Saturday, June 24, 2017

"A Dreamer's Paradise"
Poverty Is A Dreamer's Paradise
I Don't Regret anything and I don't know why
But I love to dream to the stars up in the sky
They ring out the most beautiful music
Heaven can hardly bear the beauty of the stars
And The little weeds growing among the grass are holy
they are perfect and scattered about like prayers to Jesus
Prayer is easy and it is sweet and possessions are held dear
Sleep comes easy and life rolls by softly like a caressing summer wave
soft and gentle is time and kind and merciful is God
and heartbreaks evaporate with the morning dew
I am truly perfectly happy in my life
sadness is divine and sublime and so deep
I don't believe anyone could ever take it away from me!
Poverty is a Dreamer's Paradise
In Jesus' Name,
"Being Happy"
To Be Happy is perhaps the Greatest Freedom
Just To Sit, Alone or wherever you are and
The Gift of happiness is priceless
 antidepressants cannot replicate it
painkillers cannot dull it
 and tranquilizers cannot dim it
True Happiness is to sit alone in a room and be Happy
For No Real ReasonAt All
Inner PEace and Serenity
Joy and Well-Being
Sense that All is Well, Somehow
No Matter How Messed Up Everything Gets
Somehow Just Being Happy is Priceless
Wherever You are
Whatever You are doing
Whether You are large or small
in the Grand Scheme of things
Simply being happy is a wonderful gift from God
In JEsus Name,
When I Was A Child I Would Imagine God
Maybe You feel like God is Cruel
Like he Hurts You Without a good reason
but you are wrong there is always a reason for pain
pain makes us stronger and one learns and grows from pain
our Pain in life creates who we become and transforms us into better hearts
it make us who we are as time goes by do not blame God he knows what he is doing
and all pain and suffering has a reason and a purpose
the pain i feel now, like the coldness of winter, will someday thaw into spring flowers
So God is really not being cruel and He loves us all
his Purposes are divine and unfathomable so don't ever give up on your life
you will be stronger when you overcome pain and one day grateful for your wisdom
Pain makes us Become Who We Are!
In JEsus' Name,
"Why I Believe in Jesus"
I'm Glad I Believe in Jesus After All these years
Because loneliness is the heaviest load to bear on the heart
and nobody deserves to bear it alone
so jesus comforts me in my soliytude unending
may this pain give birth to poetry that soothes others and myself
may the children of pain be Hope and New Beginnings
I dream of starting over I long for what I've lost
and as i bring forth to labor at self expression like tears
streaming down my wet cheeks and dripping into the bathtub
i will never die!
Yes i believe in jesus and it isn't so much because i have proof
i just love jesus as a person he completes me deep inside
and the things i love about my husband are the things that jesus taught
and the way i live my life is based essentially on the way jesus ttaught
and i am glad i believe in jesus after all these years
he is a ghost to my fondest memory and a best friend and companion
sometimes i think the voices i hear are the manifestation of the Holy and Divine
The Holy Spirit sprining forth from my heart like an unsourced well
Bursting forth from my heart with unknown strength like bleeding
i'm glad I believe in Jesus after all these years!
In Jesus' Name,
Schizophrenia is the Curse of Solitude and Sadness
When One is Alone One's Thoughts Become Loud
So You Write them down, it doesnt really help
the depth of the soul is like an ocean at night, fathomless
and noone has the courage to penetrate its solitude
sadness is a voice in my heart and my unhearing inner ear
as though from death and nonexistence rises forth a Jubilant Spring
Pouring forth the inaudible blood of my aching soul that is my pain
and my heart is bleeding words that stab my heart again and again
my unheard cries of agony echo against my ponderous mind
like a world or a vaccuum that is infinite and unending it never stops
these voices in my head are the music of my soul and the colors of my heartbreak
self expression is become void in this meandering pain
In JEsus' Name,
There Are Comforts That Soothe The Soul
Sometimes A Cup of Hot Coffee Is The Kindest Gift You Can Give
Sometimes a lamp emits a light in the dark rainy afternoon room
A light that warms the heart and fulfills longing for just a moment
i hope you can sigh when you are sad because sadness is deep and eternal
For some of us it never goes away sadness is dense like trees or rosebushes
something about sadness that makes me cry something i cannot explain
and hope to see the loved one again
"Local Bookstore"
It is a Second Home, The Local bookstore
Something of yellowed pages and umbrellas shaking off rain
something about cities and grime and timelessness and hot coffee
something Safe, you feel safe and at home
one feels like nothing could hurt you inside the local bookstore
Safe and sound in its walls a blessed sanctuary like a church
filled with books and you gave your life to books
Some impenetrable safety of bookisshness and peace
you want to withdraw from the city and lose yourself in a book
and the coffee reassures you that things are somehow going to be O.K.
Safety in the City and Solace in Solitude A Quiet Place To Rest
A Sanctuary and a home and a place to pray
,The Local Bookstore!

And Now I Will Wirte of Loneliness
Loneliness is Deadly and it dan be described as an Ache
"Dolerse" To Hurt, Deeply in the heart
This is Loneliness.  A Bit Hopeless and hard to shake
just the feeling that one is actually completely alone in life
and that there is nothing anyone or anything can do to help you
as though no matter how busy or full one's life is
yet still One Will always be alone it is painful
it comes when the one you loves is ripped away from you
or there is noone to love
it hurts the Best of Us at the Worst of times
Loneliness is the Solitary emotion it creeps in
like an unwanted guest or a bad omen
you pray that this unwanted feelinf is not who you are
yet feel like an outcast all the same and hopelessness
when you are lonely the deepest feeling resides in your heart
the things that make you feel deeper than others really are deep
and you prefer being alone in solitude to anything else
it is the sense of being alone that is divine and [pleasing to the soul
to stand apart from the world and watch all life and eart pass you by
there is peace in being perfectly still
There is Peace in letting the world pass you by
like bright fluffy clouds on a slanting summer sky
and loneliness is the loss of someone you love
and loneliness is also the lack thereof
and loneliness is my companion in my solitude
and i am loath to leave such gentle company!
And loneliness never ends and you long and long
the loss in your heart that won't be denied
when someone you love has left you or died
you look for their love yet find an empty hole
a place in your heart that is lacking part of your soul
there are no few tears to absolve this greif
our lives have proven to us that Time is a thief!
In Jesus' Name,
"Poem To Uncle Bill"
When My Uncle Died Nobody Cared
Nobody Cared, not even at all.  They didn't care
When He died Nobody even knew he was dead
But I did because I prayed and He Spoke To Me
The Days Went By, We Walked A Lonely Road
Together, He and I, He Was My Companion
In Life, In My HEart, and I Was Not Alone Then
When My Uncle Went To HEaven There Was Blood on the wall
A Bloody HAndprint on my berdroom wall, my own
The time i almost cut my toe off on a piece of sharp glass
It makes me so sad I remember his Vioce In my heart like Bubbles
Bubbles rising Up and Up in my heart like Joyful Champagne
We Walked A Long and lonely road that may yet never end
I have become his companion in a long and sadness filled story
pain is all around always and he Cries
it is the first time i have ever heard a man cry
he Cries in my heart and i try to get better
When My Uncle Died Nobody Cared
Some days i go walking along the seaside in my heart
there is no sea in this city but pavement and slabs of concrete
Cars come and go but not for me, i am imprisoned in this tomb
there is no escape for me and no hope left at all
In my heart i go walking by the ocean waves as they lap in and out
against the humid shores of my Being, like my uncle;s Voice
Coming and going like breathing in and out like panting or my heartbeat
I feel alone in this solitude there is noone there to comfort me
except my uncle's inaudible voice bubbling up into my heart
I pray all day increasingly more and more, until it is become qWho I Am
Loneliness seems the gentle ghost to my memory and I pray
I pray with all my heart and all my soul
I am terrified of dying i dont know whar happens to us when we die
Perhaps that is why i am so Sad Why I Cry and Pray All Day every Day
When My Uncle Died Nobody Cared
I Guess It Broke My Heart!
In Jesus' Name,
I Write, Because--
--Because, There is Something That Needs To Be Told.
There are Great Truths about Our Jesus Christ
Truths That The World Deserves To Know
Yet Does Not Yet Know
There Are Things That Need To Be Said
Things About God
About Jesus Christ
About Why We Are All Alive
What The Life is Reallt All About
To Me.  Wisdom Comes Slowly and Softly
like the hands of the Warm Summer Rain
On Afternoons Slipping Past Gently, Softly like Dreams
Cool To The Touch, Sweet To the Taste
You Could Stay HEre In These Moments Forever
In JEsus Name,

Friday, June 23, 2017

"All The Same"
Life Is Hard And Yet, I am still alive
I don't know how I have survived and I Give Thanks to God
Thanks to God My Father Just Working hard to Keep My Fool self Alive!
Hallelujah Lord!  Why would God care about someone as sinful as me?  I don't know
and Yet, I know and Believe, deep in my heart, that God Loves Me All The Same
All The Same
He Loves Me
 All The Same!
In Jesus' Name,
"Hymn No 1"
The Lord Comes To Me In Day and In Night,
The Lord Is With Me In All Forms of True Sight.
Hallelujah To The Holy Lord, May He Be Lifted High,
For Resting On The Cross is The Hope of You and I
Let Us Praise Him With Cymbals And Harps and With Drums
Hallelujah on High Most For God's Kingdom To Come!
In Jesus' Name, Amen!
"The Lord JEsus"
The Little Lord Jesus, Asleep In The Straw!
How Holy a blessed night, that the Grace of God should come to me!
The Greatest Thing anyone can do in this Life, is to take care of one another
there are countless acts of kindness one can do at any point in time, to be kind!
Kindness is perhaps the reason we are sent to earth in the first place
life is short but eternity is forever
may we each do the kindest little things, and inherit the kingdom of God!
In Jesus' Name,