Monday, November 24, 2014

And Now I Have Made A Parable in My Mind, about what has happened to me today:
A Poor Woman with a Very Generous Heart
Looked Out The Window Of Her Home, and Saw
That It Was Bitterly Cold, And That There Was No 
Meat To Eat At All, Nor Place To Lie The Head At Night.
She Was Then deeply Grieved, for although she herself
Was living in comfort off the charity of others, she knew
there are many who do not have wealthy families, and that,
if she had not her wealthy family's charity, then that
She and HEr Husband Would Freeze to death or starve, being
then homeless, were they not
provided for.  She Was deeply Greived to think
of the ones so like me, who have
this time of year, or any other time of year, and there isnt
any reason for their needs but God Almighty.  God Provides for her and her family, yet to other he is not provide.  And She Wept,
And, Seeing that there was ample good food to eat and it being
the holiday of Thanksgiving/ She Tried to invite
anyone in need or lonely or sick or poor or homeless or cold or hungry---
She tried to invite them into her home, where she lived
in comfort.  Then She Was Sore Grieved, For The 
Sudden Terror That She Too, Lived Off Of  Her Own Father's Charity
and had no money nor car nor job, only this warm home---
she wanted to weep, but found she couldn't.
The people mocked her and abased her
and she was made to feel ashamed
of her own poverty--- when she wanted nothing more than 
to share what had with the other hungry people.
For She knew what it felt like to be hungry, and lost, and homeless
and freezing to death.
She Was Ashamed Of Her Lack, Her Poverty, and She Was not Able To Give Much-- For She and HEr Husband were yet living off of another man's charity, and he didn't want them to share the food.
In JEsus Name, I am That Woman, Lord,

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