliving has a

Spirit,a Soul,

that isSacred.

Art is thus

a form of



ForWhomTheBell Tolls,



For Thee

And For All Of Us

Live your life

to benefit others.


Liveby Goodness.

LiveBy Faith.

The tiniest ant

is equalin value

tothe largest cut diamond

or the last living star.

In JEsus's Name,

Sunday, February 22, 2015

I Will Die For Thee.
I Will Lay Me Down
I Will Lay Me Down
And Rest In Peace
What Peace That Rest
Will Be To Our Gentle Souls!
Weary be Ye, My Mother
Weary Rest The Crimson Head
I Forgive your Perfections and
You Forgive My Imperfections
We Carrying The Cross To the
Very End We are Yoked to One
Cart Our Lives Run Parallel Now
I Will Lay  Me Down Beside Thee
My Precious Mother, Weak and Frail
As A Rain Lily in the Snow.
I Dare Not To Trouble
The Bones of The Trees
The Forest Is Silver
Silver Trees aglistening
The Chickadees eat seed
from the feeders
the squirrels play in the grass
I will sacrifice all of my pride to you
You can give me the shirt off of your back
I will give you some blood from my veins
You Give Me Some Blood From Your Veins
We pass where we will all be buried
Between my house and yours
The Differences between us don't matter
The Love We Share In This Silver Forest
Is Worth More That AnotherLifetime
Lived Without It
Togetherness obliterates any kind of pain
In the silver treesthereis no future
in thesilvertreesthere isno loss of dignity
in the silver trees thereislifeanddeath
in thesilver treesthereisthe past and all
in the silver treesis the salvation of the lord
for all plants treesspidersand animals
the cracklingofa twigis alonely alarm
the sound of the ravens isa warning call
if there is a hunter he is a demon fromhell
they will tell me, the silver trees, will tell me
with the ristling of their branches and leaves
I can feel them whispering to me there in that
silence that we are one ecosystem and not of mankind.
That I belong to theforest, that it is, finally,
My Home.////////
In Jesus' Name,
"Fragile Beauty"
A Weariness,
A Sadness, draws
heavy burdensome about
my shoulders.AWoman is a
Lady. I am a Great Lady.
I am a Woman Poet and Artist.
A Woman's Beauty Is Fragile, like
The Seasons. One day my face is
autumn, one day it is June, one Day
Blythe March,-- then for a long time,
Winter.  I am in a stage of winter--
A Bare Face and Bare Body
BareHair--I am presenting myself,
as it were,as naked
and undaltered
and  natural
as the day i was born.
I want to be a natural beauty,
Iwant for no Crayon of Black
Or White Or Red. My Beauty
is as Late Winter,with a touch
Of Hopefully, a Springtime
to follow.  I am a Great Lady,
And My Womanly Beauty
How I Choose To Reveal Myself---
Is a beautiful and glorious thing,
an art of the heart.
Women's Beauty is so fragile.
In JEsus'Name,

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Like Frozen Liquid Mercury--
when i open my mouth to scream
For the Sheer Brutal Horror
Of This Cruel Wicked World
And How It Tortures The Children of God
MY God,even--and my own death,
And The Love For My Good, Honest Heart
Throbbing in their clenched fists---
It aches my soul beyond measure
That I Shall Be Destroyed
By My Enemies.  I want to Cry out
"Injustice!" "Satan!" Devil!"
But this frozen liquid mercury
chokes my throat.
I think this emotion
Is Called FEAR
I am Choking on FEAR.
In Jesus' Name,

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

The One True
Happiness is this:
To Love Another Person
Even More
Than You Love Yourself.
In Jesus' Name,
We ALL Must Die
Sooner or Later
Why Not Die
As A Hero

Monday, February 16, 2015

"Oh Lord, Promise Thou Shalt Never Make Me Wealthy"
If I am ever wealthy i will then know
that my soul is not far from Hell Itself
Lord! Lord!  I Don want any money!
I Oce Prayed to the, To Make Me Little;
And Thee Did.  And Now I Pray, in honesty,
Lord Never Let Me Be Rich!  The Rich
Are Hypocrites and I am Proud of My Soul
And I I Want For No Money.  So Change Nothing,
Lord!  Do Not Burden my conscience with money
or excess.  Lord Let ME Always Be Poor.
Father God, Let Us Always Be Poor
And Yet Father, Provide For Us Enough
Enough is Enough for me.  I Want No More
For I Am Too Long Since Poor and I Know
What it is to be Hungry and I am too Proud
To Dress as the Rich People Do or Eat as they Do.
I am Proud of my legacy, Lord.  Just as things are
is all i will ever need.
In Jesus' NAme,
"PRaise The Lord!"
Praise The Lord!  For
He Has Clothed Me Well
And Warmly NEstled ME
In a Bosom OF Soft Plush
That Is a Gentle Home, and
which home, it is mine!
MY Own Home!
 My Very OWn Home!
And I a woman in love
With a man my husband
and the bitter cold
--blow, blow, thou winter wind,
thou shalt not chill my husband's
bones tonight!  I cannot sleep
haunted by the homeless
out there freezing
and dying.  But I give
Praise To The Lord
For Rescuing Me
And Delivering Me
I Know I Am Unworthy
and have done nothing
to deserve Salvation---
So Praise the Lord!
JESUS is warming
our Gentle Home,
And When I Despair
For The Others I Remember
To Have Faith In JEsus
And Wait On The Lord.
What a miracle Tis,
To Be so warm and happy
On such a dark Freezing
Winter's Night. Oh
Lamplit Delight!
In JEsus' NAme,
"Arctic Cold"
The Snowstorm
is coming
The Wind Bites
Viciously like burning
oil that freezes the
bodies of all
who are not
safely nestled
inside warm dens
and homes
with heat.
The Snowstorm
Is Coming
It is 3 Oclock
In the morning
i am wearing
my slippers
blanket around
my shoulders,
candle in a lantern
hair in a loose
poofy frazzled
soft bun
that cascades
down my cheeks
I love you, God
My Heart is with those
who are out in this
terrible Arctic Cold
with Spring at
the doorstep of
March it seems odd
to me that thee should
want to blow my seeds
i have sown, of flowers
to grow and bloom
the very day
i sowed them, this
Arctic Cold
Blew In
From The North.
Ah Lord!
 How Comfortable
I am now, yet
how near to homelessness
i face if my family
did not support
me financially, i would be
freezing to death
in this bitter
burning Arctic Cold.
Godspeed, Sprintime!
Bring Cherry Blossoms
Bring apple and pear trees
into exuberant bloom
so that, i ever i am
homeless i will have
a hundred or so days
of warm balmy Spring
To Wander Alone
The Face Of Thy
Earth.  Lord,  Why?
Why this Cold?
And Why is, the world
all money driven
and why do i have none
of this money that is so
dearly needed and why
cannot i aquire it?
Why, Lord?
--Still, I am Simply
Grateful and thanking God
That Neither I Nor
None of MY Known
Loved Ones Is Out
In This Bitter
Arctic Cold.
Snowstorm is Coming.
Praise The Lord!
In JEsus' Name,

Sunday, February 15, 2015

"Tiny Venturing"
Your tiny
pink paws
over a
table of
riches and
delight as
i rise from
and cradling
your tiny
body in
my own
hand, you
me for letting
you out.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

"Futility and Foolishness"

lost things are nothings
and dreams
are air
and there is nothing
that can be known
that isn't already
And there isn't anything
there isn't
a Heart
Of it
Or A Soul
Of It
And I Want
To Wander
Through The Chasms
Of My Mind
I Want To Dream
I Want to Dream Dreams
As I Once Did
and have lost
my way
in trying for certainty.
perhaps wisdom
is futile
perhaps dreaming
is the real
thing.  dreaming
lamb dreams
about soft fuzz
and cashmere
and sheep.
these things
do not come
the muses
our destinies
but there are
some things
that i would
to change
In JEsus' Name,

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

On This Night, I Feel Beautiful.
On This Night, I Feel Pure.
On This Night, I do not fear man.
On This Night, i smile, "Let Them Come."
On This Night, I Am In Jesus Christ's Arms
On This Night, I have decided to forego money.
On This Night, I Have Decided To Forego Status
On This Night, I Have Decided To Abstain from many bad things.
On this might, The Scriptures of Matthew Echo In My Heart Like Bells.
On This Night, I Know That Only One To Fear Is God Himself.
On This Night, I am Uncertain and troubled.
On This Night, I Must HAve Faith.
On This Night, JEsus Blessed Me With Vision.
As For The Future, I Hope It Continues as I
Am agreed with myself To Work Towards
Living In God's Way As My Priority
For The Rest Of My Life.
Godspeed, Lord Strengthen MY Faith.
The Road Ahead Is Long and Weary
My Life Has Changed its Course, for I
Have Changed My Ultimate Purpose,
On This Night.
In JEsus' NAme,

"My Personal Testimony of Jesus Christ:"
"On Jesus Christ Versus The Pursuit of Wealth and High Places"
I came from a failry wealthy family
I never lacked anything as a child
and there often an excess of everything
so much so, that i assume i was spoiled
but i had every comfort, and money
was a thing to be invested in the future,
not something to spend in times of need.

Well i turned eighteen, an adult, and my parents
turned me out of the house with a hundred thousand
dollars in a bank account and told me
they were divorcing and moving far away, that
i was left on my own to pursue my own self-preservation
and "self-interests"  I did Not Know What it Was
To Be Poor, Then, And I didn't Imagine nor fear
That I Ever Would Know poverty or need.

So how did i spend my money?  On my education.
I went to college for seven years on that money,
majoring in English and Literarure.  I learned many
things, for i was apparently a better student than
others, for i loved to learn, and i sought dearly
to become a scribe--an attorney; or a pharisee-- a Doctorate.
I worked very hard in school andfor all that money
despite some loose living and speding for comfort meanwhile--
but i became educated.  Educated!  I am very proud
to have spent my money on my college education.

although now, being poor, i admit i would have spent
 that huge sum of money on a litetime of rent money and groceries.
It was enough.  But coming from a rich family, i did not
even fear that i should ever be in need or want or lack thereof.

When I graduated College, i had by that time been deemed
mentally ill, and disabled, which i didn't know it but that means
that I could never hold a job nor fulfill my scribe and pharisee dreams
then, gradually, as money diminished, i was finally left
with nothing, and having no car, nor money, i did not know
what to do.  But----

BUT, I WAS A CHRISTIAN.  (Amen.)  And the Lord
Provided month after month but after a year or so alone
 i came to know hunger and lack and poverty and need of
healing and ragged clothing and the need to pay the rent
and the groceries.  But for some reason, i wasn't afraid.
Maybe it was that my parents agreed to pay the rent and
grocieries indefinitly, on the Utmost Condition and Rule:
That I Was NEver To Marry Nor Have Children, Or Else
if i did, i would be instantly homeless because my family
would disown me emotionally and financially.  This family rule
applies today some six years later, and i remain unmarried and childless.

YET Six years ago, I met my soulmate Theodore, and he was,
By the Grace Of God, allowed to move in with me.
We are still not legally married, but we have lived as though
we Were and are, for the last six years.  More Joy I have Known
with my husband theodore than i i ever could have imagined,
and i became a proliic poet and painter out of the overbrimming
of my joy and heart!  Indeed, love has fueld these verses, and all to
come.  If i was hungry, yet i was at peace; if i was less in status, yet i was happy,
if i was overweight, yet i was beautiful, if i was looked down upon, yet i was beloved by Theodore.

Now Jesus said "It is harder For a Camel to go through the Eye of a needle, than for
a rich man to enter the kingdom of God,"  They Asked JEsus, "But
Lord, Who Then Can Be Saved?"
I have personally meditated all day on this scripture from Matthew
and i have reasoned within my heart that
 That money and power is the road to hell.  So Then I
Asked myself why, why?  Why had i all my life sought to Be Rich
and Esteemed And Powerful and Respectable???? WHY?  Tis madness.
For it states again and AGAIN in the the scriptures, the beatitudes, etc,
that the poor are blessed and theirs Is The Kingdom Of God.

Today i gave thanks that i am not poor, that God Provides
Although there are sacrifices, with God all things are Possible,
and In Short I HAve Great Faith In God The Will
Provide For ME All Of My Life, that i take life
One day at a time, and that i spend my efforts in
I reason this is what jesus wants, and it give me peace in my heart.
No More Will I Strive For Wealth or Esteem or High Place.
In JEsus' Name,
Caroline E. Sullivan Land, February 10, 2015.

Monday, February 9, 2015

"Getting Old With You"
To My Husband Theodore

Getting Old With You
Is Loving Each Other
No Matter What We
May Look Like At The
Time, We are too cool
to care what we look like
anywmore, anyway.  So we
don't we don't care we
don't care anymore and
that is sexy in itself we both
know each other is gorgeous
on the inside and out
and nothing in the way of
a shave or a haircut
or a face full of eyeliner
or fifty or seventy pounds
or a hundred, none of that's
going to take us away from
each other.  We don't care,
together; and in not caring,
we are agreed and married.
It's a perfect union of souls.
The Older we get the less
we care about the stupid
details of what we look like,
and the more desperately we
just want to hold each other
for all eternity.  We don't care////
"Warm Little Home"
Ah, Thee, This
Warm Little Home!  Nestled
under dove's wings and Cradled
Cherished Children OF God
The is Still the Temple of The Eastern
Moon Garden, after six years!
Warm house, Warm home, Nightfall is Cold
Bitterly Cold And Lonesome As ICe Is The Freezing
Wind.  I Pray For those outside in the natural elements
tonight, i pray for the cold and that noone is homeless
tonight especially, when the darkness seeps in all around
and the biting viciious cold wind can chill the body and take
the soul!  Oh JEsus!  While we are grateful for our warm home
candlelight and warmth heat and blankets, my husband cuddling
his sorrows away in the nest of bedroom i have painted him,
he is cuddling away his sorrows tonight, ah JEsus, be not far from him.
Lord i am not concern For I Love Him, and he needs his time to cry
time alone is time well spent.  i need to cry too and so i listen to
the bible, while watches the news.  murders and deaths reported
on the news horrify me, freeze my one heart, too many to count,
too heartless they are as though it were all hopeless.  oh warm home,
should i ever be without thee, my home, my husband, i don't know
 how long i could live out there.  If i were rich, i would invite
all the homeless into my sanctuary my home so they could
stay alive
on this bitterly cold and dark rainy night.
Oh Sweet JEsus, Our Warm Little Home!
In JEsus' Name,
"Study The Scriptures"
The Loss For JEsus Christ
Is Fought unsung deep within
The Lonely Foxholes of the
individual heart.  hear his words
he died for them and the world
longs to see them in life knowing
or not knowing Be Christlike
Be Christlike and to do this
read the scriptures every day
Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John
Listen to them on audiotape
One Book a day, or even two
try to understand all of the details
try your best to make sure you are
living in the way Christ taught us to
and it will change your life and others
will look in your eyes and see a christian
not only by claim or faith, but as one does
in daily practice-- Practice JEsus's teachings
engrave them as Laws For Your Inmost Thoughts
engrave them on your heart, for
they are a key and a Light and these
The Words OF JEsus Christ
Are A Guide To My Whole Life.  I Cannot
Teach You To Be More Christlike--- only
the scriptures
Can.  Listen to Jesus!  He is needed
Now, more than ever, in this scientific age
Faith is claimed but one must practice
what one preaches.  I do!
In Jesus' Name,

Saturday, February 7, 2015

"Kisses in the Dark"
I am Sleeping When
 Gently you, Theodore,
rustle me awake by
wrapping firm hands
around my belly and
pulling me in.  I cover
thee with kisses as though
i might never see
thee again, are my kisses
soft and quick and deep
like butterfly landing
on blossoms and drinking
the tender nectar inside,
I kiss your face, your lips,
your eyes, your neck,
half-asleep we are
the sun is about to rise
i run my fingers through
your hair until i am at last
satisfied with my draught
of precious kisses, and
knowing this you put me
down and fall back asleep.
Your Kisses are sweeter
than anything of sweetness
kisses in the dark!

Friday, February 6, 2015

Pools in Sunlit puddles
all about the room
Lost, they are losing thee
wishing i could hold you
Alone Am I
Will I Be
Forever?  When I Die,
Will I Die
Will I Die
Will I Fall
Alone, under some
cold cruel
burial stone?
---Yes, i will.
We are born alone and
we die alone.
Solitude, i find
myself Alone
Alone----now, very
now, i find myself
now, very now, and far away,
a Dark Dim Cloud Looming
Threatening My Eyes With Ignorance
Ignorance Of Others Counfounds Me.
Ignorance---people cannot
what they see
That They See--- Nothing is
Certain.  Can We Not Live
In Peace?  Look, the sun is shining
beyond the thick clouds we face
and there is blue sky far beyond
fading into black abysses
of a broken heart is
out there, it seems like
A Broken Heart.
Related to the dim clouds that threaten
our light.
In Jesus' Name,

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

"The Dreamer"
There's an everyworld town
in an everyday world its a normal
town a very normal town its so normal
that nothing ever happens people making
points and nobody stepping out of line
what's up therewhat's out there noone cares
in this little town people walk around with they
heads lookin at the ground and let to right
the only other hope that they can seem to see
is the hope in one another's eyes because they
never think to look up up at the stars above.
Well there's A Little Person With A New Hope
some One in this town who always looks up
up to the stars up to the sky and it fills his head
with wonder and dreams the stars sing for this
person and this person has a secret staircase to climb
right up on thin air into the clouds the town glittering
with lights so far below yet some of us just
prefer to remain lonely, loneliness fills our souls,
our solitude is quenching the mortal life and its pain
this person rises on the staircase and lives in the clouds
on a cliff of clouds he is The Dreamer
All Day He Gazes at the stars and wonders for one
can see the stars much clearer above the
clouds.  He Dreams and watches the sun
rise and set in the heavens and he doesn't age
only Dreams and talking with the stars and the twinkling
twinkling lights of the town can't compare to the stars
but if he gets cold hell come down the steps
and his mama will cook him a big pot of Stew.
This is The Dreamer.
ColorPlayRoses, White Paper and brush
soft sabletipglides seamlessly dewdrop of water
and blue paint, i am weaving thee a dream. if they say
two arts cannot  grow together and feed one another,
I ask them of my hummingbird vine or any vine's sweetly
dripping tendrils entwining a lattice, thusly my brush glides
gracefully, powerfully, to express in colors, shapes and symbols
some underlying meaning of my heart-- and thus, my poems.
My poems and art grow rom the same fertile soil of
my Heart, and so they are irrevocably linked.  Show them
the hungry vine in summer and tell them, Thus, Thusly, is my love
for painting and all things expressing the soul.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

My Pet Hamsters
Tiny wet pink noses
tiny fingers with fraglie claws
so quick to scamper and scurry
dewy big wet black eyes
blinking and innocent and kind
delicate whiskers and tiny feet
tiny tails and tiny soft velvet ears
Happy and fun and loving and kind
these are my hamsters "Jesus" and "Peter"
In JEsus' Name,

Monday, February 2, 2015

In My Dim Dark Hours,
When Fear Closes In
All Around, The Words
Of Christ Ringing Wildly
In My Ears By The Dozen
Injustices Percieved cannot
Be Accounted for nor
made sense of.  You Just
Pray To Your Savior that
It doesn't ever happen to
you or your loved ones.
In JEsus' name,

Sunday, February 1, 2015

"Kindness Is Sweetest"
Kindness is sweetness to the weary-hearted
and families form.  love grows over pain
and shared times together, a bond forms,
You realize you love someone, and you tell them
Kindness is the little bird's gentle ghost
returning to your empty cage again and
again, thanking you for the years of seed
and happiness.  kindness is the painter's
financier out o charity.  kindness is an opportunity
given to someone in need kindness is tears
kindness is met with kindness your kindness
overflows my own you kindness has moved
my heart so that i feel sad to be so frugal
in my own giving and i, i strive to give more!
In JEsus Name,
"The Angel Gabriel Who Wanted To Go Home"
Underneath some rubbish a homeless old man
built a small fire with a lighter he had bought
with money some passers by had given him
and this man was not what he appeared to be
he sat in the street alleyways and he said
not a word but he held up a sign asking them
for money or what they could spare.  He Was
The Archangel Gabriel, in disguise, come to Earth
To See If There were still any good souls left.
He found many people were kind and yet
many other were cold and still others were indifferent.
Being disguised as an old man, there was hardly
no companion for him, save for the rats and
stray animals in the alleyways.// This was all
very good.  He wasn't really hungry.  He was
an angel.  When he was weary of his journey
on Earth, He prayed the Father Lord God Almighty
 To Take Him Home.  The angel wanted
To Go Home To Heaven.  God Told Him That
He Could Ascend to heaven, and He left The
Form of the Old Man.  On a cold starry night
a raving homeless begger starved to death on
the side of a road in the bitter cold.  He was
the Archangel Gabriel.  He died and Ascended
To Heaven In The Cold Crisp and Starry Night.
They Found The Body in the morning, and it didn't
make the news.  Someone was annoyed at such a
"rubbish left to pick up".  But Gabriel
Had Gone To Heaven.  He Was
The Highest of the archangels and he sang "Hallelujah!"
"Hallelujah!" in heaven with all the other angels and they
were so glad to see him.,  There was food and shelter
and warmth and he was a beautiul you man with mighty
magnificent wings and a shining halo of light.  He rose
To Heaven On A Crisp Starry Night.
He Had So Dearly Wanted To Go Home.  He Was
The Angel Gabriel Who Wanted To Go Home.
And he did.
~~~~~~~The End.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~