Saturday, June 11, 2016

"One Good Thing"
I have loved and love certain people
in my long confusing life
and these certain people
there are many, some more, some less
the thought of them existing somewhere out there,
that they are still alive and fighting,
that they exist, give me the courage and peace and serenity
and i feel so happy just knowing they are okay
these people from my past make me smile
and so, when i face desolation, i can look up
at the Stars in The Sky
And Smile, Knowing That
All of Them
They Are Looking At The Same Stars
And That Gives Me Courage and Strength
It Gives Me Happiness and Hope
It Give Me The Strength To Live My Life
Having Been Deeply Loved
In My Childhood.  I have That.
That is
In JEsus' Name,
"Facing Pain"
I have Faced A Whole Lot Of Rejection In My Lifetime.
It Has Made Me Who I Am,  It Has Made Me Wise.
Everytime Somebody Broke My Heart or Turned me down,
And that is a gift from God.  Wisdom Comes From Experience, actually.
I have faced my share of Hatred and Cruelty and Being Dissed
Bey Everyone in The World, Every friend i ever Had,
Never getting to have another friend again, facing rejection
Being alone
Yet Not Lonely
Because, I don't Want
Them.  I don't want to.  I'mm'a do it my way.
Imm'a get Wise.  Getting Wiser Is My Purpose.
I came here to get wise.  All this rejection, it be
Making me Stronger.  It Be Aimed, At God Almighty
And I Pity The Fool
That Aims at God Almighty.  You shall not hurt his children.
You shall not harm one another.  We are his children.
When you smite someone, you are SMITING GOD.
And meanwhile, the person whose heart you broke?  They fine!
They Better Off Without you!  They moving on!
They Got Karma baby.  Because Life is Short.
Be careful What you Do With It.
Turn the other cheek, always!
In Jesus' Name,
"Be Grateful To God for What You Were Given"
Be Grateful To God For What You Were Given
Be Grateful To God For What he Gives You Daily
Be Grateful to God For your life, your good heart,
and for your future.  Because if you have a future
then you have EVERYTHING.  So many times. people
people aren't grateful to God for what he has given them.
Instead of looking at your problems and resenting God,
instead of getting angry or frustrated when life doesnt go your way,
instead of being bitter towards god, Be GRATEFUL.
Be An Optimist ALWAYS.  Look on the bright side.
God doesn't make mistakes and we are all held accountable
for what we have and what we were given, and God,
God just Wants us to Love Him and Praise Him!
So you broke your nose?  Laugh it off!  Be Brave!
Have Faith in God, say to yourself, "Okay, God Gave Me This
For A Reason...So when faced with problems, what we need
is SOLUTIONS.  Answers.  like courage.  having courage is an answer
to what God expects us to do.  God advised me to have courage,
that Courage in spite of what is painful is Hope For The Human Race
For Thue Earth For The Universe, For God and all his Children,
 Where you See PROBLEMS, instead of anger, look for SOLUTIONS.
Be an Optimist!  Help God!  He HAs enough on his plate.
By the way, if you're eating something really delicious, save God a portion.
God gets hungry and he likes good food.  Put it aside, then throw it away.
You'll know, And God Will know, and that,
that makes all the difference.  Sacrifice to God meanwhile
Be Grateful To God For What You Have Been Given!
Bitterness is the cause of the fall of Satan.
In Jesus' Name,
"When You Will Need COURAGE"
it's the answer to life's hardships
life may knock us down/but it cant
break us.  God is with every single person
it doesn't matter what you look like.
if you are facing hardship with your physical
appearance, then....
You are going To Need To Have A Lot Of Courage.
You are going to have to have courage.
God doesn't make mistakes life is a test
we are here on earth to make the best
of what we have, and on of the most useful
and Hopes of mankind, is Courage
Have Courage in the face of what you look like.
You are going to have to be
Very Brave.  Can You Be Brave?
Courage is the answer to fighting Satan.
We must, must, must, Have Courage.
In Jesus' Name,

"You Can Give Of Your Heart Endlessly"
You Can Give Of Your Heart Endlessly.
There is no limit to the heart, keep on pushing
your heart to love at least a little more every second
this is a learning thing, this life, learning to love
and, while i'm learning to love more and more
and more and more, i can hand you your football
and that, that little second, means everything to me.
What God Asks of Us is that We Give Of Our HEart.
Life is all about learning to grow your heart.
You can Give Of Your Heart Endlessly!
In JEsus' NAme,
//Did the Baby Get A Good Night's Sleep?
A Good
Nights Sleep
Before he had to go in for another
14 hour shift? That.
That is everything me.
Providing a home for my baby
making sure he gets enough sleep
and feels more loved than i can express
in a way that is magical
All I Want out of my life
Is For My Baby To Get
A Good Night's Sleep
Where He IS So Loved
That fourteen-hour shifts
don't mean a thing
to my husband Theodore, he is so
Loved!  I'm right here,
waiting for him, all day!  And isn't
In Jesus' Name,
"About LOVE"
noses will get broken, dishes will get soiled Better a broken nose than a broken heart if you love someone more than you actually love yourself, then then you won't notice that your nose is broken at all. youll just be happy that he loves you that youll alway be his comfort toy, his soulmate someone he is unable to live without as though, in breaking my nose, he was claiming to own me as his most beloved possession and nobody else's- so that nobody else would would want me. He loves me madly i'm not mad at him, noses will get broken and dished will get soiled and trash will not be taken out because he works too hard. There much important things than what you look like in a photograph, and what's more, he loves me much more now that my nose is broken. he is sorry when he sees me. i belong to him and only him, which is all i ever really wanted to have in the first place! In Jesus' Name, Amen!////

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

"The Handmade Oriental Quilt"
//I think, that it is
to notice
and value
the little things in life.
When you're poor, a quilt
you made by hand as a teenager
can enclose
within it
and all the little miracles that
that make us feel joy
where once that quilt i made
was but a dream,
a dream about a dream,
that i stitched by deliberate hand
it took a year
back then, i was too rich
and spoiled to
to appreciate the ornate beauty
and secrets lying within
every single ingeniusly
placed patch.  The Work of my hands
My writings
My Paintings
The Ones I Take Care of, nurture and protect
the small acts of kindness and due diligence
every me, now,
that quilt is a priceless heirloom
and it gives my faith in God
and hope, great hope, enormous hope!
and it gives me strength
for it was made of love, by love,
for someone i love though i still have it
i am so grateful to have it,
not only because its extraordinary, but
because its all i have left to remember
her by!
In closing, You Don't Ask The Good Lord
How To Do His Business.  His Plans
are not our Plans His Ways
are not our ways.  just focus
on you own individual life, what
can you do to make it a better place
a better home,
a better world.  The fruit of one's hands
is, perhaps, the most powerful testimony
that the IS A God, Who Loves Us,
And Has Plans And Reasons Beyond our individual lives
That there is something bigger than us, something
that we need to each contribute to individually,
in our lives, for My Own Personal Visions
and Creations that Embody, to me,
Goodness, Happiness, and Love.
I pray that if I am lucky enough to grow Old,
I pray that reading my books will be a great source of joy
comfort, memories, and hope and faith, and that the writings
themselves, in my own reading them as an old person
or if i am ever in need
or in doubt
or in pain-- that my writings may bring
Great, Deep Comfort To Theodore's and My Souls.
When We're Old, Lord---We Can Look back
on fruit flies and dirty dishes
and say, "Don't cry over spilled milk"
and praise God.  For He is Good.
In JEsus' Name, I Pray,
Have You Ever Known How It Feels
To Cry Or Hurt Or Ache Or Bleed?
Have you ever had a broken heart
And felt that only God could fix it?
Are you compassionate?  Do you care
When People around you are being hurt?
Do you care? That is the only question
in the life that matters,  Do you have a
Good heart?  Do you want to be a good
person, but never got around to it? Well,
the good news is, it's never too late to start.
Love One Another.  Do Kind Deeds.  Love.
It Makes Every Bit Of The Difference
 To Everything and everyone, and to God.

Monday, June 6, 2016

I. Conclusion One. "We Dont Exist"
Using my own logical deduction, if we aren't something, but only trillions of cells---then i Conclude logically that We Living Things DO NOT REALLY EXIST!! Am i so wrong? You could say, our spirits exist, but the cells we are made of are NOT WHO or WHAT WE ARE. What ARE we? NOT PHYSICAL. i conclude that living things dont physically exist, that the physical world is just a dimension of space, that we continue in other dimensions, that our cells are NOT US. Who are we, then? /// Carolien E. Sullivan land
II.  Conclusion Two, Based on Conclusion One. "Reality is JUst A Projected Movie By A Movie Projector"
Living things in the physical World are like a movie projected onto a blank screen by a movie projector. it may "exist" as a "thing", but the movie you're watching IS NOT THE MOVIE ITSELF. first of all, its just light, pieces of light and sound projected by a machine, a movie projector. So what is a movie? It's a world beyond the movie projector, that you can only observe, and turn off, in the physical world. But the the movie you may be watching doesn't "exist" Thus, then, with living things. We are just trillions of cells, just like a movie isn't the thing it seems. its just a projection of something...beyond us, the audience. --Caroline E Sullivan Land.

III. Conclusion Three, Based on Conclusion Two: "Dreams/Thoughts are The Only Reality, or, "Life is But A Dream"
If living things doesn't exist, but are projectiions into a physical "world" (dimension), then we are really only a CONCEPT, Made of DREAMS.  The Cocept of a DREAM, a THOUGHT, an idea, is what we are, and the only thing that exists.  Life is but a dream.  For without living things, what would the universe be? Nothing.  And furthermore, "life" is but a Dream.  Literally.  The Ideas and thoughts we have over time make up something that I conclude is who we are, and what the world is.
IV. The Mind is Something, A Soul
The mind is its own place, and in itself can be a heaven or a hell.  It depends on our thoughts, our souls, which cannot be captured in cells physically.  We are spirits or souls, not bodies. the body is just a vehicle for the mind....the mind is a vehicle for the soul....the Soul Does Not Exist Physically; and Therefore "Who We Are" does not exist.  We are Souls, Projected into a dimension, yet our dreams and thoughts are what we really are.  So Life is But A Dream! Literally!  
IV.  Conclusion Four based on Conclusion Three: "The Mind is The Universe"
The mind is the universe.
In Jesus Name,

Thursday, June 2, 2016

I was horrified when I Felt, or Realized, that
My Grandmother was trapped within a ring of fire
and that time was ticking and I had no way or hope
to rescue her.  That although she seemed safe, it was
just a matter of time before she was consumed by fire,
and i having no ways whatsoever to preventing her end
i had no way of saving her life.  It was like Satan laughing at me
Saying "You'll Never See Your Sweet Mommee Again and
There's Nothing You Can Do about It, is there?  And I realize
that there is not anything I can do to stop time or reverse aging,
and i feel defeated.  Then She Calls me on the phone, the sweetest
voice, and I promise her I'm going to get her out of that Fiery Prison.
In JEsus' Name,
"Good and Evil People"
I Am A Light In Darkness, A Constant Burning Star
Some People Give Me Energy, They are Goodness
Some People Attack My Energy, I Call That Evil
Some people are good and some people are evil
The Goal Is To Protect Your Heart From The Evil Ones
And To Share Your Light In Constellations With Good Ones.
"Mentally Ill" Just Wants to Put Out My Light
"Government", wants to put out my light
"Police", wants to put out my light
Me?  I Actually think they're jealous lol
when you see something good and beautiful
somebody like a butterfly flying among blossoms
and The Police, and others, They Want To Put Out That Light
I think Police and Doctors Are Jealous of us Victims
I think they are agents of darkness, while Victims
me and mine, we are the Children of Light
And They Can Never Ever Put Out This Light
For It Springs From God.  We All Die.  In the end
They return to darkness and our light shines
even brighter than before.  This is a cosmic War.
Whose side are you on, Light, or Darkness?
In Jesus' Name,
"I am That Beautiful"
I am a beautiful phenomenon
A work of art made by God
My body is a prophecy and a history
of those who came before me and died
of those who gave their lives to love me
all their lives, they held me and loved me
so much effort has been put into my education
it is a incredible how hard people have worked
to teach me the ways to do things in school, in college
people saw potential in me and they gave me all they had
That's how i know that me, being made up
of all these people and places and energies, that I
am Incredibly Beautiful creature on this Earth, living.
That my life benefits the world, makes it a better place
That my life almost always brings a smile to God's Face
God Fills Me With His Love and I Love Him In Return
Forget The Physical.  My Mind is a phenomenon
Created and nurtured by God, by my family
Precious and Beautiful, I am.  I don't have to settle
for less.  I can just sit in my house and be me.
That's All i have to do to make the world a better place.
My life shines a light into darkness because i am knitted
With Incredible Amounts Of Love, And I can only Pray
To Fulfill The Dreams of Those Who Poured Themselves
Into Me.
In Jesus' Name,
I Am Caroline Land, A Poet"
I Am Caroline Land, A Poet
I've Wanted To Be A Poet
 Since i saw my first ABC'S
Because nobody had to teach me
how to read. i read books all my life
i learned about the romance of being a poet
i realized, not only was i born to be a writer,
i was actually born to be a poet
If I Cannot Write every day, i get suicidal
And I get depressed and reckless and
i lose my reason for living and my happiness
I like to write more than i can explain
I write Every Day, Never Gonna Stop
Don't have time to compare with others
Gotta Get These Words Out Of My Heart
Like A Melody Only I can Hear
And If I don't sing this melody, then
Nobody ever will, ever, for eternity.
And that makes me angry, that darkness
can put out a light.  So I Write.
I am Caroline Land, A Poet.
"Louder, Harder, Better/"
If you want to be alive,
Drink a beer
Eat a Strawberry
Kiss Someone You Love
Draw A Picture
Write A Poem
Binge on Lasagna
Cook with Herbs
Play The Cello A String
Walk around your house naked
watch clouds pass on the ceiling
If You Want To Feel Alive
You've Got To Feel It For Yourself
Or You'll Never Know
You'll never Know How It Feels
To Be Alive!
In JEsus' Name,
"Alive is Better"
I was feeling a little Wild this Morning
So I Slipped Barefoot onto my garden porch
and breathed in the humid air and felt being alive
alive is good, alive is good, dream world is bad
don't wanna get caught up in a dream world
you could feel the wooden slats under your feet
and the breeze tickling my face and hair
the green things are growing wild and lush
when i feel lost, at wit's end, i go to my garden porch
and hold out my palms and take in the raw energy
of the power and beauty of the growing things in Summer
and the energy they restore to my soul is like sunlight
to a plant that's been too long hidden from the sun
the plants on my porch are my brothers and sisters
i feel God There, i feel my purpose there, with the plants
i feel like i am one of them, a part, of nature, welcomed in.
In Jesus' Name,

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

"To My Dream Wolf"
I Just Want To Rise Up And Fly Away
Trapped In This Dense Forest, I feel Trapped
Don't know which path to take to get out
Wishing I Had A Wolf To Ride To Get Me Out
Out Of This Hellish Congested Forest
Into a Bright and High Place, With Grass and Sun!
Run, my Wolf, Run Like The Devil Were Behind Thee
Thy fierce muscles, i thought you were a horse
my thumbs warm and loved in your nostrils,
my small fingers resting comfortably in your mouth
that's how i hold on
getting the hell out of this place, this labyrinth of trees
I'm glad you know the way!
We've Got To Get Out Of This Place Somehow
I'm getting tired of this life
I'm getting tired of living these days
Without anywhere to go, my dreamworld
When I Close My Eyes, Is Calling Me
Just Enough, But Not Too Much, Whispering,
"...Caroline, Your only true treasures are in heaven!"
And Then I Wake Up.
Gettin tired of living
This world has been a loser world for me
This earth it isnt a kind place to me
So I'll just rise up into the universe
And Fly Away!