Friday, November 27, 2015

"A Wounded Bird"
A Cherubim Wounded in the Wing
Gasping for Breath, Groping for Sustenance
A Branch form Heaven to pull me from this Icy Pond
Oh How Many of Our Little Ones Have Died This Way!
In Jesus' Name,

Thursday, November 26, 2015

White Dove
My Heart Springs Out of Its Cage
 and Confines Suddenly like a caged bird
flying up out of a snare, escaping a cage
when i read my work i feel my heart fly
from some dank dark prison where the cage is laws
and the bird is kindness that is why it flies
if a caged bird gets the chance, they will fly away
if a kind person gets the chance, they will do good
So Be it unto you, that ye do good out the Goodness
Of Your Heart, And Not Evil.  Fly Free From Cages
and and snares of laws and soldiers and governments
Fly away so free, little bird, fly from my heart, be free!!!
"The Fragility Of A Dream"
(To Gwendolyn Brown With Love)
To Have A Dream In Your Heart
Is To Have Heaven Within Your Soul
To Have A Dream In Your Heart
Is To Be A mother to anything little like baby birds
or new seedlings or unborn stars or seahorses
a dream is a precious thing too precious to share oftentimes
if you have a friend with whom you can share a dream,
one of your dreams, say, that we all be christlike and selfless,
the mutual dream that we all follow precisely the teachings of Christ,
or any dream really-- if you share that dream with someone,
the Lord, The Is A Friend Indeed.  True Friendship
Is Born Of Spiritual Dreams, Spiritual Goals, and that is why
When I tell you I will spend the money on my family not myself,
you can believe me, and trust my integrity, simply because
you know that i share the same fragile dream you have-- the dream
of being completely christlike!  And So Together We are
We Are Sisters in Christ.  The Money Would Go To Two Little Boys
Who Are Very Poor.  And We would then Would Be Able To have fulfilled our dream
of giving them a merry Christmas!  Oh, How Fragile is a dream!
In Jesus' Name,

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

//It started as a Whisper
that grew into a Shout:
The Soul is not money!
The Soul is not Material!
The Soul is not Transferrable!
The Soul is not Physical!
The Soul Is A Butterfly That God Made
And It Flies In Each Living Creature's
It Started As A Whisper
that grew into a Shout...
In Jesus' Name,

Sunday, November 22, 2015

"The Infinite Heart"
The Heart is like a
Golden Vessel, from which
All Good And Loving Things Overflow
The HEart Will keep thee alive
on through in the darkest coldest night
no matter the odds, there is a God and a magic
in the infinite reinvention of the heart
the heart is forever rearranging and matamorphosing
and creating and feeling and loving.
The Heart is an infinite treasure.
I write from the wealth of my Heart!
From the heart spring forth hopes and loves and dreams
A heart cannot be broken and so i believe that
i will life my full lifetime happily ever after,
With my Theodore
And My Heart
my heart will be forever spring forth new mechanical creations
like golden foil birds that fly using springs
or tapestries of dreams that become poems, actions, and paintings
life is an opportunity to express one's heart.
That's what life means to me.  I am rich
because i have a full heart!
In Jesus Name,

Saturday, November 21, 2015

If My Soul Were
A Ball Of Light
It Would Be Glowing right now.
In Jesus' Name,
"Things I Miss"
It Had Been A Long Day
Tears, no Raindrops falling
right off my back all clammy like sweat
does anyone miss the cicadas
or the spiders
or the dew?
I do.  I miss the cicadas at night
and i miss the dew at night
and the spiders at night
and every mornin i wake up and i miss
ti miss the dewfall and i miss grass
and i miss spiderwebs and mimosa trees
and i miss the cicadas singing in summertime
they seemed to sing my cares away
when i was a little girl
now, i never hear them
anymore.  It's so sad that
i should cry.
Maybe I should get out of the city.
In Jesus' Name,
These Clothes Are Part Of My Body
I've Had Them All So Long to see them again is
because you can only love material things a certain amount and sometimes
you jsut want to cling to your things like your heartbeat itself
homelessness and poverty is my enemy
i try not to lose my home nor my husband.
Homelessness I Have, So just Toss My Soul Aside Like A Once Worn Dress
In Jesus' Name Amen.
"Life Is Precious"
If you only knew or realized how tiny life is
How tiny and young and precious all life is, you
you wouldn't kill them or eat them you would pray
I know because i am a soul and i see my souls and its needs
and i am my own full-time mother i have a husband
that's why i dont think ill ever have children im too busy
taking care of my husband and my own soul nurturing them
with culture and color and music and dignity and ethics and love
with kindness and integrity and respect life is tiny and precious
respect it enough to treat yourself like you deserve and also,
respects other's souls enough as you are good to yourself,
thus be good to others think of others put them before you
that is a form of love love all your little tiny heart out
if they break your heart, purchase a glue gun with your mother
and come home and pick up the shards of glass and glue the porcelain
that is your soul, glue it
back together.  then cry.  then cry and weep and feel the pain.
Then vow promise yourselves you'll never leave again
never set foot outside that door again without a good reason
the world is owned by the government and the humans
they do with it as they please.  this is all i have, Lord!
In Jesus' NAme,
"Why Souls are Sacred"
Souls Were Not Made To Be Used Nor Abused
Souls were Not Made To Be Thrown unloved
 in castaway corners where no decent moneyowner treads
Souls are not meant to be tossed across a room like a dirty sweater
Souls are not meant to be eaten or tamed or used or understood or
broken.  What is a soul, a Soul is the bit of Starlight that ignited this
ashes from ashes and brought this dust from dust souls arent measureable
Cannot be fathomed nor understood not solved like puzzles and souls age
souls age and hurt and feel pain and change and hurt and die and grow and fade
the animals and plants have souls my porcelain dolls and toys have souls
everything born of sunlight has a bit of God inside it and i call that life
What can you do with souls, then? I will tell you.
You Can Respect them.
You Can Worship Them.
You Can Tread Not on Theirs Nor Yours
You Can Love Your Soul.
You Can Love Other Souls.
Souls are created to love.
One Soul Loving Another
Is What Set The Cosmos Into Motion.
So if you see me alone and you think i'm ill,
Remember that the Soul is Sacred and can be killed.
Don't Kill The Human Spirit.  That is Evil.
Foster The Human Spirit and the Souls of all living Beings.
I like being alone because i nurture my soul and others
I give rather than take, from the world, or at least
I try to take as little as possible, and give more than i would
without pressing myself to give more than on and on!
In Jesus' Name,
The Beauty of a Woman
Is Not In Her Clothing
Is not in Her Jewels
Is Not In The Cut and Curve
Is Not in the rhinestones
sequins lace nor embroidery
The Beauty of a Woman
Is Not What She Wears
Nor Their Finness nor Plainness
Its How a Woman Wears Them
Its in the woman, not the clothing
In JEsus' NAme,

Friday, November 20, 2015

"I Love You Too Much To Exist"
I Love You Too Much To Exist
My HEart Throbbing Bloody Pulse Beats
Only For You, My Theodore. To Say that
I'd never Love Again After You, Is Plain.
To Say That I Love You More Than Ever
Love You More Than Any Other
Want To Get Lost In Your Imagination
And Swim With You in a Sea of Bedsheets
Waiting For You To Come Home Is Sweet
I Write You Love Poems The Children Unborn
Were Forgotten In The Haste Of Unbuttoning
My Nightgown and your bedshirt.  Oh, Nights!
Oh Bliss, a fit as Twere For any mortal, such a share
of this life's portion have i recieved in Thee Theodore
I Love You More With With Ever Passing Day
I Love You To the Point Of Heartache For Lovesickness
I Brawl for thee in unthinking madness and scrawl verse
after verse upon the books of the world i dont care
if we are ever famous by the poetry they do not know
How much we are in love or they would be jealous
Don't tell them, I Love You Too Much To Exist.
In Jesus Name,
"She Dreams of The Kingdom of Heaven"
Always, At All Times, In Day Or In Night,
She Dreams of The Kingdom Of Heaven
Where There Will Be Land With New Green Grass
Where There Will Be Sky Of Sunlight Blue And Stars
Where There Will Be Money To Buy Anything
Where One Can Go Shopping or Out To Eat
Or Meet Strangers Of Travel Or Fly or Swim
And All The People Who Broke Her Heart on Earth
Will Be The Waiting To Embrace me
And They Will Actually Be So Glad To See Me Again
After All These Years And Theodore and Lost Loves
And I Will Find Some Peace There, and I Dream All Day
And I Dream All Night, Of The Kingdom Of Heaven
 All Things I Do Are For The Sake of The Kingdom of Heaven.
All Sights I See Are Leading Me Thence Unto Its Shores
Some Days I Feel So Translucently Close To Falling
Into The Kingdom Of Heaven With Petals on Dewy Grasses
I Will Leave This Prison And Go Into The Kingdom of Heaven
When I Die, They Will Say of Me "She Only Wanted To Go
Outside."  But We Won't Hear Them, Will We, For We Will Then Be
Within The Kingdom Of Heaven.  To Live For Something
Is More Than To Believe In Heaven To Defend It And Fight For It
To Live every Moment of this Existence Waiting To Inherit Eternity
As Dreamers Will and perhaps always have, As Prisoners and Saints Do,
She Dreams, Of The Kingdom Of Heaven.
In Jesus' Name,

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

"A Quarrel with a Baby Bird"
A little Wren's Chick, mine
With A Pitterpat Heart
I disagree that poetry is an Art
It is a way of living
it is a way of giving
yourself, your soul, your energy
the mind is its its own place
and here i stay
A little Wren's Chick, Mine
With a Pitterpat Heart
He yelled at me today and said
"Noone wants to read your poetry anyway!"
"So Stop Writing It!"
What A Tender thought, i smile,
 to cease writing is as to cease living
to cease to feel one's existence tanigbly
is to cease to be alive
poetry is the ashes of a fire
that is a well lived life.
My Son's Tears stung more
Than his words did.
A little Wren's Chick, mine
With a Pitterpat Heart,
My Life, My Soul,
My Meaning, My Heart!
Theodore, Thee Art My Art!

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

"A Good Heart"
If you can, Give
A Little Piece
Of Your Heart
To Everyone
That Asks it of you
Because life is short
So Be Kind Always
Give to the poor be poor
be proud to be poor
like siddharta or jesus
cease mulling in the muddle
of religious dogma and
the ones who want blood for love
religion is beautiful, why are
they killing in the name of it?
So if you can, give your heart
to Jesus and do his teachings
treasures in heaven are real
i am poor because i chose to be
i married a homeless man i loved
i did not marry for money
and now, being penniless,
i hold onto my husband and rejoice
at my fair and good and irrevocable
In Jesus Name,
"Sweet Charity"

Tell them the ecstasies and heartaches of your soul, but....
how petty they seem in regard to the needs of others
i dont want to write a verse i want to feed the homeless
and water flowers and clean kitchens and feed little mice
who are waiting on their next 
meal.  The moon is beautiful
How I love the moon when i look at the moon i imagine
a vine entangling it and reaching downards with blossoms
there is no barrier you cannot press through if you push hard enough
when god intervenes there are angels
sometimes the greatest ecstasy is not freedom but sweet captivity
while houses are crumbling and people are dying i regret to inform that
i find my musings trivial in sight of the hungry cold homeless people's eyes
Forgive me if i forsake to heart is dstracted by mice
and the homeless and how everyone needs so very much in life
a home, shelter, warmth, love, food, water.  if the world
is so advanced why are there still people going hungry
in the bitter cold.  I don't believe them.  i believe in jesus
i am going to give my life to doing good deeds now
the world can fear my wake im going to help the helpless
and shelter the homeless and love the unloved
and steal from the rich and give to the poor
after all, Paris is Under Seige! It's the least I can do...
In Jesus' Name,

Friday, November 13, 2015

Are you wildly human
Are you free to run, free to fly
are you free to dream up to the sky
are you unfathomably deep like cool waters
is it your soul aching in your heart
that can't let pieces of yourself go
would you rather be crazy and alone than
to deny a part of what makes you
so beautifully, unfathomably human?
are you alive?  are you there
do you believe in the sky
are you there are you dreaming
can you dream, little one? 
chase your dreams wildly and precociously
never let them go
be like a wild dolphin in deep water
fly away like wildfire
fly away so far and free fly away
dont let anybody smother the light
in jesus' name,

Saturday, November 7, 2015

"Let There Be Hope For Us"
Lord, Let There Be Some Hope
For Theodore And I!  Too Dark
Is The Future Seeming No Money
No House No Garden No Children
No Pet No Job Just Danger
Of Government coming after us
On and On Until We Fall
 Into The Dirt At Last!
Lord, Shine Us A Gift
I Pray A Gift Of Hope
Some Money, Some Food,
You Might Give Us A Friend
Or Family....But we Just Need
A Little Hope In Both Of Our
Lives.  Please Lord I Pray.
In Jesus' Name,
God, I could Use
A Little of Your Grace Now
A Little Of Your Understanding
A Little Of Your Compassion
A Little Of Your Mercy
In My Life
Right Now
And Every Day.
My Life is Hard
There is Heartbreak
And Poverty
Lack and Need
There is so much
Lack and Need in me
And in my life, that I Pray
That You, God, Will Shine Your Light
Shine Your Light Down On Me
Bless Us With Your Grace
Get Us Through Each Day
Life is too hard
There is no hope.
In Jesus' Name,

Friday, November 6, 2015

"Silent Noise"
Silent Noise, Silent Worlds
Go Past In Darkness yet Lord
Lord I am running back
into your arms if i ever
lose my faith in you God
I don't know i couldn't go on
The devil Playing Tricks
He was a liar and a murderer
from the start
I am running into your arms, God.
In Jesus' Name,
"Lord, Let Me Live For Theodore"
I Pray thee, Lord Let Me Live For Him,
My Love, My Life, My Theodore!
Take Not This Sweet Breath from our lips
for all the whispers we've shared so recently
no ticker-tape runneth we up, so let us dream
and in this possible madness that is love and poetry
let us live on to love, Oh Lord, Let us live on!
My Theodore and I must live, Oh God, Else This Life
Shall Have No Pretty Children To Nod Upon!
I Praythee, Help My Little Child Each Day To Live,
And Strengthen me thus, that i make care fore him!
Let us Live, Lord!  Theodore and I,
In Jesus' Name,

Thursday, November 5, 2015

When My Well Runs Dry,
Oh Lord!  Will I still, then,
Be your Child, Lord, even
when i cannot find the words?
A life well lived is priceless
A Life of good deeds is priceless
A Life of love and kindness
is the only life i want to have
and when i rest in the earth,
i hope my energy benefits the
 universe and makes a light shine
there is so much darkness, Lord
Shining a little light is all i wanna do.
In Jesus' Name,
"To Theodore"
I Held You In My Warm Arms
Never Loved You More than now
I Hold you my child like my last embrace
every embrace is fit to be my last
so that if anything ever happens to me
and i am unable to take care of you,
i will have always said i love and therefore
never regret a thing!  The road goes on and on
you and i are one we Have Forged A Paradise
From Pure Wilderness We Built This Home
Every Single Thing In It and We Live In It
I Don't Believe anyone could ever take that away
But if they did, we'd start over.
I didn't know how to feel back then
at least i have a heart now im real
more real now than ive ever been
and im going to grow and grow!
I'm going to say what i think without fear
I'm going to really, really write
without being afraid of what anyone thinks
im really going to start writing!
"Choosing a Path"
I came into
a Point of My Life
When I Had To Decide
Which Road I Would Take
And Take it To The End
And Temptation Tempted me
And I Tried To Shrug off Virtue
And I Tried to calm down
And I Tried not to feel it
But I could Feel it
And I Could Know It
And I Could Name It
And I Followed My Heart
And Left The Person I Was
Behind and all that I seemed
And How I have Changed
And How I am different
And how i am weakened
and how my weakness
is what makes me strong now
and how i cannot lie
and how i look you in the eye
and everything that i hold dear
and my reason for living
and my purpose is changed
i cannot go back
i cannot go back
i can, and i am tempted to
but if i go a little further, then
i wont be able to come back to it
two paths of life
i had to follow my heart
my heart betrayed my dream
i flew like a free bird away
and i am going to name it
and i am going to find it
and i am going to do it
because ive come this far
we cant go back
im going down a path
i wouldn't have foreseen
three years ago!
In Jesus' Name,