"To Everything There Is A Season"
To Everything, There IS a Season!
There is a time to mourn. Then There is a time to Smile.
There is a Time To Weep and Fast. Then There is a time to Feast And Rejoice.
There is a time to build up clutter in the house, and Time To Pick It All Up and make it new.
There is a time to write, and a time to be a wife.
There is time to Eat, and a Time To Diet.
There is a time to be angry, and a time to bless and kiss and giggle.
There is a time to be depressed, and a time to burst into bloom.
There is a time to write, and a time to read.
There is a time to paint, and a time to write.
There is a time to eat instant food, and a time to cook a big meal.
There is a time To Water Flowers, and a time to gather up winter's remnants.
There is a time to contract one's heart and a time to expand ones heart.
There is a time for every purpose under the sun.
There is a time for Greiving and Depression and Work, and a time to rejoice and revel.
Without darkness, could there be light?
Without Winter, Could there be summer?
And Thus, as i eel, reinvigorated, i attempt
To Expand my heart, my goals, my social life, my cooking, my cleaning, my beauty.
And, I will enjoy this time, knowing that,
to everything there is a season.
In JEsus' Name,
Friday, November 28, 2014
"Mortal Coil"
Oh, How HAppy Will Be The Day
That I Can LEave This Body Behind
Shake Off This Awful Mortal Coil
Let It Rot Into The Earth When I Die
It Is Not Who I Am
I am the wind in the trees
I am the light shining on the water
I am the stillness of a lake at eventide
I am the stars shining in the darkness
I am the wildflowers in adversity
And The Crocus in the Snow
I am so much more beautiful than this body
on the inside. Oh Lord! Hallelujah be the day
I can shake off this weary mortal coil.
I'm weary of it. I am a spirit
not a body i feel my spirit
catch fire
when the wind blows my cheek
and rustles my long black hair
there isn't a mortal body beautiful enough
that could contain me
I am a spirit
I am a spirit
When I die, my spirit will be as it is, something
more beautiful than it was
made to appear in this life.
In JEsus' Name,
Oh, How HAppy Will Be The Day
That I Can LEave This Body Behind
Shake Off This Awful Mortal Coil
Let It Rot Into The Earth When I Die
It Is Not Who I Am
I am the wind in the trees
I am the light shining on the water
I am the stillness of a lake at eventide
I am the stars shining in the darkness
I am the wildflowers in adversity
And The Crocus in the Snow
I am so much more beautiful than this body
on the inside. Oh Lord! Hallelujah be the day
I can shake off this weary mortal coil.
I'm weary of it. I am a spirit
not a body i feel my spirit
catch fire
when the wind blows my cheek
and rustles my long black hair
there isn't a mortal body beautiful enough
that could contain me
I am a spirit
I am a spirit
When I die, my spirit will be as it is, something
more beautiful than it was
made to appear in this life.
In JEsus' Name,
Thursday, November 27, 2014
"He Smiled"
Feeling Low, I was
Going About The Household Tasks
When All of a sudden, like
a buttrfly or a hummingbird, Theodore
Flitted up to me at a
runnin pace,---
Put his hands on my shouders, looked
me in the eyes, and
Smiled the biggest smile, with
joyful tearfilled eyes and said,
"Thank you. Thank you for the
Wonderful Thanksgiving Meal,
and Happy Thanksgivving."
And He Gave Me A Kiss.
Then He Flitted Off, Leaving me
thinking as if i were surely
in a dream. He Smiled.
My Theodore Smiled
For The
So Long I Can't
In Jesus' name, Amen.
Feeling Low, I was
Going About The Household Tasks
When All of a sudden, like
a buttrfly or a hummingbird, Theodore
Flitted up to me at a
runnin pace,---
Put his hands on my shouders, looked
me in the eyes, and
Smiled the biggest smile, with
joyful tearfilled eyes and said,
"Thank you. Thank you for the
Wonderful Thanksgiving Meal,
and Happy Thanksgivving."
And He Gave Me A Kiss.
Then He Flitted Off, Leaving me
thinking as if i were surely
in a dream. He Smiled.
My Theodore Smiled
For The
So Long I Can't
In Jesus' name, Amen.
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
"Sacred Rhuyme"
There is a lamb meek and mild
Gentily he humbly smiled
on me, his wife, this feasting day
and i, his wife did wish to stay
alive and soft and lovely and warm,
inside my JESUS's sacred Arms.
My Christ MArried ME, He Made ME His Wife,
I Would He Be With Me All My Life!
When I sleep, may he nuzzle me in body and spirit
For Family, i have christ, i'm in the arms of My JEsus
Jesus in my bed, Jesus in my heart,
JEsus Christ in my soul, and speaking in my heart!
Jesus My Savior Has MArried Me Today,
I Feast and Enjoy This Thanksgiving Day.
Although He is away Now, I Verilfy Hope
He Will Come To Me And Dwell With Me That i be not alone.
He is quiet, and loves my mate theodore Land,
My God and My Jesus, My Angels and Saints,
We all reside in thie holy little place
that i have made home, and they see my home fit
to join me, and dwell with me, in the Coziness of it.
Love, Caroline Sullivan Land
There is a lamb meek and mild
Gentily he humbly smiled
on me, his wife, this feasting day
and i, his wife did wish to stay
alive and soft and lovely and warm,
inside my JESUS's sacred Arms.
My Christ MArried ME, He Made ME His Wife,
I Would He Be With Me All My Life!
When I sleep, may he nuzzle me in body and spirit
For Family, i have christ, i'm in the arms of My JEsus
Jesus in my bed, Jesus in my heart,
JEsus Christ in my soul, and speaking in my heart!
Jesus My Savior Has MArried Me Today,
I Feast and Enjoy This Thanksgiving Day.
Although He is away Now, I Verilfy Hope
He Will Come To Me And Dwell With Me That i be not alone.
He is quiet, and loves my mate theodore Land,
My God and My Jesus, My Angels and Saints,
We all reside in thie holy little place
that i have made home, and they see my home fit
to join me, and dwell with me, in the Coziness of it.
Love, Caroline Sullivan Land
Monday, November 24, 2014
"The Lilies Of The Field: A Tragedy."
\We Now Answer The Phone
And a Cold Woman's Sterile Voice hisses
With the sharp tinge of inhumanity and evil,
essentially, after stating "This is a recordedd line, and"
I said, "Sorry, but this not a good time, thank you, bye"
And Hung Up.
All I verifly believe she was about to say something
--oh, along the lines of,
"No Good Deed
Goes Unpunished." and "If Want To Be
A Hero, We're calling to Commit You To The Insane Asylum
Or Worse;" and "You have no rights"
how it would be a charity, a charity---! To Be
Committed To Insane Asylum In Account Of
Our Poverty.
These are too-hard words, from a too-hard world.
I cannot hear them any more. I know and Believe
That The Lord My God
Has Delivered ME
From The Hands Of The Medical Bastards
---Lord I just have this
As I
LIVE. Father, let me keep my dignity
you gave me all my life, and if i must suffer
for thy sake, i beg thee let theodore and i freeze to death
on the side of a road
before having to go to a mental asylum
for our Poverty! LORD!
Woe unto ye scribes and Pharisees.
\We Now Answer The Phone
And a Cold Woman's Sterile Voice hisses
With the sharp tinge of inhumanity and evil,
essentially, after stating "This is a recordedd line, and"
I said, "Sorry, but this not a good time, thank you, bye"
And Hung Up.
All I verifly believe she was about to say something
--oh, along the lines of,
"No Good Deed
Goes Unpunished." and "If Want To Be
A Hero, We're calling to Commit You To The Insane Asylum
Or Worse;" and "You have no rights"
how it would be a charity, a charity---! To Be
Committed To Insane Asylum In Account Of
Our Poverty.
These are too-hard words, from a too-hard world.
I cannot hear them any more. I know and Believe
That The Lord My God
Has Delivered ME
From The Hands Of The Medical Bastards
---Lord I just have this
As I
LIVE. Father, let me keep my dignity
you gave me all my life, and if i must suffer
for thy sake, i beg thee let theodore and i freeze to death
on the side of a road
before having to go to a mental asylum
for our Poverty! LORD!
Woe unto ye scribes and Pharisees.
And Now I Have Made A Parable in My Mind, about what has happened to me today:
A Poor Woman with a Very Generous Heart
Looked Out The Window Of Her Home, and Saw
That It Was Bitterly Cold, And That There Was No
Meat To Eat At All, Nor Place To Lie The Head At Night.
She Was Then deeply Grieved, for although she herself
Was living in comfort off the charity of others, she knew
there are many who do not have wealthy families, and that,
if she had not her wealthy family's charity, then that
She and HEr Husband Would Freeze to death or starve, being
then homeless, were they not
provided for. She Was deeply Greived to think
of the ones so like me, who have
this time of year, or any other time of year, and there isnt
any reason for their needs but God Almighty. God Provides for her and her family, yet to other he is not provide. And She Wept,
And, Seeing that there was ample good food to eat and it being
the holiday of Thanksgiving/ She Tried to invite
anyone in need or lonely or sick or poor or homeless or cold or hungry---
She tried to invite them into her home, where she lived
in comfort. Then She Was Sore Grieved, For The
Sudden Terror That She Too, Lived Off Of Her Own Father's Charity
and had no money nor car nor job, only this warm home---
she wanted to weep, but found she couldn't.
The people mocked her and abased her
and she was made to feel ashamed
of her own poverty--- when she wanted nothing more than
to share what had with the other hungry people.
For She knew what it felt like to be hungry, and lost, and homeless
and freezing to death.
She Was Ashamed Of Her Lack, Her Poverty, and She Was not Able To Give Much-- For She and HEr Husband were yet living off of another man's charity, and he didn't want them to share the food.
In JEsus Name, I am That Woman, Lord,
A Poor Woman with a Very Generous Heart
Looked Out The Window Of Her Home, and Saw
That It Was Bitterly Cold, And That There Was No
Meat To Eat At All, Nor Place To Lie The Head At Night.
She Was Then deeply Grieved, for although she herself
Was living in comfort off the charity of others, she knew
there are many who do not have wealthy families, and that,
if she had not her wealthy family's charity, then that
She and HEr Husband Would Freeze to death or starve, being
then homeless, were they not
provided for. She Was deeply Greived to think
of the ones so like me, who have
this time of year, or any other time of year, and there isnt
any reason for their needs but God Almighty. God Provides for her and her family, yet to other he is not provide. And She Wept,
And, Seeing that there was ample good food to eat and it being
the holiday of Thanksgiving/ She Tried to invite
anyone in need or lonely or sick or poor or homeless or cold or hungry---
She tried to invite them into her home, where she lived
in comfort. Then She Was Sore Grieved, For The
Sudden Terror That She Too, Lived Off Of Her Own Father's Charity
and had no money nor car nor job, only this warm home---
she wanted to weep, but found she couldn't.
The people mocked her and abased her
and she was made to feel ashamed
of her own poverty--- when she wanted nothing more than
to share what had with the other hungry people.
For She knew what it felt like to be hungry, and lost, and homeless
and freezing to death.
She Was Ashamed Of Her Lack, Her Poverty, and She Was not Able To Give Much-- For She and HEr Husband were yet living off of another man's charity, and he didn't want them to share the food.
In JEsus Name, I am That Woman, Lord,
Saturday, November 22, 2014
As A Star Shines Through The Infinity Of Time
And Goes On Infinitely Even After The Star Itself Has Burnt Out
Its Light Shines On And Comes To You And Me---
---Thus! Thus, Like a Burning Star,
in a weary world. God is Tired
He is Worn Out. A Good Deed
Is Worth More Than Any Number of
these Words of mine
That Go Without Saying.
These words go without saying.
They are truths
The Soul never Dies
The Universe may "die" but it will
decomposed. The energy
will live on eternally. The Place Where
The Universe Stood
Is Sanctified and Holy.
And You Tell Me
Is Not
A God??????
There IS.
And Goes On Infinitely Even After The Star Itself Has Burnt Out
Its Light Shines On And Comes To You And Me---
---Thus! Thus, Like a Burning Star,
in a weary world. God is Tired
He is Worn Out. A Good Deed
Is Worth More Than Any Number of
these Words of mine
That Go Without Saying.
These words go without saying.
They are truths
The Soul never Dies
The Universe may "die" but it will
decomposed. The energy
will live on eternally. The Place Where
The Universe Stood
Is Sanctified and Holy.
And You Tell Me
Is Not
A God??????
There IS.
Souls Are Fathomless
They Are Infinite
Each Person has a Divine Spark,
They Call it a Heart, A Soul
We Are Mortal Gods, everything alive
We are living things
We are mortal Gods
They can kill our bodies
The Universe is vaster than their Evil
Evil Can Never OverCome The Great Sea
That Is Space, That is God. Man's Best-laid
plans are all coming to an end within 1-five billion years
and in 20 billion years the universe will have drifted infinitely far apart
even the universe dies
the universe has a soul
i think it's starlight and life
and all that starlight brings. No, the best laid plans of men will never
change that the universe is mortal
it will be gone.
As are our bodies.
We can die. All of us
living things
evach of us faces inevitable death
death the killer
and all we have is time.
The Soul Will Never Be Understood
The Soul Will Never We Decoded
The Soul Will never Die
The Body may Die, But as love is infinite
so is the soul.
Energy Never Dies.
Our Goodness
As their evil
will live on.
I call that hell.
In Jesus NAme,
They Are Infinite
Each Person has a Divine Spark,
They Call it a Heart, A Soul
We Are Mortal Gods, everything alive
We are living things
We are mortal Gods
They can kill our bodies
The Universe is vaster than their Evil
Evil Can Never OverCome The Great Sea
That Is Space, That is God. Man's Best-laid
plans are all coming to an end within 1-five billion years
and in 20 billion years the universe will have drifted infinitely far apart
even the universe dies
the universe has a soul
i think it's starlight and life
and all that starlight brings. No, the best laid plans of men will never
change that the universe is mortal
it will be gone.
As are our bodies.
We can die. All of us
living things
evach of us faces inevitable death
death the killer
and all we have is time.
The Soul Will Never Be Understood
The Soul Will Never We Decoded
The Soul Will never Die
The Body may Die, But as love is infinite
so is the soul.
Energy Never Dies.
Our Goodness
As their evil
will live on.
I call that hell.
In Jesus NAme,
"LEt US Go Down Together"
~To The Fallen~
By Caroline Sullivan Land
"To My Husband, Theodore Land"
Let us go down
Take this my shaken hand
and press it so close
to your heart, Love. I see
merciless wars
and madness
ahead, and we are dying--
Lord! Lord, Only but to suffer
To Let us go down
Together. Ah Lord!
Ah Lord! Life so brief is time
There never
a good time
good-bye. Lord!
Lord, If thou art willing,
Suffer it to be so, that
if we should perish
that we should be taken
In JEsus' name,
Forever, I am calling your name.
Losing you I-- I am
//Go to Sleep, Young Master...
a delirium of the mind
has me frozen here
The Broke Broke
Forever I am calling your name.
We are not afraid to die
my husband and i, as long as
we are
//I was reading
my teenage writings
and now
I wanr
so badly,
to cry.
I want to grab her (me then)
and cry, "Do you
know Nothing
of Pain
You Knew not
Fear, you knew not
Pain, you know not
Selflessness or Humility--
You knew not
Poverty or
or Mourning
Ot Old Age
Or Sadness
Or Ugliness
Nor any of the
That I have gleaned
over a lifetime
of pain.//I may not be
as vlever
as i once was
--But My SOUL
runs wise
through all
of my suffering.
In JEsus' name,
If I could
have, I would have
rold you
how the cherry blossoms wept
when you had Gone.
But I couldn'tm and now
a silence settles on all the land
like placing of Yon Burial Stone.
The blossoms were soft layers
of azure, pink and moonstone,
and wqould that i might paint one,
I would seek to attempt
not as thee seeth
but as I see
in a dream.
~To The Fallen~
By Caroline Sullivan Land
"To My Husband, Theodore Land"
Let us go down
Take this my shaken hand
and press it so close
to your heart, Love. I see
merciless wars
and madness
ahead, and we are dying--
Lord! Lord, Only but to suffer
To Let us go down
Together. Ah Lord!
Ah Lord! Life so brief is time
There never
a good time
good-bye. Lord!
Lord, If thou art willing,
Suffer it to be so, that
if we should perish
that we should be taken
In JEsus' name,
Forever, I am calling your name.
Losing you I-- I am
//Go to Sleep, Young Master...
a delirium of the mind
has me frozen here
The Broke Broke
Forever I am calling your name.
We are not afraid to die
my husband and i, as long as
we are
//I was reading
my teenage writings
and now
I wanr
so badly,
to cry.
I want to grab her (me then)
and cry, "Do you
know Nothing
of Pain
You Knew not
Fear, you knew not
Pain, you know not
Selflessness or Humility--
You knew not
Poverty or
or Mourning
Ot Old Age
Or Sadness
Or Ugliness
Nor any of the
That I have gleaned
over a lifetime
of pain.//I may not be
as vlever
as i once was
--But My SOUL
runs wise
through all
of my suffering.
In JEsus' name,
If I could
have, I would have
rold you
how the cherry blossoms wept
when you had Gone.
But I couldn'tm and now
a silence settles on all the land
like placing of Yon Burial Stone.
The blossoms were soft layers
of azure, pink and moonstone,
and wqould that i might paint one,
I would seek to attempt
not as thee seeth
but as I see
in a dream.
“The Floating World”: A Fairy Tale
By Caroline Sullivan Land
Once Upon A Time, There Was
A Princess. She Was
Born on the day
That The World War Was Won.
And The Antichrist
Was Defeated Forever, And God’s Chosen People
Were Released
From The Prison Where they had
Killed the children and old and sick people,
And they they had starved and died and been shot and killed
And lain in mass graves.
This War
The Day The Princess
Of This Story
Was Born. And So,
She Was A Very Special Princess.
She Was The Most Beautiful Girl In All The World.
She Grew Older In a Time of Peace and Feasting,
When Prosperity
Kept and Cradled Her in a Reverie of Childhood. And So,
Kept Safe
Under this downy bosom
of time, she flourished in
And Song
And Ballet
And Music
And All Things. She
Was fair!
Oh, Marvelous fair!
And She Went To School
And everybody marveled at what a fair and lovely girl she
was. But
She didn’t seem to notiuce.
Undimmed, she bloomed.
One Day, A Handsome Young Prince
Just A Bit Older Than Her
Saw Her
In A Crowd, and He feel
In love
With her. Then She
Came down the steps and closer
And closer
And closer
And, as it turned out, she was
His assigned blind date for the night!
Her mother was sitting with him. She introduced them,
And they fell in love.
He took her
To the Valentine’s Dance
And She Wore
White Gloves and a ball gown, baby blue
To match her eyes.
They Eloped, and married.
The Princess was fifteen years old.
The Prince was Nineteen.
They eloped, and
The Lived Happily
After. There Are Many
That The Prince and Princess Had After This,
But Surely Their Meeting
Was The Sweetest. I
Count It
A Victory To Those Who Died
In The World War,
And A Light
To Those Of Us Their Chilrden and
Grandchildren, who Would Face The
Evils Of The Future and See Science Grow into
A Terrible God.
Forty Years After The Princess’s Birth,
I, Her Eldest Granddaughter,
Was Born. It Took
Over forty hours
For my mother to give birth to me
And we both very nearly died
But when I was born,
It was a
Beautiful World. My
Were Students at College,
And They bought a brick
House on a quiet neighborhood streed in
A Backyard full of ancient
Oak Trees. As a Child
I Would Lay On My Back
And Ponder the Sky
Through Those Canopies of Oak Leaves.
The Princess Had had Three Children.
I am the daughter of the Oldest Daughter,
Who Was Very Brave
and Wise.
The Middle Son Was Wild and Brave.
The Youngest Daughter Was
Quiet And Very Beautiful.
Anyways, I Grew Up. The
Bought A Castle On A Hill
When I Was A Baby
And As I Grew Older, A Village Grew Up
Around It. By This
It is a City
And it is centered around
the Prince and Princess’s Castle
On The Hill. Ever
Beautiful, Ever Good,
Ever Gentle, Ever Loving, Ever Kind, They
Flourished and Their Village Prospered
And Grew Until They Were
A King And Queen, naturally,
And Their Town Was Duncan.
Their Son and Daughters
were Princes and
And Lived in comfort in a great enchanted
Forest Where they all built their homes.
After Me, My Grandmother the princess had
Eight Granddaughters and one Grandson
And They All Inherited Her Beauty
And Gentleness and Kindness
And—Well, all of the things
She was blessed with
By Her Birth. And I
Would Protect Her. I,
The eldest Granddaughter,
Was The Wisest and, Though Fair, I Was Not The Most Beautiful,
But An Angel Once Told Me
That I Was The Most Virtuous of her Granddaughters.
The Princess Grew Old, but her Beauty
Never dimmed. Indeed,
in her sixties she looked
Like a young girl! I
would protect her
All my life. The
evils of the world would never come
Between her and the evil world or me. I Bore The Load
Of College, And I Came Home And Married
A Beautiful Prince eight years older than me and that much
Fairer than me, and wiser than me,
And even more virtuous than me.
We had a little flat in the village
A walk away from the castle
And we lived there for many years
Until it came time to have a child
And we were too poor.
How, then, to continue the
Family line, When my wicked Father Wright
Wouldn’t let me have children! I knew a pill
That, if I didn’t take it, I could have a baby
With my husband. But
we didn’t dare, for we
Were so incredibly poor, and probably
Always would be. The
Princess my grandmother
Would Support us, buying us gifts, and taking me shopping
each week
In town, and over the
years we filled the apartment
With luxuries.
Naturally, She Was As Kind To Me
As She Had Ever Been, and, being myself, I was naturally
Very Kind To Her As Well.
I Was Brave and Pretty, But Brilliant
And I had an ethical blade that could pierce
The deepest mysteries.
A gift from my grandmother
And grandfather. This
ethical Blade
Could Pierce Evil and Look Evil Dead into The
Eyes Of That
Evil, and It The Sense, It Was A Fierce And A Glorious
Thing To Behold. I
Had my goodness, that was for sure.
And she would need it, my grandmother, as she
Grew older I would protect her from everyone
That she ever spoke to or beheld
In my presence. I
would Draw my sword and threaten
Or anyone
That offended my Grandmother.
Now, We Only must defeat
My Wicked Father and have our Own Children
My Husband And I!
Then The Family Line Would Continue
And Our Wisdom And Vitrue and Beauty
And All Our Gifts, Would Be Inherited
By Our Children.
So Then, We Must Defeat MY Father.
The End…….for now……
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Hope Is A Fluent Thing.
Not an Affluent thing, a Fluent thing.
PEnetrates all things, all languages,
an act of
never goes without shining
a light
in the world.
I looked up
at the stars
and i see
For Mankind
In Good Deeds
In Loneliness
And Poverty
And Despair
God loves those who
are meek and trodden-upon. He
A Crown Of Gold
Around Their Heads
That Nobody
But The Angels
See. So Dont Be Afraid.
God Will find ways for humanity.
Lead Us
Guide Us
God Didn't Mean For Us To Be Immortal.
Even The Stars Die.
AMEN. ////
Hope Is A Fluent Thing.
Not an Affluent thing, a Fluent thing.
PEnetrates all things, all languages,
an act of
never goes without shining
a light
in the world.
I looked up
at the stars
and i see
For Mankind
In Good Deeds
In Loneliness
And Poverty
And Despair
God loves those who
are meek and trodden-upon. He
A Crown Of Gold
Around Their Heads
That Nobody
But The Angels
See. So Dont Be Afraid.
God Will find ways for humanity.
Lead Us
Guide Us
God Didn't Mean For Us To Be Immortal.
Even The Stars Die.
AMEN. ////
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